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PM7 South Africa 13-16 th Aug 2007 The Librarian’s Guide to Researchers Developing and managing effective LIS to support research and researchers Pat Gannon-Leary,

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Presentation on theme: "PM7 South Africa 13-16 th Aug 2007 The Librarian’s Guide to Researchers Developing and managing effective LIS to support research and researchers Pat Gannon-Leary,"— Presentation transcript:

1 PM7 South Africa 13-16 th Aug 2007 The Librarian’s Guide to Researchers Developing and managing effective LIS to support research and researchers Pat Gannon-Leary, Moira Bent, Jo Webb.

2 PM7 2007 Background  Who we are  The Book  The British Academy

3 PM7 2007 Why this and why now  The Book  RIN survey  Timeliness  Relevance  21 st century research  E / Web 2.0  justification

4 PM7 2007 Perceptions exercise  What do you think your researchers think?

5 PM7 2007 Outline for today  Where are we now – evaluating our services  Perceptions of issues relating to libraries and researchers  Our survey and results  Key issues  Final thoughts

6 PM7 2007 Questions for you  How do you evaluate services to research in your library?  What do you do?  How often?  How do you respond to results?  What do you think the issues are in terms of how libraries support research?

7 PM7 2007 Some of our perceptions were:  Libraries are decreasing in importance to researchers  Information is retrievable in other ways  Print collections are less relevant  Libraries are more about supporting T&L  Libraries are developing into social learning spaces

8 PM7 2007 The Survey  Purpose  Approach  International dimension  Methodology  Interviews – face to face/ email /phone  Sample  The two ends of the spectrum  9 countries

9 PM7 2007 Sample spectrum “I consider myself to be at the start of my research career, although I have been doing research for about 4 years” [Recent PhD graduate, South Africa] “”I have 5 years to retirement but research is becoming more important in my career. I still have one, even though retirement is looming” [South African researcher]

10 PM7 2007 Results 1: Libraries are vital to researchers  Incredibly important  Fundamental  Vital  Essential  Indispensable  ”on a scale of 1-10 the library is 20”

11 PM7 2007 Results 2 : Likes & dislikes  Open access  Electronic resources  Atmosphere – quiet  Friendly professionals  Speed of service  Closed stacks  No full text access  Noise, bustle  Grumpy counter staff  Organisational issues

12 PM7 2007 Key issues  Language  Space  Staff  E

13 PM7 2007 Language  Scholarly communication in English  Access issues  Who is at an advantage?  Might this change in future?

14 PM7 2007 Space  Less important but as holder of resources  Sanctity of research library atmosphere  Wow factor  Escape from phone/ colleagues  Browsing/ serendipity  Library as university “icon” – to be proud of

15 PM7 2007 Staff  Patient  Helpful  Knowledgeable  Skilled trainers  Pedagogical expertise  94% mentioned librarian as first source of help

16 PM7 2007 E  Access  Sharing  Time saving  Equity of access  Alerting services  Government info  Data collation  Quantity  Organising what you find  Limits research to what is easy “E has changed the way we do research”

17 PM7 2007 The end  Back to you – how did your original issues match with our findings?  So what should we do now? Rest on our laurels?

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