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Root Words (Week 1) BELL (Latin meaning “war”) Bellona was the Roman goddess of war and her husband Mars was the god of war. Antebellum: (noun) Period.

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Presentation on theme: "Root Words (Week 1) BELL (Latin meaning “war”) Bellona was the Roman goddess of war and her husband Mars was the god of war. Antebellum: (noun) Period."— Presentation transcript:

1 Root Words (Week 1) BELL (Latin meaning “war”) Bellona was the Roman goddess of war and her husband Mars was the god of war. Antebellum: (noun) Period before a war (before + war) Bellicose: (adj) Warlike, aggressive Belligerence: (noun) Aggressiveness Rebellion: (noun) Defiance and opposition

2 Root Words (Week 1) Pacify: (verb) To sooth anger/aggression
PAC/PEAS (Latin related to “agree” and “peace”) The Pacific Ocean was named so because to Magellan is seemed to be peaceful. Pacify: (verb) To sooth anger/aggression Pacifist: (noun) A person opposed to violence or war Pact: (noun) A treaty or agreement Appease: (verb) To make peaceful and calm

3 HOSP or HOST (latin word for hospes meaning “host” or “guest”)
Root Words (Week 2) HOSP or HOST (latin word for hospes meaning “host” or “guest”) Inhospitable: unfriendly Hostel: Place for travelers to stay at a low cost Hospice: Place for the terminally ill Other words you might connect: Hospital Hostage

4 Think “amigo” in Spanish!
Root Words (Week 2) AM/IM (Latin word for amare meaning “to love”) Amiable: Friendly Amicable: Friendly, Peaceful (more formal than “amiable”) Enamored: Charmed with love; infatuated Inimical: Hostile, unfriendly (“in-” negates the meaning) Paramour: A secret love that is not allowed by law or custom (“par-” means “by or through”) Think “amigo” in Spanish!

5 Root Words (Week 3) CRIM (Latin for “fault” and “crime”) Decriminalize: (verb) To remove or reduce the criminal status Incriminate: (verb) To show evidence of involvement in a crime Criminology: (noun) The study of crime and law enforcement

6 Root Words (Week 3) PROB (Latin for “prove” and “proof”) Approbation: (noun) A formal act of approval or praise Probity: (noun) Absolute honesty and uprightness (pro-be-tea; not to be confused with propriety) Reprobate: (noun) A person of thoroughly bad character. As a verb, it means to express disapproval.

7 Root Words (Week 4) LEV (“Levus” meaning “light”)
Alleviate: (verb) To relieve, lighten, or lessen Levity: (noun) Humor or lack of seriousness Related Words: Elevate, Levitate, Leavening, Unleavened Yeast

8 Related Words: Definite, infinite, infinitesimal, definitive
Root Words (Week 4) FIN (Latin for “end”) Affinity: (noun) An interest or attraction (it is almost like you want to with it until the end) Finite: (adj) Having definite limits Related Words: Definite, infinite, infinitesimal, definitive

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