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Pohutukawa 58 Beach Valley Road Piha. Melean Absolum Report 2005 WCC’s Coastal Villages, Landscape Assessment for WCC as part of WRHA Act, on Beach Valley.

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Presentation on theme: "Pohutukawa 58 Beach Valley Road Piha. Melean Absolum Report 2005 WCC’s Coastal Villages, Landscape Assessment for WCC as part of WRHA Act, on Beach Valley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pohutukawa 58 Beach Valley Road Piha

2 Melean Absolum Report 2005 WCC’s Coastal Villages, Landscape Assessment for WCC as part of WRHA Act, on Beach Valley Road “retention of a significant number of large pohutukawa creates a distinctive and highly attractive valley landscape...” “strong sense of enclosure...” “Loss of vegetation is probably the biggest threat to this Landscape Unit.” “continued diligence with regard to vegetation removal will be an ongoing requirement.”




6 Plan Change 41 Beach Valley RD pohutukawa nominated to WCC pre-amalgamation Nominated to Waitakere Ranges Local Board with proposed removal of urban tree rules Not assessed because of resource constraints Submitters reassured during PC 41 hearing that their nominations would go forward to Unitary Plan

7 Loss of pohutukawa since amalgamation January 2012, 28-30 Beach Valley Rd Nearly lost more than one limb as more of trees in 4.25 metre road corridor envelope Seaview Road, severely pruned during footpath construction, 2011 All these trees nominated for scheduling


9 Community consultation Pattern with all these trees is lack of consultation with community Consultation with WRLB? By AT or Parks? Contrasts with previous WCC practices In middle of Plan Change 41

10 Resource Consent Application “We wish to pursue hard pruning now as a controlled activity to minimise concern around risk, then we shall apply in future for removal of the tree – also attached is email account of the alleged injuries caused to pedestrians using the thoroughfare” Applied as a “controlled activity” instead of “restricted discretionary”






16 4.25 metre road corridor envelope What AT working for Implications for rest of coastal villages and entire HA

17 North Piha Road pohutukawa Are these at risk ?

18 Garden Road pohutukawa Are these at risk?

19 Bigger picture? What does the future hold? Where is Auckland Transport going with approach to WRHA? Issue wider than Piha – relevant to whole HA Other issues - numerous complaints about infrastructure, signage, heavily engineered approach

20 Who owns the land? NOR talks about “Auckland Council owned and Auckland Transport managed roads in the Auckland Region” Role of Local Board?

21 Auckland Transport proposed Designation Applied 14 June 2012 Maintaining, pruning and removal of vegetation on roads Maintaining, pruning and trimming of overhanging vegetation from private property and in the road Full width of legal roads...between the boundaries of its adjacent private properties No consents needed except for scheduled trees Consistent approach across Auckland - ? WRHAA

22 Alternatives Do nothing Shared space Move half round barrier Sign and monitor

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