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January 2007: MDC / MNC Enhancements Password reminder Improved spell-check Improved relevance for book searching Enhanced drug information MDC only: Changes.

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Presentation on theme: "January 2007: MDC / MNC Enhancements Password reminder Improved spell-check Improved relevance for book searching Enhanced drug information MDC only: Changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 2007: MDC / MNC Enhancements Password reminder Improved spell-check Improved relevance for book searching Enhanced drug information MDC only: Changes to CME and Clinical Insights

2 Password reminder Allows individual users to retrieve their passwords online without contacting customer service Benefits: –Increased usage –Quicker response time for forgotten passwords

3 Password reminder


5 Spell-check Changes to the underlying spell-check functionality and data source Now using MD Consult’s version of the UMLS (Unified Medical Language System) Benefits: –Increased recognition of misspellings –Improved recommendations for misspelled words

6 Improved full-text book search Improved relevance when there is a direct hit on a chapter or section title Direct hits will move up higher in the search results list Benefits: –Quicker, easier access to book information

7 Comparison: current MD Consult Search for asthma in Murray & Nadel

8 Comparison: improved searching Search for asthma in Murray & Nadel

9 Enhanced drug information Adding additional monographs: –Investigational Drugs Recently-approved drugs and those in Phase III clinical investigation –Less Common Drugs Infrequently prescribed or for which there is little clinical information –Combination Drugs –Neutraceuticals Dietary supplements that are being used in a therapeutic manner –Nutritional Products Traditional multivitamin products and enteral nutritional feedings

10 Additional drug content Currently: 1417 “full” monographs Adding –205 Investigational Drugs –219 Less Common Drugs –181 Combination Drugs –27 Nutraceuticals –631 Nutritional Products New total: 2680 (almost double!)

11 Changes to CME Clinical Cornerstone CME will move from Clinical Insights to the CME tab. Benefits: –Increased visibility of Clinical Cornerstone –Increased usage of CME offering by end-users

12 Clinical Insights changes The “Clinical Insights” area is being removed –Clinical Cornerstone  CME tab –Systematic Reviews  Journals tab (Top 10) –Latest Postings from Clinics  Clinics (Top 10) –Your Patients and Practice  Removed Benefits –Decreased clutter; improved user experience –Increased visibility for most popular journal and Clinics articles

13 Journals tab: Top 10 articles

14 Clinics tab: Top 10 articles

15 Content changes: Jan 2007 Updating with new editions –Core Ferri: Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2007 (MDC Core) Goldberger: Clinical Electrocardiography, 7e (MDC Core) McPherson & Pincus: Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Lab Methods, 21/e (MDC Core) –Collections Burg: Gellis & Kagan's Current Pediatric Therapy, 18e (Peds) Dixon & Stein: Encounters with Children, 4e (Peds) Grosfeld: Pediatric Surgery, 6e (Surgery) Stefanac: Treatment Planning in Dentistry, 2e (Dental) Removing –Haskell: Cancer Treatment, 5e (Hem/Onc Collection)

16 April 2007 Planning major relaunch for April 2007 Focused on “Providing the quickest and easiest access to the best answers” Targeted at improving efficacy and usability, increasing usage and end user satisfaction Coincides with MD Consult’s 10 year anniversary!

17 We’ve come a long way, baby… 2001

18 We’ve come a long way, baby… 1999

19 We’ve come a long way, baby… 1997

20 April 2007 redesign  What are the benefits?  Increased usage  Better experience for end users  How?  Quicker, easier access to information  Providing useful and clinically-relevant content  Improved integration

21 “5 for 10” Project 5 major enhancements for MD Consult’s 10 th anniversary 1.Simpler, more straightforward interface 2.“Clinically Clever” Search (CCS) 3.Streamlined “local” content 4.Access to content via search engines 5.Better connections with FC

22 Simpler, more straightforward interface Current

23 Simpler, more straightforward interface Simpler navigation and interaction April

24 Simpler, more straightforward interface Current

25 Simpler, more straightforward interface More screen real estate devoted to reading April Adkinson: Middleton's Allergy: Principles and Practice, 6th ed.

26 Simpler, more straightforward interface Current

27 Simpler, more straightforward interface Faster loading of pages April

28 Simpler, more straightforward interface Current

29 Simpler, more straightforward interface Emphasizing search and content April

30 Simpler, more straightforward interface Current

31 Simpler, more straightforward interface Updating visual design and branding April

32 Simpler, more straightforward interface Simpler navigation and interaction More screen real estate devoted to reading Faster loading of pages Emphasizing search and content Updating visual design and branding

33 “Clinically Clever” search Current

34 “Clinically Clever” search Tailoring of search based on the type of query April

35 “Clinically Clever” search Current

36 “Clinically Clever” search Special “landing” pages that grouping results by how physicians classify information April

37 “Clinically Clever” search Improved synonymy and recall for all queries Search for obesity and diabetes 9329 Journals / MEDLINE 3 Images 1 Drug Updates 91 Practice Guidelines 113 Patient Handouts 10245 Journals / MEDLINE 7 Images 2 Drug Updates 96 Practice Guidelines 129 Patient Handouts Current April

38 “Clinically Clever” search Search for warfarinvs. coumadin Current

39 “Clinically Clever” search Consistent results regardless of how searches are entered April Better handling of “and” e.g. “heart attack and lipitor” vs. “heart attack lipitor” Same results for generic / brand name drugs e.g. “coumadin” vs. “warfarin” Better interpretation of punctuation (hyphenations, apostrophes, semi-colons, etc.) e.g. “bell’s palsy” vs. “bells palsy” Better interpretation of acronyms e.g. “dvt” vs. “deep vein thrombosis” Better handling of order of terms in query e.g. “diabetes insipidus and hypertension and pregnancy” vs. “pregnancy and diabetes insipidus and hypertension”

40 “Clinically Clever” search Search for herpes zoster image Current

41 “Clinically Clever” search Results that reflect what physicians are really looking for April

42 “Clinically Clever” search September 14: Search for spinach Current

43 “Clinically Clever” search Quick responses to breaking news and new medical developments Ability to create “rules” on how to handle any queries Options for how to handle “special” queries Redirect directly to a piece of content Provide a link to content within search results Ability to add, remove, and change “rules” in real time Examples: Winter: flu, influenzaFall: lyme disease Iraq  abstract of The Lancet article on mortality before and after the 2003 invasion of Iraq E coli: September  spinach; December  tomatoes April

44 “Clinically Clever” search Tailoring of search based on the type of query Special pages that grouping results by how physicians classify information Improved synonymy and recall for all queries Consistent results regardless of how searches are entered Results that reflect what physicians are really looking for Quick responses to breaking news and new medical developments

45 Estimated improvements (approximates) Hand-crafted “landing pages” for 8% of searches (top ~200 queries) 7% of searches are for drugs; can provide direct link to monographs 30% of searches would include “refinements” for narrowing down results Virtually all queries will benefit from improved synonymy using our 2.4 million term vocabulary

46 Benefits to users Nearly every search on MD Consult will produce better results Additionally, nearly 50% of searches will return some “special” information or links specifically tailored to the search query

47 Changes in April 2007: Ceasing production and removing: –What Patients Are Reading –Case of the Week –Clinical Topic Tours –Student Union –Specialty services only: In This Week’s Journals Current April

48 Benefits to customers Remove clutter from interface Speed up search (fewer content areas to search) Increased emphasis on most-used and most-valued content Improved focus on providing the best medical reference information for clinical use

49 Physician Need MD Consult Feature Benefit Quickly access info Simpler, more straightforward interface Simpler navigation Faster page loading More real estate to reading Finding information “Clinically Clever” search Tailoring search based on query Improved synonymy Consistent results Trustworthy content Streamlined “local” content Remove clutter Speed up search Emphasis on most-used content April 2007 New Enhancements - Summary

50 Physician Need MD Consult Feature Benefit Finding information Access to content via search engines Increase usage, awareness Quicker, easier access to information More incentive to switch to IP authentication Quality content Better connections with FC Better integration More consistent query handling Improve experience for users April 2007 New Enhancements - Summary

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