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1-1 “No Mission to Mission” or “The Road to Mission Assignments is Lined with Good Intentions”

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1 1-1 “No Mission to Mission” or “The Road to Mission Assignments is Lined with Good Intentions”

2 1-2 How To...  Ask questions »“?” button on CLU-IN page  Control slides as presentation proceeds »manually advance slides  Contact instructor

3 1-3 Your Instructor…………….  Stephen Mason, U.S. EPA On-Scene Coordinator »Region 6 Emergency Readiness Team —

4 1-4 Session Objectives  Provide an introduction to the Mission Assignment process  Train ESF-10 personnel on: »How the process works »What can be covered under a Mission Assignment »What activities are not covered

5 1-5 What is a Mission Assignment (MA)? Definition  Work order issued by FEMA Operations to a Federal agency directing completion of a specific task, and citing funding, other managerial controls, and guidance.  Given in anticipation of, or response to a Presidential declaration of emergency or major disaster.

6 1-6 Why Are MAs Issued ?  To fulfill: » A State’s request for Federal assistance to meet unmet emergency needs. » A federal request to support disaster operations.

7 1-7 Emergency “Any occasion or instance for which Federal assistance is needed to supplement the State and local efforts and capabilities to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety, or to lessen or avert threat of a catastrophe in any part of the U.S.”

8 1-8 Characteristics of an Emergency  Is beyond State and local abilities.  Supplementary emergency assistance.  Not to exceed $5 million.  Must submit request within 5 days.

9 1-9 Major Disaster “Any natural catastrophe... or, regardless of cause, any fire, flood, or explosion in any part of the U.S. which causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance to supplement efforts and available resources of States, local governments, and disaster relief organizations.”

10 1-10 Characteristics A Major Disaster:  Is beyond State and local capabilities.  Supplements available resources of State/local governments, disaster relief organizations, and insurance.  Must be requested within 30 days of incident.

11 1-11 Incident Period  Time span during which incident occurs.  Specified at time of declaration.  May be open-ended.  May be closed/reopened.  Determined by info provided by NWS, State, and Region.

12 1-12 MA Authorities & Guidance  Robert T. Stafford Act  44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)  National Incident Management System (NIMS)  National Response Framework (NRF)

13 1-13 How the Process Works


15 Disaster Assistance Programs Mission Assignments Public Assistance Individual Assistance Hazard Mitigation Support response capability Provide temporary or permanent repairs or restoration to roads, bridges, and other public infrastructure Repair homes, replace possessions, and other services. Fund projects to minimize future damage 1-15

16 1-16 Mission Assignment vs. Interagency Agreement MA: For activities that are:  Life saving  Life sustaining  Emergency Response IA: For Activities that are:  Long-term recovery  Negotiated between agencies  Procurement document

17 1-17 Where Did MAs Come From ? Overwhelmed States lacked capability to provide or contract for services  Funding alone could not meet State needs  Resources/expertise needed for immediate work  MAs help cover the gap  Federal agencies do the work until the State recovers

18 1-18 Activation of ESFs  When first activated for an incident, the Federal agency is issued an Activation Letter.  Activation Letters are an official notice that the agency has been activated under the NRF.  The Letter contains information on how to claim reimbursement.  Activation MA should be issued within 24 hours of letter.  Activation Letters are not funding documents.

19 1-19 Common Terms in MA Process Forms  Action Request Form (ARF)  MA Form  MA Task Order Form  MA Subtasking Form

20 1-20 Criteria for MA Issuance  Issued during Emergency Response Phase  Involves ONLY non-permanent work in area  Involves utilizing a Federal Agency’s unique resources  Other existing authority  Beyond State/local capabilities

21 1-21 MA Definition A Mission Assignment is a work order issued by _________________ to ________________ that:  Directs completion of a __________ __________.  Cites ________, _________, and _________.  Given in __________ of or __________ to a Presidential declaration of: »An emergency »A major disaster

22 1-22 3 Types of Mission Assignments 1. Federal Operations Support (FOS):  Any type of support to Federal responders  100% Federally funded  Before or after declaration “FED to FED.” EXAMPLE: Activate ESF-10 to RRCC and/or JFO.

23 1-23 3 Types of Mission Assignments 2. Technical Assistance (TA)  TA for expert advice  Requested by the State  100% Federally Funded  Eligible after declaration “Brain Power = Clean Hands” EXAMPLE: Mission assignment to EPA to provide assistance to State when writing waste contracts.

24 1-24 3 Types of Mission Assignments 3. Direct Federal Assistance (DFA)  For goods and services beyond State’s capability  “Post” Declaration  Requested by the State  Subject to cost-share “Dirty Hands and We do the Work” EXAMPLE: Sampling, air monitoring

25 1-25 Pre-MA Activities  Notification of ESF/OFA  Budget established  Delegations of authority  Presidential disaster/emergency declaration (cost share/waivers)  FEMA-State agreement (assurances from State)

26 Who Can Request Federal Assistance? A variety of sources can identify needs for Federal assistance Tribal Government State Government Local & State Government Voluntary Organizations Private Sector Businesses State Assistance Federal Assistance The State…  Validates needs  Provides assistance  Requests Federal assistance as needed 1-26

27 1-27 Request Process Requestor Submits ARF to Operations Section through State EOC Action Tracker/ MA Specialist 1.Logs ARF. 2.Forwards to Operations Section Chief for review.

28 1-28 Request Process – ARF Form  NOTE!! All requests should be made to FEMA via Action Request Form (ARF) »Verbals (follow up in writing within 24 hours)  ARF is logged in “Tracking Log”

29 1-29 Action Request Form — Sections I and II

30 1-30 Action Request Form (ARF) — Section III

31 1-31 ARF, SOW, Action Taken, Tracking, Sections IV and V

32 1-32 Developing a Statement of Work (SOW)  FEMA’s Project Officer (PO) and OFA’s Action Officer (AO) develop Statement of Work (SOW).  Assigned agencies may only perform activities that are clearly within SOW cited in MA.  SOW should include timelines and estimated costs.

33 Can the Request Be Met By FEMA In- House? Procurement (FEMA Form 40-1, Credit Card) FEMA Assets (LC, DISC) Emergency Work MA Public Assistance (PA) OFA Statutory Authority Yes FEMA Logistics Operations No Long-term Work 1-33

34 1-34 Analyzing the Request  Operations Section Chief – Reviews ARF »Eligible under Stafford Act? »Beyond State and local capabilities? »Permanent restorative work? »Existing other Federal agency authority? »Appropriate requestor? »Clarity of request? »Signed by State Approving Official (SCO)

35 1-35 MA Determination  Operations Chief assigns MA to appropriate Branch Director »Branch Director is usually assigned as Project Officer  ESF/OFAs tasked on MA »ESF/OFA appoints an Action Officer (AO)

36 1-36 Pre-scripted Mission Assignments (PSMAs)  Developed to facilitate rapid response and standardize mission assignments  Mission statement and dollar amount serve as general guideline or template »IF NEEDED - Revise PSMA to fit request!!!!

37 1-37 Phase I—MA Issuance  MA reviewed by Operations Chief for content  MA is signed by: »MAC, PO, SCO (TA or DFA) »Federal Approving Official  Comptroller »Certifies, obligates funds, forwards MA to DFC  MAC provides copy to Other Federal Agency (ESF)

38 1-38 MA Taskings  MA Task Orders under MA may be issued to carry out Statement of Work  MA Task Orders prevent issuance of multiple MAs

39 1-39 MA Task Order Form (Top Half)

40 1-40 MA Task Order Form (Bottom Half)

41 1-41 Phase II—MA Execution  Primary ESF agencies may subtask support agencies.  Financial Management Support Annex of NRF contains example form for subtasking support Agencies.  When subtasked, support agencies seek reimbursement approval from their primary agency, not FEMA.

42 1-42 Phase II—Tracking and Monitoring  Tracking and monitoring begins after MA is issued and continues through closeout  Mission assigned work should be completed 60 days after date of declaration  MAs can be extended for 180 days by FEMA Regional Director

43 1-43 Phase II—Stand Down/Deactivation  Stand Down »FCO/Operations Section Chief determine “stand down” of activated Agency.  Deactivate »Establish long-term OFA Points of Contact (POC). »Conduct exit interview with ESF (funds expended, property purchased)

44 1-44 Phase III—MA Billing / Reimbursement & Close Out  Mission Assigned Agencies bill FEMA  Sub-tasked agency bills should be reviewed by lead agency and paid by FEMA from lead agency’s obligation  Disaster Finance Center (DFC) conducts financial review  PO/MAC/FAO conducts program review  Remaining funds deobligated, MA file closed  State billed for cost share

45 1-45 MA Amendments  Mission Assignments are amended for changes in: »Time »Funding »Project Officer Note: Change in SOW requires NEW Mission Assignment

46 1-46 Mission Assignments Management Amended MAs vs. Task Orders vs. New MA Amended MA  Obligate/De- obligate funds  Extend completion date  Change in Project Officer MA Task Order Form  Additional direction  Document cost breakdown New MA  Change to SOW

47 1-47 MA Execution—Accountable Property  All property purchases must be coordinated with Logistics.  ESFs must account for and maintain property purchased under MAs.

48 1-48 MA Exceptions  ESF-#5 Emergency Management  ESF-#9 Search and Rescue  National Disaster Medical System (NDMS)  Federal Occupational Health (FOH)  Long Term Studies

49 1-49 Reimbursable Costs  ELIGIBILE COSTS include: »Permanent Federal agency personnel (trust fund): Overtime, travel, per diem »Temporary personnel: Wages, travel, overtime, per diem »Costs paid from trusts, revolving funds, etc. »Costs of contracts and materials, agency’s regular equipment stock

50 1-50 Non-Reimbursable Costs  NON-ELIGIBILE COSTS include: »Work performed by agency under their authority »Repairs to OFA facilities »Litigation costs »PFT salaries, benefits, and indirect costs (non-trust fund) »Unsupported claims & excessive, unreasonable costs »Amounts exceeding funding authority

51 1-51 ESF-10 Specific Allowances  Activities EPA will fund : »EPA will use CERCLA funds to pay for emergency response activities related to pre- existing Superfund sites, that is, sites that have ongoing CERCLA response actions or are currently listed on NPL »EPA will use Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund funds to pay for all response activities related to pre- existing OPA removal actions

52 1-52 ESF-10 Specific Allowances  Activities that FEMA will fund through Stafford Act: »Staffing of pre-deployment teams (i.e., ROC, EST); »Retrieving and disposing of orphan tanks and drums; »Household hazardous waste program expenditures;

53 1-53 ESF-10 Specific Allowances  Activities that FEMA will fund through Stafford Act: »Technical assistance to states; »Pumping of water contaminated with hazardous materials or oil from basements when the problem is a widespread threat to public health; »Initial assessments to determine if immediate health and safety threat exists;

54 1-54 ESF-10 Specific Allowances  Activities that FEMA will fund through Stafford Act: »Control and stabilization of releases of hazardous materials or oil to deal with immediate threats to public health and safety; »Clean-up and disposal of hazardous materials that is necessary to mitigate immediate threats to public health and safety;

55 1-55 ESF-10 Specific Allowances  Activities that FEMA will fund through Stafford Act: »Monitoring of immediate health and safety threats resulting from debris removal operations. [“Immediate" applies to threat whenever it may occur which may not necessarily be right after disaster event]

56 1-56 ESF-10 Specific Allowances  Activities that FEMA may fund through Stafford Act: »Clean-up or removal of hazardous materials or oil contamination in buildings or facilities otherwise eligible for FEMA assistance (ex., public buildings.) — Example: decontamination of subway system following terrorism incident

57 1-57 ESF-10 Specific Allowances  Activities that FEMA will not fund through Stafford Act: »Testing/assessments of soil, air and waterways for mold and contaminants to determine long term clean- up requirements; »Long term site remediation or restoration;

58 1-58 ESF-10 Specific Allowances  Activities that FEMA will not fund through Stafford Act: »Permanent storage of hazardous materials; »Cleaning/replacement of equipment that is damaged/contaminated during long term clean-up activities; »State/local costs for long-term clean-up measures.

59 1-59

60 After viewing the links to additional resources, please complete our online feedback form. Thank You Links to Additional Resources Feedback Form Thank You 5-5

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