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Nutrition Jeopardy StomachSmall IntestineLarge IntestineOverview $100 $200 $300 $400 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $100 $200 $300 $400.

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2 Nutrition Jeopardy StomachSmall IntestineLarge IntestineOverview $100 $200 $300 $400 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $100 $200 $300 $400

3 What are excreted in fungi digestion? Enzymes Back to board Overview $100

4 Which organism ingests food by engulfing it with pseudopods? Ameba Back to board Overview $200

5 People can increase the amount of roughage in their diets by consuming more____ and ___? Fruits and vegetables Back to board Overview $300

6 The typhlosole in the earthworm provides a greater surface area for ____ ____. Nutrients and absorption Back to board Overview $400

7 The small pouch where the small intestine meets the large intestine is called the___? Appendix Back to board Large Intestine $400

8 _______ is the process that occurs in the large intestine, in which food is pushed out of the body. Egestion Back to board Large Intestine $300

9 Too much unabsorbed water in the large intestine results in ___? Diarrhea Back to question Large Intestine $200

10 Adult humans normally produce feces with low water content due to the activities of the___ ____? Large Intestine Back to board Large Intestine $100

11 In humans, accessory organs that release digestive secretions directly into the small intestine include both the_____ and the ____? Pancreas and the liver Back to board DAILY DOUBLEDAILY DOUBLEDAILY DOUBLEDAILY DOUBLE

12 Finger like projections found in the small intestine are-----? Villi Back to board Small Intestine $300

13 Tiny vessels of the lymphatic system in which fatty acids and glycerol are absorbed are ___? Lacteals Back to board Small Intestine $200

14 What is a coiled tube about 6.5 meters long and 2.5 meters in diameter? Small Intestine Back to board Small Intestine $100

15 In a human, when food passes from the mouth to the stomach, the food tube must enlarge and then contract to permit the passage of the food. What is this process called? Peristalsis Back to board Stomach $400

16 What is the pH range of the acidic level in the stomach? 1-3 Back to board Stomach $300

17 In the stomach ___ ___ are secreted. Digestive enzymes Back to board Stomach $200

18 The chemical digestion of protein begins in the ___? Back to board stomach Stomach $100

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