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Sino-French Collaboration on Nuclear/Particle Physics : History and Michel’s contribution Yifang Wang Institute of High Energy Physics.

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Presentation on theme: "Sino-French Collaboration on Nuclear/Particle Physics : History and Michel’s contribution Yifang Wang Institute of High Energy Physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sino-French Collaboration on Nuclear/Particle Physics : History and Michel’s contribution Yifang Wang Institute of High Energy Physics

2 The Pioneer Marie Curie (1867-1934) Chien-Shiung Wu (1912-1997 ) Sze Shih-Yuan (1908-2007) Sze Jean Perrin , M. Curie , A. Debierne Nanjing University, previously known as Central University, where Sze taught for 60 years

3 The Foundation He ZeHui Qian Sanqiang (1914 - ) (1913-1992) Jean-Fr é d é ric Ir è ne Curie Joliot-Curie (1900 - 1958) (1897-1956) Founding director of the Institute of Modern Physics  Established in 1950 IHEP & BEPC Orsay Campus : LAL & INP

4 Renewed efforts The first LAL-IHEP agreement was signed in 1988 by Michel Davier and Minghan Ye for the collaboration in particle and accelerator physics.

5 Happy collaborations on food Francoise , seen happily in these pictures, is very Knowledgeable in Chinese art history and started to speak Chinese since this trip

6 Fruitful exchange program: many become key players of the field Zhiqing Zhang Jiawen Zhang Shaomin Chen Changzheng Yuan Wenfeng Wang Liangliang Wang Jie Gao Nan Huang Mengping Gu Yi Sun Hong Sun

7 Michel’s Contribution to BES I/II Advised on Physics program – Tau mass scan at BES I – R measurement at BES II

8 Many reviews & workshops Beijing Tau-Charm Factory(BTCF) workshop, Feb. 1996 Review committee chair on BTCF, Nov. 1996 Review committee chair on BESIII detector, Apr. 2001 Review committee chair on BESIII detector, Sep. 2002 Nov. 1996Feb. 1996

9 Apr. 2001Apr. 2001, with Ming-Han Ye, 13 years after they signed the agreement Apr. 2001 Sep. 2002

10 The BESIII Detector Be beam pipe SC magnet, 1T Magnet yoke MDC, 120  m CsI(Tl) calorimeter, 2.5 %@1 GeV%@1 TOF, 90ps RPC Question: Longer CsI(Tl) crystals or SC magnet ? Michel’s recommendation: Both Money ? Not a problem

11 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中 宋 苏轼 (1037-1101) you don’t recognize the real shape of the mountain Lu just because you are in the middle of it Su Shi (1037-1101) Michel was right. It appears that he understands well Chinese politics, certainly better than I do Mountain Lu, Jiangxi Province, China,. Photo by YFW

12 New era Creation of the France-China Particle Physics Laboratory (FCPPL) on April 10, 2007 A joint laboratory « without wall », ~50 collaborating projects supported Steering Committee, co-chaired by Michel and Hesheng, consists of 8+8 members for project selection and evaluation Annual workshops: Jan. 2008 : Marseilles Mar. 2009 : Wuhan Apr. 2010 : Lyon Apr. 2011: Jinan 2012: Saclay Steering committee meeting, Apr. 2011: Jinan

13 French Labs involved in FCPPL LPC IPHC Lyon Clermont-Ferrand Ile de France Marseille Nantes Strasbourg IPNL LMA IPNL LMA CPPM Subatech APC LAL LLR LPNHE IPNO CSNSM APC LAL LLR LPNHE IPNO CSNSM CC-IN2P3 Annecy LAPP Grenoble Bordeaux Caen Ganil LPC Ganil LPC CEA CENBG LPSC Montpellier LPTA

14 IHEP Tsinghua Peking U. IHEP Tsinghua Peking U. CCNU Nanjing USTC Shandong Dalian U. of Technology Chinese Labs involved in FCPPL

15 2010/06/04Lydia Roos CNRS/IN2P3/LPNHE15 2,5 days dedicated to scientific talks on Sino-French projects Followed by the annual meeting of the Steering Committee

16 Sino-French collaboration on particle physics is now in a great shape, thanks to all pioneers

17 Thanks, Michel, we will all remember what you did Congratulations, Michel

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