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Computer Science II Spring 2008. Introduction Dr. Robb T. Koether Office: Bagby 114 Office phone: 223-6207 Home phone: 392-8604 (before 11:00 p.m.) Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Science II Spring 2008. Introduction Dr. Robb T. Koether Office: Bagby 114 Office phone: 223-6207 Home phone: 392-8604 (before 11:00 p.m.) Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Science II Spring 2008

2 Introduction Dr. Robb T. Koether Office: Bagby 114 Office phone: 223-6207 Home phone: 392-8604 (before 11:00 p.m.) Office hours: 2:30 - 3:20 MTWR; other hours by appointment. E-mail: WWW: staff/robbk staff/robbk

3 Meeting Times The class will meet in Bagby 120 at 10:30 - 11:20 MWF 1:30 - 2:20 R.

4 Textbook The text for the course is ADTs, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++, 2nd ed., by Larry Nyhoff.ADTs, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++, 2nd ed. Keep handy C++ Program Design, 3rd ed., by Jim Cohoon and Jack Davidson.C++ Program Design

5 Grading There will be 14 labs, 5 or 6 computer projects, 2 tests, and a final exam. In the final average, these will be weighted as follows. ComponentWeight Average of labs20% Average of projects40% Average of tests25% Final exam grade15%

6 Laboratories There will be 14 or 15 laboratories. They will be conducted in class roughly every third or fourth class meeting (not on a special “lab” day). Each lab contains an “Application” section which instructs you to write a program for homework. The applications are due by midnight of the third class day after the lab.

7 Computer Projects There will be 5 computer projects. When you turn in a project, it will be tested using various sets of test data. Then I will read your program carefully to see exactly how you solved the problem.

8 Computer Projects I will assign a grade to your project based on the following areas. Design - Did you choose an appropriate method to solve the problem? Implementation - Are your program statements correct? Execution - Did your program produce the correct output for all inputs? Style - Did you follow the guidelines of programming style?guidelines

9 Computer Projects These four areas will be weighted as follows. ComponentWeight Design25% Implementation40% Execution25% Style10%

10 Tests and the Final Exam The test schedule is TestDate #1Fri, Feb 22 #2Fri, Apr 4

11 Tests and the Final Exam The final exam will be given in this room at the time stated in the exam schedule. Everyone must take the final exam. It will not be rescheduled.

12 Attendance Attendance will be checked at the beginning of each class. Two late arrivals will be counted as one absence.

13 Attendance When assigning final grades, attendance will be taken into account. AbsencesAction 0 – 2Grade bonus 3 – 5Neutral 6 – 8Grade penalty > 8Withdrawal

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