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Department of Defense Current Events Panel Discussion Questions and Answers Amber Barber, Moderator.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Defense Current Events Panel Discussion Questions and Answers Amber Barber, Moderator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Defense Current Events Panel Discussion Questions and Answers Amber Barber, Moderator

2 Presenters Steve Tkac, Deputy Director –OSD, Property & Equipment Policy David Guinasso, Contract Property Lead –OSD, Defense Procurement & Acquisition Policy Tom Ruckdaschel, Dir. Government Property –Defense Contract Management Agency Tina Frazier, Division Chief –Defense Property Accountability System

3 OSD, P&E Policy Existence & Completeness Initiatives AT&L Memorandums: “Standard Equipment Data Elements for Government Furnished Property Baseline Establishment” (Jan, 7 2012) –Requires the Components to include GFP as a part of their FIPs and to begin showing progress in this area. “Implementation of Gov’t Furnished Property Attachments to Solicitations and Awards” (April 11, 2012) -Provides a GFP data schema as DoD’s initial phase to report GFP as data. “Priorities for Improving Financial Information and Processes and Achieving Audit Readiness” (April 23, 2012) -Recognizes AT&L’s lead in several FIAR Focus areas: equipment, inventory, and real property.

4 Army Rotary Helicopters Tug Boats Navy Ships & Aircraft Satellites & Ballistic Missiles Ordnance USMC (Cap GE) USMC LAV, M777 Air Force Aircraft Ballistic Missiles Satellites MDA Sensors (satellites & family of land & sea-based radars) SOCOM Small Boats (cutters, rigid inflatables) 4

5 OSD, DPAP We have made a concerted effort to re-engineer Government Furnished Property (GFP) in the DoD –9 changes to the FAR and DFARS –New DoD Instruction 4161.02 –GFP Guidebook All aimed at moving the management of GFP into an automated environment. Infrastructure and policy are nearly complete The next step is full implementation.

6 Contract Property “Short list” Federal Acquisition Regulation –Part 45-Government’s Policy –Clause 52.245-1 (April 2012) Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement –Part 245—Government Property (for DoD) –DFARS clauses: 252.211-7007 (Reporting of GFE to the DoD UID Registry)* 252.245-7001 (Tagging, Labeling and Marking of GFP) 252.245-7002 (Reporting Loss of Government Property) 252.245-7003 (Contractor Property Management System Admin.) 252.245-7004 (Reporting, Reutilization, and Disposal) –Procedure, Guidance and Information (PGI) *Under revision: DFARS case 2012-D001 DoD Instruction 4161.02 and accompanying Guidebook

7 DCMA: Property and Plant Clearance Mission Ensure contractors manage contract property IAW FAR/DFARS requirements and contract terms and conditions Functions Conduct Property Management System Analyses (PMSAs) Evaluate property loss (includes theft, damage and destruction) Perform reutilization screening of excess property; ensure timely disposal Accept delegations from other Federal agencies (NASA) Support CCAS property administration Support CMO contract closeout efforts 1. Equipment (for use or repair) 2. Special Tooling 3. Special Test Equipment 4. Material 4 types of contract property

8 Four (4) diverse business areas: CONUS, CCAS, Other OCONUS & Special Programs Number of contractors: 4000+/approximately 20,000 assigned contracts (Dollar value (approx.) $150+ billion) Personnel: approx. 300 (1103 series): [<3% of DCMA] –Industrial Property Management Specialists –Industrial Property Clearance Specialists Instructions: –Contract Property Management –Plant Clearance eTools: CPAS, PCARSS, LTDD (“property loss”) DCMA: Mission at a glance

9 Government Property Landscape Major on-going asset accountability effort –Tied to CFO compliance; and –FIAR plan Federal Acquisition Regulation –Three updates in last five years Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement –Five new clauses, including business system rule; PLUS, –New pre-award guidance to Buying Commands (Procedure, Guidance and Information) Revised DoD Instruction 4161.2 (April 2012) –Updated Component responsibilities DoD Components look to DCMA for expertise

10 Defense Property Accountability System Leading the DoD in Asset Management –Supports Army, Navy, Marines and 23 Defense Agencies, with Acquisition value over $600 Billion –Cradle to Grave Asset Management –Financial Reporting to include integration with ERPs –All Personal Property General Equipment –GFP –IT Assets –Vehicles Military Equipment SSAE 16 Report Due Sept 2012

11 DPAS Initiatives WAWF Interface –Receipts, Transfers, GFP Transfers UII Management –Reporting to Registry –Legacy Creation and Printing Maintenance and Utilization Module Warehouse module Enhanced pRFID Integration

12 Audience Questions

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