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Published byEarl Riley Modified over 9 years ago
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 GeoSciML Version 2 - Release Candidate 3 The GeoSciML Model Design working group
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 Bruce Simons-GSV Eric Boisvert - GSC Boyan Brodaric -GSC Dominique Janjou - BRGM Christian Bellier -BRGM Simon Cox - CSIRO Yuichiro Fusejima -GSJ Bruce Johnson -USGS John Laxton-BGS Ollie Raymond-GA Steve Richard -AzGS Co-authors
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 GeoSciML Version 2 release schedule 1. 1.The Testbed tested v2 release candidate 2 (v2_rc2) - problems were identified and schema changes made 2. 2.Version 2 Release Candidate 3 (v2_rc3) is now open for comment - this workshop will present v2_rc3 - further testing of v2_rc3 will occur until November 2008 3. 3.GeoSciML Version 2.0 will be released in December 2008 - including documentation and tested XML examples GeoSciML versions
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 GeoSciML G eo S cience M arkup L anguage GeoSciML G eo S cience M arkup L anguage O & M Observations and Measurements and Sampling O & M Observations and Measurements and Sampling Data models currently being tested
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 1. Data structure - What data goes where “How do I format my grain size data?” - How data relates to other data “What unit is this sample from?” “What materials make up this unit?” - How do I describe the shape of my unit ? 2. Vocabularies - Define the concepts What is an “ignimbrite” ? - What terminology do you use “medium” or “medium grained” or “medium-grained” ? “Phanerozoic” or “Fanerozoikum” ? What is a geological data model?
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 What is O&M? A data model for any type of scientific observation, measurement and sampling framework Provides a platform on which individual science communities can build more domain-specific types of observation, measurement and sampling For example, the GeoSciML community have adapted the “sampling point” and “sampling curve” features of the O&M standard for geological use in delivering outcrop sample locations and boreholes
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 Western Australia Description Label Age Why do we need a data model? Northern Territory ESRI MAPINFO
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 Interoperability Schematic (Data Structure) Semantic (Data Content) Few standardsControlled Vocabularies Systems (Data Services) Syntax (Data Language) Proprietary software formats (ESRI, Mapinfo, Oracle, Geosoft, Access, Excel etc) XML, GML Files, DVD, CD Windows, Unix, Linux WFS, WMS, WCS The current situation The GeoSciML World Organisation-specific data structures GeoSciML, O&M Levels of Interoperability OGC standards
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 Web Client WMS WFS WMS WFS WMS WFS WMS WFS WMS WFS GA BRGM BGS USGS GSC GSC mapping The delivery model GeoSciML GeoSciML Format USGS mapping BGS mapping GA mapping BRGM mapping Canada USA UK France Data to GeoSciML schema mapping OGC Services Datasources Australia
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 RockMaterial + consolidationDegree: CGI_Term + compositionCategory: CGI_Term [0..1] + geneticDescription: CGI_Term [0..1] + lithology: ControlledConcept [1..*] GeologicUnit + geologicUnitType: ControlledConcept + bodyMorphology: [0..*] + compositionCategory: [0..1] + exposureColor: [0..*] + outcropCharacter: [0..*] + rank: [0..1] + unitThickness: [0..*] CompositionPart +lithology: ControlledConcept [1..*] +material: RockMaterial [0..1] +proportion: +role: +composition 0..* Schematic Agreement Lithology Cardinality
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 Cainozoic? Palaeozoic? Archaean? Bolindian? Eastonian? Gisbornian? Late? Early? Semantic Agreement
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 GeoSciML in a nutshell… Geologic Units lithological, chronostratographic, lithostratigraphic… Structures faults, contacts, folds, foliations, textures… Earth materials rocks, unconsolidated materials, minerals… Sampling outcrops, boreholes, specimens… Measurements strike and dip, physical properties… Value types textural, numeric, ranges, statistical values… Vocabularies concept definitions, terminology… Geologic Relationships
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 GeologicUnit CompositionPart MetamorphicDescription PhysicalDescription WeatheringDescription GeologicFeatureMappedFeature GM_Object SpatiallyExtensiveSamplingFeature GeologicStructure GeologicFeatureRelation ControlledConcept GeologicEvent GeologicUnitPart NetSlipValue ShearDisplacementStructure DuctileShearStructure Fault FoldFoldSystemFaultSystem LineationFoliation Layering NonDirectionalStructure DisplacementValue SeparationValue SlipComponents Contact Mineral EarthMaterial MaterialRelation ConstituentPart ParticleGeometryDescription InorganicFluid OrganicMaterialCompoundMaterial StratigraphicLexiconAnyEntity VocabRelationAnyDictionary AnyDefinition GeologicVocabulary AnyFeature CV_DiscreteCoverage SamplingPointSpecimen Observation SurveyProcedure SamplingFeature SamplingCurve SamplingFeatureRelation DiscreteCoverageObservation Borehole BoreholeCollar BoreholeDetails CGI_TermValue CGI_TermRange CGI_VectorCGI_NumericValue CGI_Value CGI_LinearOrientationCGI_NumericRange CGI_GeometricDescriptionValue CGI_PrimitiveValue CGI_Range CGI_Term CGI_Numeric CGI_PlanarOrientation Vocabularies Features Sampling Features Structures Geologic Units Values Earth Materials
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 Mapped Features Elements on a geologic map what is being mapped - surficial geology surface - basement geology surface and where - map tile, nation, continent shapes of geologic features on the map - polygons, curves, points, surfaces descriptions of geologic features - the map legend
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 GeologicStructure Geologic Features MD_Metadata metadata 0..1 feature GeologicEvent + eventAge + eventEnvironment [0..*] + eventProcess [1..*] geologicHistory 0..1 preferredAge 0..* GeologicRelation + relationship + sourceRole [0..1] + targetRole [0..1] sourceLink 0..* target 1 targetLink source GeologicFeature Relation GeologicFeature + observationMethod [1..*] + purpose specification 1 occurrence 0..* MappedFeature + observationMethod [1..*] + positionalAccuracy GeologicUnit
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 ControlledConcept + identifier + name classifier weathering Character WeatheringDescription + weatheringDegree + weatheringProduct + weatheringProcess + environment PhysicalDescription + density + magneticSusceptibility + permeability + porosity physicalProperty CompositionPart + lithology + material + proportion + role composition GeologicUnitPart + proportion + role part contained Unit MetamorphicDescription + metamorphicFacies + metamorphicGrade + peakPressureValue + peakTemperatureValue + protolithLithology metamorphic Character Geologic Units GeologicUnit + geologicUnitType + bodyMorphology + exposureColor + outcropCharacter + rank + compositionCategory + unitThickness GeologicUnitType Allostratigraphic Alteration ArtificialGround Biostratigraphic Chronostratigraphic Deformation Excavation Geomorphologic GeophysicalUnit Lithodemic Lithogenetic Lithologic Lithostratigraphic LithotectonicUnit MagnetostratigraphicUnit MassMovement Pedoderm Pedostratigraphic PolarityChronostratigraphicUnit BeddingDescription + beddingPattern + beddingStyle + beddingThickness bedding
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 GeologicStructure DeformationUnit definedUnit defining Structure BoundaryRelationship constraints {source must be GeologicUnit} {target must be GeologicUnit} boundary Occurrence boundedUnitLink NetSlip Value Separation Value Slip Components slipComponent DisplacementValue + hangingWallDirection + movementSense + movementType total Displacement Event incremental Lineation NonDirectionalStructure + structureType + definingElement + intensity + lineationType + mineralElement + orientation Foliation + continuity + definingElement + foliationType + intensity + mineralElement + orientation + spacing Layering Rock + consolidationDegree + lithology layer Composition FoldSystem + periodic + wavelength Fold + profileType + axialSurfaceOrientation + hingeLineOrientation + geneticModel + amplitude + hingeLineCurvature + hingeShape + interLimbAngle + limbShape + span + symmetry higherOrder FoldPart foldSystem Member faultSystem Member ShearDisplacement Structure + planeOrientation FaultSystem DuctileShear Structure segment Fault segment Contact + contactCharacter + contactType + orientation Geologic Structures
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 Mineral + mineralName Organic Material EarthMaterial + color + purpose RockMaterial + compositionCategory + geneticCategory + consolidationDegree + lithology PhysicalDescription + density + magneticSusceptibility + permeability + porosity physicalProperty metamorphic Character MetamorphicDescription + metamorphicFacies + metamorphicGrade + peakPressureValue + peakTemperatureValue + protolithLithology InorganicFluid material target MaterialRelation + relationship + sourceRole + targetRole source ConstituentPart + proportion + role part Earth Materials particleGeometry ParticleGeometry Description + size + sorting + particleType + shape + aspectRatio particleGeometry FabricDescription + fabricType fabric
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 Specimen SamplingFeature SurveyProcedure surveyDetails 0..1 AnyFeature Intention sampled Feature 1..* SamplingFeature Relation + role relatedSamplingFeature 0..* source 0..* target Observation relatedObservation 0..* SpatiallyExtensive SamplingFeature SamplingPoint CV_DiscreteCoverage DiscreteCoverage Observation result BoreholeCollar + location collarLocation borehole 0..* BoreholeDetails + dateOfDrilling + driller + drillingMethod + inclinationType + nominalDiameter + operator + startPoint indexData 0..1 SamplingCurve + length [0..1] + shape Borehole SamplingFeature Collection Foliation result + orientation RockMaterial result + lithology Sampling, Observations
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 Questions
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 Describes Earth Resources independent of associated human activities Caters for geological descriptions of Earth Resources as well as reserves, mining activities, and mining products Utilises GeoSciML MappedFeature to describe spatial representation Utilises GeoSciML EarthMaterial to describe host and associated materials Mineral Occurrences
Oslo IGC - Workshop WSS-03 - 10 August 2008 Mineral System Mineral Deposit Model Earth Resource Mapped Feature Earth Resource Material Mine Mining Activity Commodity Product Resource Reserve Endowment «FeatureType» GeologicFeature::GeologicFeature +observationMethod: CGI_TermValue [1..*] +purpose: DescriptionPurpose = instance «FeatureType» GeologicFeature::MappedFeature +observationMethod: CGI_TermValue [1..*] +positionalAccuracy: CGI_Value «FeatureType» EarthResource +sourceReference: CI_Citation [0..*] «estimatedProperty» +dimension: EarthResourceDimension [0..1] +expression: CGI_TermValue [0..*] +form: CGI_TermValue [0..*] +linearOrientation: CGI_LinearOrientation [0..*] +planarOrientation: CGI_PlanarOrientation [0..*] +shape: CGI_TermValue [0..*] «DataType» SupergeneProcesses +depth: CGI_Numeric [0..1] +material: EarthMaterial [0..*] +type: CGI_TermValue [0..1] «FeatureType» MineralOccurrence «estimatedProperty» +type: MineralOccurrenceTypeCode «DataType» MineralSystem +associationType: CGI_TermValue «DataType» MineralDepositModel «estimatedProperty» +mineralDepositGroup: ScopedName [1..*] +mineralDepositType: ScopedName [0..*] «DataType» EarthResourceMaterial +earthResourceMaterialRole: ERMaterialRoleCode +material: EarthMaterial «FeatureType» MiningActivity +activityDuration: TM_Period +activityType: MiningActivityTypeCode +oreProcessed: CGI_Numeric [0..1] «FeatureType» Mine +endDate: TM_Instant [0..1] +mineName: MineNamePreference [1..*] +sourceReference: CI_Citation +startDate: TM_Instant [0..1] +status: MineStatusCode «FeatureType» Product +productName: CGI_TermValue +sourceReference: CI_Citation [1..*] «estimatedProperty» +grade: CGI_Numeric [0..1] +production: CGI_Numeric [0..1] +recovery: CGI_Numeric [0..1] «FeatureType» Commodity +commodityGroup: ScopedName [0..*] +commodityName: ScopedName «estimatedProperty» +commodityImportance: ImportanceCode [0..1] +commodityRank: Integer [0..1] «DataType» OreMeasure +calculationMethod: CharacterString +date: TM_GeometricPrimitive +dimension: EarthResourceDimension [0..1] +proposedExtractionMethod: CGI_TermValue [0..1] +sourceReference: CI_Citation [1..*] «estimatedProperty» +ore: CGI_Numeric «DataType» Endowment +includesReserves: Boolean +includesResources: Boolean «DataType» Reserve +category: ReserveCategoryCode «DataType» Resource +category: ResourceCategoryCode +includesReserves: Boolean «FeatureType» GeologicAge::GeologicEvent +eventAge: CGI_Value +eventEnvironment: CGI_TermValue [0..*] +eventProcess: CGI_TermValue [1..*] «DataType» CommodityMeasure «estimatedProperty» +commodityAmount: CGI_Numeric [0..1] +cutOffGrade: CGI_Numeric [0..1] +grade: CGI_Numeric [0..1] «DataType» RawMaterial +material: EarthMaterial +rawMaterialRole: RawMaterialRoleCode 1 +producedMaterial 1..* 1 +measureDetails 1..* +feature+geologicHistory 0..* +preferredAge 0..1 1 +oreAmount 0..* +commodityOfInterest 1..* 0..* +composition0..* +sourceCommodity 1 +relatedActivity 1..* +associatedMine 0..1 0..* +relatedMine 0..1 1 +composition 0..* +classification 0..1 0..* +geneticDescription 0..1 1 +supergeneModification 0..* +child 0..* +parent 0..1 +resourceExtraction 0..* +deposit 1 +specification 1Description +occurrence 0..* +source 1 +commodityDescription 1..* Mineral System Mineral Deposit Model Earth Resource Mapped Feature Earth Resource Material Mine Mining Activity Commodity Product Resource Reserve Endowment Mineral Occurrences Model
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