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Social Media Tip LinkedIn in 15 minutes a day, For job searchers. Crisann Becker Presentations available on the Social Media Committee page,

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media Tip LinkedIn in 15 minutes a day, For job searchers. Crisann Becker Presentations available on the Social Media Committee page,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media Tip LinkedIn in 15 minutes a day, For job searchers. Crisann Becker Presentations available on the Social Media Committee page,

2 How often? Job searchers often ask, – “How often should I be on LinkedIn?” At least once every day A minimum of 15 minutes a day Longer if you are doing profile maintenance Why? Improve your search ranking by 4 times Increase your profile views by 200% to 400%

3 15 minutes a day, really? Yes! This is the bare minimum for a job searcher Check your LinkedIn “email” Engage on group pages in your area of interest Follow companies in your field of interest

4 LinkedIn Email Look for red numbers on envelope and flag icons. Envelope is for messages from other LinkedIn users Flag is to let you know who is visiting you profile

5 Groups Join up to 50 groups in your interest areas, Comment on or originate discusions Review job discussions and posts Like discussions Work toward “Top Contributor”

6 Follow Companies Follow any number of companies Review job postings Learn of inside contacts you may know “Know” your target companies for interviews

7 Social Media Help One-on-One Social Media Help: Tuesdays 9:30 AM Wild Boar Coffee Shop basement Please Bring your Laptop or Tablet Handout on the Back Table Social Media Committee page on Social Media Committee business meeting at 8:30 AM

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