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STAY ON YOUR FEET: An evidence-based framework for falls prevention Rhonda Lovell RN, BNSc Public Health Nurse, KFL&A Public Health Chair, KFL&A Falls.

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Presentation on theme: "STAY ON YOUR FEET: An evidence-based framework for falls prevention Rhonda Lovell RN, BNSc Public Health Nurse, KFL&A Public Health Chair, KFL&A Falls."— Presentation transcript:

1 STAY ON YOUR FEET: An evidence-based framework for falls prevention Rhonda Lovell RN, BNSc Public Health Nurse, KFL&A Public Health Chair, KFL&A Falls Prevention Coalition

2 Objectives Provide an overview of the Stay On Your Feet framework Explore the rationale for use of the SOYF framework Highlight the KFL&A experience with SOYF

3 An umbrella and multi-factorial falls prevention framework, with a positive brand name, and 5 strategy areas: 1.Awareness raising 2.Education 3.Policy development 4.Hazard Reduction 5.Partnerships with health professionals/disciplines What is Stay On Your Feet?

4 SOYF Australia underlying principles: Falls can be prevented To reduce the number and severity of falls, a community needs to implement a wide variety of health promotion activities Planning and implementation of SOYF based on the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion

5 Why Stay On Your Feet? Evidence based Flexibility Addresses critical issues & priorities Community capacity approach Cost effective

6 The Evidence Australian Project Outcomes Community-wide program that addressed as many falls risk factors as possible 22% reduction in self-reported falls 20% reduction in falls-related hospital admissions

7 Fits with other approaches and interventions  Utilizes local knowledge and data  Leverages leadership and expertise  Enables a mix of strategies  Provides a starting point and/or the context to evaluate existing activities Flexibility

8 Addresses Critical Issues & Priorities Ontario Public Health Standards 2008 MHP Chronic Disease Prevention Priorities Ontario Injury Prevention Strategy Integrated Health Service Plan priorities

9 Community Capacity Approach Ensures local relevance Promotes longevity & sustainability Supports collaboration & integration of services Fosters community ownership of the program and input into solutions

10 A role for everyone 10 INDIVIDUALS Society Government LHINs & Other HCPs Public Health Groups, Coalitions

11 Each hip fracture costs the system $21,285 in the 1st year after hospitalization, and $44,156 if the patient is institutionalized. (Osteoporosis Canada) SOYF Ontario demonstration project grants received $60,000 per year for two years In KFL&A many SOYF elements are sustained through Public Health & through in kind donation of community partners’ time etc – embedded in agency priorities Cost effective

12  In 2004, ONF selected three communities (KFL&A, Grey Bruce, and Elliot Lake) to receive a two-year grant to adapt and implement the SOYF program in Ontario and evaluate its effectiveness  Formal evaluation (Corlett & Warren, 2006) found that the program could be sustained by ongoing leadership of lead agencies beyond ONF funding  SOYF approach is still present in some of the pilot communities, albeit in different form The Ontario Model

13 South East LHIN KFL&A Public Health

14 Kingston Frontenac Lennox & Addington Total population = 190 399 65+ = 29 973 = 15.74% 55-64 = 24 519 Addington, North & Central Frontenac 65+ = 23% Ontario 65+ = 12.8% Source: South East Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) Sub-LHIN Planning Area Profile: Addington, North and Central Frontenac Population Estimates (2008), Provincial Health Planning Database (PHPDB)

15  Created a locally relevant action plan  Built upon an existing coalition of key local partners  KFL&A Falls Prevention Coalition  Hired a co-ordinator  Gathered required information Implementation in KFL&A


17 Awareness & education Growth & sustainability Building community capacity Regional relevance Evidence based practice KFL&A focus moving forward

18 Rhonda Lovell, RN, BNSc Public Health Nurse, KFL&A Public Health Chair, KFL&A Falls Prevention Coalition 221 Portsmouth Avenue Kingston, Ontario Canada K7M 1V5 tel: 613-549-1232 ext. 1181 fax: 613-549-7896

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