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----protein folding can have deadly consequences

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1 ----protein folding can have deadly consequences
The Human Perspective ----protein folding can have deadly consequences

2 Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (CJD)
Alzheimer’s disease (AD)

3 Creutzfeld-Jakob disease
CJD, a rare, fatal disorder that attacks the brain, causing a loss of motor coordination and dementia. CJD can occur as an inherited disease, however, it can also be acquired.

4 By the end of 2003, more than 125 cases of CJD had been traced to contaminated European beef, and efforts are still underway to determine the scope of the epidemic. or

5 How can the same disease be both inherited and infectious?
In the 1960s on a strange malady that once afflicted the native population of Papua, New Guinea. Be showed that these islanders were contracting a fatal neurodegenerative disease(神经组织退化). Spongiform encephalopathy(海绵状脑病) Kuru(新几内亚震癫病)

6 Did the brain of a person suffering from CJD, which was known to be an inherited disease, contain an infectious agent?

7 1968 Gajdusek + normal laboratory animal’ brain
Brain of a died from CJD person + Develop a spongiform encephalopathy similar to CJD

8 1982 Stanley and Prusiner Unlike viruses, the agent responsible for CJD lack nucleic acid and instead was composed solely of protein---prion. The prion protein was shown to be encodes by a gene( called PRNP) within the cell’s own chromosomes.

9 PrPc PrPsc PrPsc soluble + - enzyme digesting polypeptide chain
ɑ-helical segment ß-sheet

10 67 PrPc PrPsc

11 Mutant polypeptide might be less stable and more likely to fold into the abnormal PrPsc conformation, which can bind to a normal protein molecule(PrPc) and cat as a template that causes the normal protein to refold into the abnormal form.

12 Alzheimer’s disease Personwith AD exhibit memory loss, confusion, and a loss of reasoning ability. 67 2 Like CJD, the brain of a person with Alzheimer’s disease contains fibrillar deposits of an insoluble material referred to as amyloid(淀粉体).

13 Alzheimer’s disease is caused by the production of a molecule, called the amyloid-b-peptide(Aß), which is originally part of a larger protein called the amyloid precursor protein(APP), which spans the nerve cell membrane.

14 ß-secretase, ř-secretase, Aß peptide
67 3 PS1 and PS2

15 Ab40 and Ab42 Both of these peptides can exist in a soluble form that consists predominantly of a-helices, but Aß42 has a tendency to spontaneously refold into a very different conformation that contains considerable ß-pleated sheet. It tends to self-associate to form small complexes as well as large aggregates that are visible as fibrils in the electron microscope.

16 一个突变的朊病毒可以导致许多单个的蛋白彼此连接成串,就象一组人手拉手一样。其他的导致疾病的类朊病毒的蛋白都以二聚体成对出现。研究者推论这些成对的蛋白形成三维结构域交换状态,朊病毒可能也被诱导形成凝聚体。

17 Thank you

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