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C OMMUNICATION PROCESS & NETWORK 1 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals.

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1 C OMMUNICATION PROCESS & NETWORK 1 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

2 C ONTENT  Objectives  Introduction to communication process  Communication model  Elements of communication process  Video link- communication process  Organizational network  Kinds of network  Video link- poor communication  Examples -poor communication  Learning  Test yourself 2 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

3 O BJECTIVES  Facilitates to personal effectiveness  Helps an individual to network with people  Influences motivation for enhanced performance  Facilitates better understanding of environment  Builds better understanding between superior & subordinates. 3 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

4 I NTRODUCTION  Communication is the process of conveying information between two or more people.  The communication process is the steps we take in order to achieve a successful communication. 4 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

5 C OMMUNICATION MODEL 5 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

6 M AJOR ELEMENTS OF COMMUNICATION PROCESS  Sender: The person who intends to convey the message with the intention of passing information and ideas to others is known as sender or communicator.  Ideas: This is the subject matter of the communication. This may be an opinion, attitude, feelings, views, orders, or suggestions. 6 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

7  Encoding: Conversion of subject matter into the symbols is the process of encoding.  Communication Channel: The person who is interested in communicating has to choose the channel for sending the required information, ideas etc. 7 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

8  Receiver: Receiver is the person who receives the message or for whom the message is meant for.  Decoding: The person who receives the message or symbol from the communicator tries to convert the same in such a way so that he may extract its meaning to his complete understanding. 8 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

9  Feedback: Feedback is the process of ensuring that the receiver has received the message and understood in the same sense as sender meant it. 9 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

10 C OMMUNICATION PROCESS   10 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

11 C OMMUNICATION NETWORKS Communication networks refer to regular patterns of interaction among people and a systematic flow of information. 11 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

12 K INDS OF NETWORK IN ORGANIZATION  Formal Network All organizational policies and decisions originate from the top hierarchy and they flow down through the managers and supervisors to the lower-level employees. It flows in 3 directions: a) Downward b) Upward c) Horizontal 12 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

13 D OWNWARD NETWORK This occurs when superiors send down messages to their subordinates. 13 Superior Subordinate Communication Flow SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

14 U PWARD NETWORK Messages that are sent by subordinates to superiors are labeled as upward communication. 14 Subordinate Communication Flow Superior SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

15 H ORIZONTAL NETWORK Also known as lateral communication, messages, here, are passed on between employees working at the same organizational levels. 15 Employee 1 Employee 2 Employee 3 Communication Flow SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

16 I NFORMAL NETWORK  As formal communication networks have inherent problems of command and control, the idea of informal communication network emerged with employees playing the lead role.  The informal communication network is also labeled as grapevine. 16 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

17 G RAPEVINE  Is mainly the network of ‘who talks to who’.  People cluster around to express their feelings without any inhibitions.  It take place in corridor, near the water cooler, in washrooms, lunch rooms, 17 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

18 P OOR COMMUNICATION  x=2&list=PL058A82A702A180CF 18 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

19 P OOR COMMUNICATION EXAMPLES  Star Princess Cruise Lines: In April 2012, passengers on the cruise ship Star Princess told members of the ship’s crew that they had spotted a fishing boat that showed signs of being in distress. Yet the ship didn’t stop to provide aid, and two people on the fishing boat later died of dehydration. Later, the cruise-line company issued a statement that cited a “breakdown in communication in relaying the passengers’ concern.” 19 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

20  British Petroleum:  British Petroleum: The blowout of the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil rig, in April 2010, resulted in a massive crisis for BP and its partners. Among the key factors that contributed to the disaster were “poor communications” and a failure “to share important information,” according to a report on the White House commission that studied the incident. 20 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

21 T EST Y OURSELF :  The common frame of reference between the sender and the receiver of a message means…? a. The sender and the receiver are still caught up in their b. “message noises” c. Both the sender and the receiver have common understanding of the message d. The mirror reflection of the message has not been established 21 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

22 T EST YOURSELF :  Grapevine is active in an organization when…..? a. formal network of communication is weak b. too many people meet at the same time to talk c. there is some problem at workplace 22 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

23 T EST Y OURSELF :  The other name of Horizontal Communication is…? a. Lateral Communication b. Collateral Communication c. Collaborative Communication 23 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

24 T EST Y OURSELF :  By and large today’s organizational communication climate is…? a. more formal and less informal b. more informal and less formal c. more professional and less casual 24 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

25 L EARNINGS  The process of communication tells you that there are several elements that play an integral part to make it interactive.  As networks have inherent problems, modern managements, through team-work, meetings and open-door policy, have reduced the influence of the grapevine.  Grapevine can also be put to good use. 25 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

26 26 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 2 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

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