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Silverback Gorilla. Family, Genus, and Species The family of the Silverback is Hominidae. The genus is Gorilla. The Species is Gorilla.

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Presentation on theme: "Silverback Gorilla. Family, Genus, and Species The family of the Silverback is Hominidae. The genus is Gorilla. The Species is Gorilla."— Presentation transcript:

1 Silverback Gorilla

2 Family, Genus, and Species The family of the Silverback is Hominidae. The genus is Gorilla. The Species is Gorilla.

3 Physical appearance Gorillas walk around on there knuckles Silverback Gorillas weigh between 298-307 lbs Silverback Gorillas live between 35-40 years in the wild.

4 Habitat The western Gorilla lives in west central Africa. The eastern Gorilla lives in east central Africa. The Role of the Silverback is to look over and lead the others.

5 Symbiotic Relationships Gorillas are symbiosis. Gorilla's symbiotic relationship with another organisms is when once in a while Fleas get in Gorilla's hair and they have to clean themselves.

6 Source of energy Gorillas don’t really have predators rarely they have issues with wild cats or other Gorillas. Silverback Gorillas are Herbivores they eat multiple plants. They rarely have to drink because they feed on succulent herbs.

7 Reproduction Male Gorillas are ready to mate at the age of 15 years old. Female Gorillas are ready to mate at the age of 8 years old. Afterbirth the male and female stay together for about 11 years. Reproduction is a benefit because they are endangered. Mating Activity Gorillas may breed year round. Females are in estrus for one to two days per month and only the dominant silverback has breeding rights. Gorillas are polygynous in nature because the dominant silverback mates with several females in his troop.

8 Threats and Environmental hazards Bushmeat is the biggest threat to Gorillas they are killed for there meat… Habitat loss is a Environmental hazard forests are quickly being destroyed that is where they live. Gorillas are highly susceptible to human diseases. Large and imposing, gorillas are often perceived as dangerous by most humans who share their range and their image is not helped when they periodically raid plantations in some areas (Hart & Hall 1996; Tutin & Vedder 2001). Furthermore, gorillas that attack and seriously injure farmers on land adjacent to parks are even more despised and targets for retaliation (Butynski 2001).

9 Threats to other organisms Gorillas are feared in the animal kingdom due to the Silverback protecting and leading other Gorillas. Gorillas are threatened by habitat loss due to increasing human populations, poaching for the bushmeat trade and diseases like ebola. Species that live in higher elevations, like mountain gorillas, are also affected by climate change, which has the potential to impact gorillas directly by altering their habitat, and indirectly by affecting agriculture yields in nearby communities, which in turn puts more pressure on remaining habitat.

10 Importance of Gorillas Gorillas are some of the most powerful and striking animals, not only for their size and force, but also for their gentle human like behavior.

11 Sources

12 Videos of Silverback Gorilla’s kingdom/videos/an-aggressive-silverback- gorilla.htm kingdom/videos/an-aggressive-silverback- gorilla.htm rilla#p009g8l7 rilla#p009g8l7

13 Silverback Gorilla

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