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Test Preparation & Study Guide Click Here to Continue.

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1 Test Preparation & Study Guide Click Here to Continue

2 Teacher Help Page Target Audience World History: 7 th – 9 th Grade Preparing for the Holocaust Test Learner Description This interactive presentation is designed for students who want some extra preparation for the upcoming exam Mostly urban students Students families range from middle class to poverty stricken Not all students have computer access, so class time will be provided This presentation must develop critical thinking skills that prepare students for college work Click Here to Continue

3 Teach Help Page Cont. Learning Environment This will be done during class time in a computer lab a week before the Holocaust test Benefits Better understanding of the basics of the Holocaust Will better understand test material Challenges Critical thinking Repetition of facts Insights Not take the student’s too long to complete Enough to give solid base for the test Click Here to Continue

4 Instructional Objectives Objective 1 Given information about events students will be able to identify the name of the event with 100% accuracy. Objective 2 Given basic facts about a person students will be able to identify the person with 100% accuracy. Objective 3 Students will be able to identify basic details of the Holocaust with 100% accuracy when given comprehension questions. Click here to Continue

5 Click Here to Continue

6 These buttons will help you navigate through this presentation. Back HomeNext

7 Before you begin here’s a video clip for you to watch!

8 Now that we have finished our unit over the Holocaust we are preparing for the test that follows. This interactive test preparation will improve your knowledge and understanding of the Holocaust so that you can prepare and ace your test!


10 The Holocaust started in the year 1933 and was lead by Adolf Hitler The Holocaust was the systematic, state- sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime

11 The term "Holocaust," originally from the Greek word "holokauston" which means "sacrifice by fire," refers to the Nazi's persecution and planned slaughter of the Jewish people

12 Nazi’s did not only go after Jewish people, they also targeted Gypsies, homosexuals, people with disabilities, and Jehovah’s Witnesses. Hitler wanted to terminate all Jews and create an Aryan nation

13 It is estimated that during the Holocaust 11 million people were killed. 6 million of those people were Jews The Nazi’s killed approximately two-thirds of all Jews living in Europe

14 On April 1, 1933, the Nazis initiated their first action against Jews by boycotting all Jewish-run businesses On September 15, 1935, the Nuremberg Laws were issued and began to exclude Jews from public life

15 After WWII started, the Nazi’s ordered all Jewish people to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothing so they could be easily recognized and as a result targeted

16 The night of November 9- 10, 1938, Nazis incited a riot against Jews in Austria and Germany in what has been termed, "Kristallnacht,” which means “Night of Broken Glass”

17 This night of violence included the pillaging and burning of synagogues, breaking the windows of Jewish-owned businesses, the looting of these stores, and many Jews were physically attacked. Also, approximately 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps

18 Jews (among the others that were targeted by the Nazi Regime) were forced to live in ghettos and/or got transferred to a concentration camp where they were put to death or worked to death

19 There were many different types of concentration camps: labor camps, extermination camps, transit camps, and prisoner-of-war camps Life within Nazi concentration camps were atrocious and inhumane

20 One of the first concentration camps was Dachau, which opened on March 20, 1933; and one of the most famous and largest concentration camps was Auschwitz which opened in May of 1940

21 YES! NO! Start!Review!

22 a. b. c. d. 1933 1941 1960 1952


24 Or click HINT! to get a hint!

25 Now clickto go back to the question!

26 a. b. c. d. Stalin Mussolini Hitler Lenin


28 Or click HINT!to get a hint!

29 Now clickto go back and try again!

30 a. b. c. d. French Russian Greek Polish


32 Or click HINT! to get a hint!

33 Now clickto go back and try again!

34 a. b. c. d. Gypsies Aryans Homosexuals Jews


36 Or click HINT! to get a hint!

37 Now clickTo go back and try again!

38 a. b. c. d. 31 million 22 million 6 million 11 million


40 Or clickHINT!to get a hint!

41 Now clickTo go back and try again!

42 a. b. c. d. Night of Broken Glass Kill the Jews Nazi Power Night of Burning


44 Or clickHINT!to get a hint!

45 Now clickto go back and try again!

46 a. b. c. d. January 23, 1937 May 11, 1935 September 15, 1935 April 9, 1940


48 Or clickHINT!To get a hint!

49 Now clickto go back and try again!

50 a. b. c. d. Auschwitz Dachau Flossenburg Drancy


52 Or clickto get a hint!HINT!

53 Now clickto go back and try again!

54 Review Retake Quiz Done


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