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Iowa’s Section 2703 Health Home Development October 04, 2011 Presentation to: 24 th Annual State Health Policy Conference Show Me…New Directions in State.

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Presentation on theme: "Iowa’s Section 2703 Health Home Development October 04, 2011 Presentation to: 24 th Annual State Health Policy Conference Show Me…New Directions in State."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iowa’s Section 2703 Health Home Development October 04, 2011 Presentation to: 24 th Annual State Health Policy Conference Show Me…New Directions in State Health Policy Westin Crown Center Kansas City, Missouri Iowa Department of Human Services

2 Presentation Overview 1. Iowa Health Home Program 2. Other Iowa Medical Home Pilots 3. Lessons Learned 2Department of Human Services

3 ACA Section 2703 Health Homes Department of Human Services3 High level Concept: Following the 7 principles of a Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) with added flexibility around the location which care coordination is provided. Focusing on Members with Chronic Conditions Starting mid 2012 Iowa is predominantly a FFS environment with a mental health managed care carve out

4 ACA Section 2703 Health Homes – Limited to practices with at least one of the following provider types: MD/DO ARNP – May include, not limited to entities enrolled as: Physician Clinic Community Mental Health Centers Federally Qualified Health Centers Rural Health Centers Department of Human Services4

5 ACA Section 2703 Health Homes Certification/Recognition: Health Homes will have to meet PCMH standards specified in IDPH rules. Those rules require NCQA or other national accreditation. Practices may enroll as a health home by: – Signing an agreement delineating responsibilities of a health home, – Completing a TransforMed self-assessment (if not already PCMH recognized), – Achieve PCMH recognition within first year of operation. (providers that have submitted application with first 12 months and are pending a decision will have an extension) Department of Human Services5

6 ACA Section 2703 Health Homes Payment Methodology Fee-For-Service payments (standard) Per-member-per-month (PMPM) care coordination health home payment: – Targeted only for persons with defined chronic disease – PMPM Tiered payment Levels 1 to 4 – Depending on the acuity/risk of the enrollee the PMPM increases by the tier assignment Department of Human Services6

7 ACA Section 2703 Health Home Payment Methodology Performance payment tied to achievement of quality/performance benchmarks: – Annually, starting in year two correlating with state fiscal year – Measures align with, meaningful use, national quality programs, and other payer initiatives – Providers will track progress of measures through a tool provided by the State Health Information Network (HIN) Department of Human Services7

8 ACA Section 2703 Health Homes Eligible Individuals Diagnosed with at least one serious and persistent mental health condition, or; Has at least two chronic conditions or ; Has one chronic condition and is at risk for a second chronic condition from the following list of categories: – Mental Health Condition – Substance Use Disorder – Asthma – Diabetes – Heart Disease – Obesity (overweight, as evidenced by a BMI over 25) – Hypertension Individual Opts –in to the program through the engagement of the provider Department of Human Services8

9 Serious and Persistent Mental Health Condition Defined by Iowa as a population with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) or Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) The ACA language has emphasis on this group and so Iowa is working to establish an Integrated Health Home to provide whole person, care coordinated services for those with SMI or SED Department of Human Services9

10 Integrated Health Home (IHH) An IHH ensures quality management of both physical and behavioral health care needs through a partnership of behavioral and physical health care providers, coordination of a broad set of services and supports, and measurable improvement in health outcomes. Magellan Health Services is both managing and providing program level support to IHHs established in Iowa. Department of Human Services10

11 Why Integrate Behavioral Health and Physical Health Care? People with serious mental illness often have chronic physical health conditions. Many people with serious mental illness often do not receive the preventive or physical health care services they need. Integrating services to treat both can provide the best outcomes for individuals being served. Health care reform encourages integrated care. Department of Human Services11

12 IHH – Key Elements Co-location of medical services with behavioral health providers Comprehensive care coordination and health promotion Member engagement, peer support and family support Referral to community resources and social support Department of Human Services12

13 Iowa Care Program - History IowaCare program operates under an 1115 Waiver and provides a limited set of benefits to members otherwise uninsured. Program started in 2005 with only two providers in the network. Members had to travel great distances to receive medical care and typically wait months before being seen by a specialist. Department of Human Services13

14 Iowa Care Medical Home Program On October 1, 2010, the IowaCare network expanded to include 2 FQHCs and the implementation of a Medical Home model for IowaCare members. Upon completion of the expansion in 2012, 6 FQHCs and 2 participating hospitals will provide medical home services for over 50,000 IowaCare members. Department of Human Services14

15 IowaCare Population in 2014 It is expected that in 2014, most of the IowaCare population will be full Medicaid Eligible. The primary care services this population is receiving now through the IowaCare Medical Home program is managing the population before they enter into full Medicaid Benefits. The same IowaCare Medical Home providers will likely be Health Home providers for the Medicaid Population. Department of Human Services15

16 IowaCare Medical Home Progress Report Overall, the IowaCare medical homes are managing patients with diabetes better than the general Medicaid population. As of June 30 th, 2011: 2,580 Patients with Diabetes have been seen in an IowaCare Medical Home 82% of medical home members seeking care have had an A1c in the last twelve months Overall Medicaid population with diabetes is reported that 44% of have had an A1c in the last 12 months Department of Human Services16

17 IowaCare Progress Report Access has increased for IowaCare patients in a medical home In the first 6 months –18,717 same day visits for emergent care needs through a primary care office – 49,137 patient encounters occurred at a primary care office –Average.91 encounters per member Department of Human Services17

18 IowaCare Progress Report Non-emergent care wait times vary from medical home to medical home, using the standard measurement of the 3 rd next available appointment, wait times varies from 1 week to 11 weeks. Referral tracking continues to be a problem within the Medical Home network. Access to referral data has been challenging. –Interpretations of HIPPA regulations –The lack of stable or well established HIT connections between the medical homes and participating hospitals hinders communication for referrals, discharges and transfers of care data Department of Human Services18

19 IowaCare - Other Lessons More work needs to be done to ready a practice for an assigned mass of members needing care all on the same day Attention is needed to understand the higher medical needs of this population before rolling out to other practices Referral protocols and communication lines should be pre-established and understood Department of Human Services19

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