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PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach.

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Presentation on theme: "PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach."— Presentation transcript:

1 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach

2 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach PSI Experience, Dealing with a MW Beam… Pierre A. Schmelzbach …in Switzerland

3 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach COCKCROFT-WALTON INJECTOR 2 870 keV TRANSFER LINE 72 MeV TRANSFER LINE 590 MeV CYCLOTRON TARGET E TARGET M SINQ TRANSFER LINE SINQ OVERVIEW Protonentherapie (+ 2006) UCN (in construction) IP 3 mA /1.8 MW 2 mA /1.2 MW 2 mA /1.1 MW 1.4 mA /.8 MW

4 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach Basic Considerations for Design and Operation Accelerators:Cyclotrons with large turn separation at the extraction Losses:Extraction from Injector Cyclotron, injection and extraction from Ring Cyclotron: < 0.5  A each Beam lines: < 1nA / m Local shielding Remote handling Repairs in hot cell located in machine / experimental hall

5 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach Rebuilding of Target E / Beam Dump


7 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach Layout of the beam line between target E and beam dump

8 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach Special tools Shielded flasks for transportation to hot cell Remote control of main functions (e.g. lifting defective component out of beam line shielding)

9 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach Accelerator & Beam Line Protection Range of 590 MeV p in steel is 28 cm = welding torch ! The Run Permit System has to switch off the beam in less than 5 ms in order to avoid burning a hole in a vacuum chamber Transmission Halo Losses (Ioniz. Chambers)

10 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach We are not alone ! Swiss Authorities: BAG / OFSP (Swiss Federal Office of Public Health) HSK / DPSIN (Swiss Nuclear Safety Inspectorate) NAGRA (National Cooperative for the Disposal of Nuclear Waste) Burocracy - before - during - after

11 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach eventually…. + some others…

12 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach 1.Gen. description of the facility / use 2.Plan of controlled areas 3.Machine protection systems 4.Regulations RA-protection (site) 5.Regulations RA-protection (Control Room) 6.Operating regulations for personnel RA-protection systems 7.Concept personnel RA-protection systems (access control vaults) 8.Operating regulations accelerator Responsabilities Operation, emergencies,… 9.Access regulations to site 10.Quartely reports (Doses) Further authorizations needed for Release of radioactivity Hot cell operation Special user‘s facilities Basis for the authorization to operate the PSI proton facility

13 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach The good old times... Things become tougher ! Experience with the high current accelerator Start of the project was quite easy, first upgrade (<1.5 mA) also Upgrade 1.5 to 2 mA - only short test periods at higher current allowed first - delay >2 years because a long pending condition was not fulfilled ( controlled access to site [RA check of persons, vehicles]) Enhanced requirements on facilities for selective storage of material (be carefull with vocabulary and definitions) History, tracking of RA material (waste), e.g. ISRAM, specifications for waste / waste containers (HSK, NAGRA) Also: BAG frequent visits (about once a month), presentation of shutdown planning

14 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach Experience with the installation of our new 250 MeV, 500 nA cyclotron (PROSCAN Project) BAG want: to be involved at a early stage (before you start to build something) submit plans and safety report early to supervise step by step the commissioning of the systems several requests for “authorization to operate xxxx” + progress reports Looks also at things that are not their immediate business (e.g. rf- systems)

15 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach Recommendations: (to solve a 3-dimensional problem: technology, law, psychology) Invite BAG to a first, general information on the project (Dr. Nicolas Stritt ?) Define the scope of the project (accelerator only, target a.s.o as separate projects). Feel what they want to have in the safety report (can be discussed !, they are reasonable people). Problem with “arbitrary” requirements. Safety report: present solutions that satisfy their standards ( not too little, but also not too much !). Operating regulations: clear information on who is responsible for what. They accept local rules if equivalent to their standards. They read safety report and operating regulations very carefully

16 PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT CERN / Oct. 17. 2005 / P.A.Schmelzbach 4 MW Good Luck !

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