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Anne Lee Health Improvement Programme Manager: Education Health Scotland.

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Presentation on theme: "Anne Lee Health Improvement Programme Manager: Education Health Scotland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anne Lee Health Improvement Programme Manager: Education Health Scotland

2 Health promoting schools in Scotland History of involvement Driven by health Regional and local diversity Project or initiative focused Lacked sustainability and strategic approach

3 National education developments A Teaching Profession for the 21 st Century National Priorities Ambitious and Excellent Schools Curriculum Review Education for Citizenship in Scotland Review of Guidance Integrated Community Schools Eco Schools Active Schools

4 National health developments Improving Health in Scotland Let’s Make Scotland More Active – A Strategy Physical Activity Hungry for Success National Programme for Mental Health and Well-being Respect and Responsibility – Sexual Health Strategy Alcohol and Drugs initiatives

5 Important policies………… New Community Schools 1998 Towards a Healthier Scotland –A White Paper on Health 1999 Improving Health in Scotland -The Challenge 2003

6 Importantly……………………. Learning and health go hand in hand. Good health of pupils is a pre – requisite for educational achievement and good health of teachers is important to the development of effective schools. Education & Health in Partnership, EC 2002

7 challenge For every school to be an integrated community school by, and a health promoting school by 2007

8 What’s been happening nationally? National HPS Network Strategic Partnerships Being Well, Doing Well HMIE self evaluation framework - HGIOS 3 National Accreditation process

9 Embedding the approach……….. Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) (Scotland) Act Ambitious Excellent Schools, and Curriculum for Excellence

10 Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) Scotland Act Introduced in the spring of 2006 Initial period of consultation Passed at the third reading in March 2007 Received Royal Accent April 2007 Commencement from January 2008 Nutritional standards from Aug 2008

11 Schools Act cont…….. New nutritional standards Duty to ensure all schools are health promoting Guidance to be provided on areas: –Food and nutrition –Emotional and mental health –Physical activity –Sexual health and well being –Drugs, alcohol and tobacco

12 Ambitious Excellent Schools Curriculum for Excellence The Journey to Excellence

13 curriculum for excellence Included at three levels… Through all aspects of school life Permeating learning and teaching Responsibility for all

14 Regional and school level Strong strategic commitment –Dedicated time, finance and resources –Built into the planning mechanisms Strong networks and partnerships –School Health Action Groups –Joint training opportunities Development of local frameworks –Local accreditation process –Joint assessments

15 Linking to other developments Eco schools Citizenship Parental Involvement Enterprise Sustainable Development

16 School health promotion Identified School Health Co-ordinator Established a School Health Action/Steering Group Engaged with a wider range of partners organisations and professionals Involved parents, pupils and the wider school community Focused on the needs of the school community Agreed a plan of action

17 Curriculum, Learning and Teaching Leadership and Management Partnership Environment and Resources Ethos PSHE A whole school approach

18 Healthy eating…….. Introducing new healthier menus Creating a more conducive environment Supporting tooth brushing initiatives Offering free fruit in schools for primary schools children Introducing healthy tuck-shops Developing curricular packs School Nutrition Action Group or School Health Action Group Cashless systems

19 Physical activity……… Introduction of Active Schools Co-ordinators Offering an increased range of out of school activity Increasing the uptake Ensuring the environment supports physical activity Making use of Physical Education specialists Making use of …. Training of staff to deliver activities Recruiting volunteers to train for delivery of p.a

20 Child at the centre “All children and young people should be valued by being safe, nurtured, achieving, healthy, active, included, respected and responsible”. From the European Rights of the Child

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