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Social Networking Webs and Second Life in Social Communication Prof.Dr. Srisakdi Charmonman Board Chairman and CEO College.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Networking Webs and Second Life in Social Communication Prof.Dr. Srisakdi Charmonman Board Chairman and CEO College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Networking Webs and Second Life in Social Communication Prof.Dr. Srisakdi Charmonman Board Chairman and CEO College of Internet Distance Education Assumption University Invited Paper Presented at FABC-OSC Seventh “Bishops’ Institute for Social Communication” BISCOM 7 Meeting at Assumption University, Suvarnabhumi Campas May 14, 2009

2  HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn graciously presided over the opening of Bangkok International ICT Expo 2007 which includes eLearning and SEARCC Conferences. 2 Social Networking Webs and Second Life.

3  Jimmy Donal “Jimbo” Wales, (who founded Wikipedia in the year 2001 and Wikimedia Foundation in 2003) with Prof. Dr. Srisakdi Charmonman at Bangkok International ICT Expo 2007. 3 Social Networking Webs and Second Life (Cont.)

4 Num ber NameUser per Day (In Million) Percent per user 1.Google46130.7 2.Yahoo39826.5 3.Windows Live 28819.2 4.Youtube26917.9 5.Facebook24616.4 6.MSN24715.4 7.Wikipedia1418.8 8.Blogger1308.1 9.Baidu885.5 10.MySpace825.1 4

5 Top Ten Webs. NumberName 1. 2. 3. (Windows Live) 4. 5. 6. (Microsoft Network) 5

6 NumberName 7. 8. 9. 10. Top Ten Webs (Cont.) 6

7 Number of Internet User on 31 March 2009. Num ber RegionPercent of User in Region comparin g to the World Percent Regional Penetratio n Number of Users in Million Number of User in Region (In Million) 1.Asia41.217.4657 2.Europe24.648.9393 3.North America 15.774.4251 4.Latin America 10.929.9174 5.Africa3.45.654 6.Middle East 2.923.346 7.Australia1.360.421 Total10023.81,596

8 Top Ten Countries. NumberCountryNumber of User (In Million) 1.China298 2.USA220 3.Japan94 4.India81 5.German55 6.UK43 7.France41 8.Russia38 9.South Korea27 10.Italy28 8

9 Twenty-Two Top Ranking Percent of Penetration Number of User. Numbe r CountryNumber of User Internet User Populati on 1.Greenlan d 92.352,00056,326 2.Iceland90.0273,93 0 304,36 7 3.Norway86.03,993,4 00 4,644,4 57 4.Canada84.328,000, 000 33,212, 696 5.Finland83.04,353,1 42 5,244,7 49 6.Netherla nds 82.913,791, 800 16,645, 313 7.Sweden80.77,295,2 00 9,045,3 89

10 Numb er CountryNumber of User Interne t User Populat ion 8.Denmar k 80.44,408,1 00 5,484,7 23 9. Faro Iceland 77.137,50048,668 10.South Korea 76.136,794, 800 43,379, 392 11. Switzerla nd 76.05,762,7 00 7,581,5 20 12.Luxemb ourg 74.9363,90 0 486,00 6 13.Japan73.894,600, 000 127,28 8,419 14.USA72.5220,14 1,969 303,82 4,645 15.Bermud a 72.148,00066,536 Twenty-Two Top Ranking Percent of Penetration Number of User.

11 Num ber CountryNumber of User Internet User Populati on 16.Andorra71.358,90082,627 17. UK 70.943,221, 464 60,943, 912 18.Spain70.527,552, 604 40,491, 051 19.Hong Kong 69.54,878,7 13 7,018,6 36 20.Singapor e 67.43,104,9 00 4,608,1 67 21.Taiwan66.115,140, 000 22,920, 946 22.Malaysia62.815,868, 000 25,274, 133 11 Twenty-Two Top Ranking Percent of Penetration Number of User.

12 Top Twenty Social Networking Webs. Num ber NameNumber of Users (In Million) 1.MySpace253 2.FaceBook200 3.Window Live120 4.Habbo117 5.Friendster90 6.Hi580 7.Tagged70 12

13 Top Twenty Social Networking Webs. NumberNameNumber of Users (In Million) 8.Flixster67 9.Orkut63 10.Reunion51 11.Classmates50 12.Nutlay42 13.Bebo40 14.LinkedIm35 13

14 Top Twenty Social Networking Webs. NumberNameNumber of Users (In Million) 15.Odnoklossnike34 16.V Kontakte33 17.Adult FriendFindes 33 18.My Heritage30 19.Xanga27 20.imeem24 14

15 Second Life. 15  Srisakdi Charmonman IT Center in Second Life.

16 16 Second Life (Cont.)  Sample of Avatars.

17 17 Second Life (Cont.)  Owner of Second Life in Avatar and Real Life.

18 18 Second Life (Cont.)  Social Meeting of Avatars in Second Life.

19 19 Second Life (Cont.)  Kent State University organized a play the Creation.


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