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DEVELOPMENT THEORY PIA 3395. Question? The Role of Normative Theories in an Age of Emiricism.

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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPMENT THEORY PIA 3395. Question? The Role of Normative Theories in an Age of Emiricism."— Presentation transcript:


2 Question? The Role of Normative Theories in an Age of Emiricism

3 Themes of the Week Instrumental vs. Structural Theories of Development Individual vs. Group Focus Systems Theory and Corporatism

4 Systems Theory (David Easton) and Structural Functionalism (Almond and Verba, The Civic Culture (1957) 1. Individuals and Groups 2. Origins of contemporary Civil Society Model: 3. “There is a ‘civic culture’ which is the most developed political form.” Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba Systems Theory and Structural Functionalism- Classic Political Science Theories

5 General Systems Theory

6 Systems Theory (David Easton. Born June 24, 1917 (age 95)

7 Structural Functionalism: Gabriel Almond Inputs: interest articulation Interest aggregation The Black Box (With- inputs) Outputs- Policies Feedback

8 Cultural Debates and the Bureaucracy: A Reminder Disjointed Modernization (Joseph R. Gusfield, University of California at San Diego and Susanne Rudolph, University of Chicago) Misplaced Polarities Theory

9 Crawford Young Markovitz Book Civil Society Collapse and the Impact of (Result of?) Colonialism (Crawford Young) The Administrative State (Picard) And the Organizational Bourgeoisie (Leonard Markovitz) Problems with Bureaucracy

10 Worked on the Colonial state and on the politics of cultural identity in the third world, and presaged the contemporary "instrumentalist" and "constructivist" approaches to political identity. M. Crawford Young, Born 1931- University of Wisconsin

11 Debates About Bureaucracy and the Corporate Structure State centric vs. social centric Development The importance of bureaucracies and Institutional Change (Esman and Staudt) Strong State vs. Strong Bureaucracy: Which should dominate Weak State but Strong Society Weak State but strong (Praetorian) Bureaucracy

12 Group Representation Models Pluralism or Polyarchy? Corporatism and the Scandinavian Model: Social Corporatism VS. Polyarchy (Dahl) Fascism Military Corporatism Religious Corporatism Class Analysis and Corporatism

13 What is Fascism?

14 Integration of State and Society

15 Critique of Corporatism

16 Class Analysis- Debates About Social Class Class Analysis: (Marx and his Successors) Rural vs. Urban Agricultural vs. Industrial collectivization Conservative Critique of Class War

17 Class Analysis: The Dialectic

18 Historical Dialectic

19 Is Class Important? How does it impact Development? Marx and Class Class Analysis

20 The Historical Influence of Marx on Development

21 Types of Contemporary Corporatism: Examples? Social Corporatism Religious Corporatism Militarist Corporatism Bureaucratic Corporatism Class and Corporatism

22 Discussion The Role of Normative Theory in an Empirical World

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