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P ROTISTS Eukaryotic Evolution Structure Metabolism Reproduction.

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1 P ROTISTS Eukaryotic Evolution Structure Metabolism Reproduction

2 E UKARYOTIC E VOLUTION evidence suggests that eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotic cells mitochondria and chloroplasts have two membranes inner membrane is similar in composition to prokaryotic cells outer membrane is similar in composition to eukaryotic cells mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own genetic information genetic information is in the form of a chromosomes similar to prokaryotic chromosomes mitochondria and chloroplasts reproduce within the cell using binary fission

3 E UKARYOTIC E VOLUTION evidence suggests that eukaryotic cells evolved when ancestral eukaryotic cells (with a membrane bound nucleus) engulfed prokaryotic cells and established an endosymbiotic relationship with them endosymbiosis – relationship in which a singled-celled organisms lives within another organism

4 E UKARYOTIC E VOLUTION benefits of eukaryotic cells increased surface area where reactions can take place increase efficiency in exchanging material with environment allows cell to grow to a larger size

5 P ROTISTS – S TRUCTURE made up of eukaryotic cells dramatic range in size from unicellular to multicellular include all eukaryotic organisms that do not fit into the fungi, plant and animal kingdoms

6 P ROTISTS – M ETABOLISM autotrophic produce their own food using sunlight major producer in aquatic ecosystems Euglena, kelp heterotrophic main food source in many aquatic ecosystems Paramecium, Amoeba parasitic live in or on a host organism Plasmodium (causes malaria), Giardia lamblia (causes Beaver fever)

7 P ROTISTS – R EPRODUCTION TERMS: sex cell cell used in sexual reproduction, contains half the amount of genetic information needed by an organism (a.k.a. haploid ) body cell cell used in the body, contains a full set of genetic information needed by the organism (a.k.a. diploid ) zygote cell formed by two sex cells, contains a full set of genetic information

8 P ROTISTS – R EPRODUCTION unicellular protists asexual reproduction – binary fission offspring carry identical genetic information to one parent sexual reproduction – conjugation offspring contain genetic information that is a combination of genetic information from two parents multicellular protists asexual/sexual reproduction – alternation of generations cycle between asexual and sexual reproduction alternations between multicellular haploid and multicellular diploid forms multicellular haploid form – gametophyte contains half the amount of genetic information multicellular diploid form – sporophyte contains a full set of genetic information

9 P ROTISTS - R EPRODUCTION 1. Mature sporophyte produces spores (haploid). 2. Some spores develop into a female gametophyte. 3. Other spores develop into a male gametophyte. 4. Female gametophyte produces and matures egg cell. 5. Male gametophyte produces sperm cells. 6. Sperm cells fertilize egg cells to produce a zygote. 7. Zygote develops into a mature sporophyte.

10 P ROTISTS – E XAMPLES TypeCharacteristicsPicture euglenoids Euglena photosynthetic autotrophs unicellular two flagella for moving ciliates Paramecium Didinium heterotrophs unicellular many cilia apicomplexa Plasmodium heterotrophs unicellular parasitic to animals

11 P ROTISTS - P HYLA TypeCharacteristicsPicture slime moulds heterotrophs life cycles include both unicellular and multicellular stages flagella for moving green, red and brown algae seaweed kelps photosynthetic autotrophs multicellular no cilia or flagella cell walls made of cellulose

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