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Ch. 11 vocabulary review.

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1 Ch. 11 vocabulary review

2 Favorite son Candidate who received the backing of his home state rather than that of the national party

3 majority More than half

4 plurality Largest single share

5 mudslinging Attempts to ruin an opponent’s reputation with insults

6 landslide An overwhelming victory

7 bureaucracy A system in which nonelected officials carry out laws

8 Spoils system The practice of replacing government employees with the winning candidate’s supporters

9 Nominating convention
The system in which delegates from the states selected the party’s presidential candidate

10 States’ rights The idea that the states have many rights and powers that are independent of the federal government

11 relocate To move someone to another place to live

12 Guerrilla (tactics) Type of war tactics in which fighting forces make surprise attacks and then retreat into hiding

13 Log cabin campaign An attempt to show presidential candidate William Henry Harrison as a “man of the people”

14 Jacksonian Democracy The era of American politics when Andrew Jackson was in charge

15 Nullification Crisis South Carolina nullified a federal tariff law & threatened to secede from the Union / Jackson threatened to send in troops

16 Republic of Texas The nation formed after Texas gained independence from Mexico

17 Abolitionists People who actively worked to abolish or get rid of slavery

18 Trail of Tears Route the Cherokees took to Indian Territory after being forced from their land in the East (4,000 died)

19 Suffrage The right to vote

20 Caucus System where major political candidates are chosen by committee members of Congress

21 nullify Cancel

22 Secede To break away

23 tariff Fee paid by merchants who imported goods

24 veto To reject a bill

25 Laissez-faire The government should interfere as little as possible in the nation’s economy

26 depression A period in which business and employment fall to a very low level

27 Suffrage The right to vote

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