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IMPLICATIONS FOR EDUCATIONAL POLICY Alternate Teacher Certification Routes.

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Presentation on theme: "IMPLICATIONS FOR EDUCATIONAL POLICY Alternate Teacher Certification Routes."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMPLICATIONS FOR EDUCATIONAL POLICY Alternate Teacher Certification Routes

2 Teacher Shortages  High Need Areas (SPED, MATH, Science)  Shortages affect 66% of All School Districts  High Need Areas Difficult To Staff

3 Explanation of Shortages Difficult Work Environments (Urban Areas) Low starting salaries Mass Retirements (Baby Boomers) New Teacher Attrition/Turnover  8% yearly (Testing/Accountability, too little support, student discipline, unfunded programs, lack of influence/respect, pay) (Flynt & Morton 2009) Class Size Reduction Licensure Requirements

4 Alternative Teacher Certification Programs Intend to increase pool of qualified teachers For Non-Education College Majors Cast a wider net NCLB provides monetary incentives to states to establish ATCP’s Take advantage of existing content knowledge of candidates

5 Implementation Administered by:  Universities  Community Colleges  School Divisions  Governmental Agencies (DOD) Program instructional time varies between 75-794 hours. Student teaching requirements vary 10-21 weeks

6 National and State Alternate Teacher Certification Programs



9 Policies and Programs Teach for America 1999 VA SJR No.384 calls for alternative teacher certification program  40 states have them  Teacher shortages across the state  Study other states (New Jersey and Texas) SJR No. 384 lead to:  Virginia Career Switcher  Transition to Teaching (T2T)  Troops to Teachers (TTT)  Pathways to Teaching

10 Teach for America (TFT) Aims to end educational injustice by placing college grads from most selective universities to staff shortages in most difficult K-12 environments 33 Regions throughout the US 7,400 placements for 2009-2010 school year Funded by 2008 Higher Ed Act Higher than average teacher performance Program completion = job placement or graduate scholarships

11 VA Career Switcher Military Personnel, 5yr work experience (2001) Qualifications  4 year degree from accredited university  Passing PRAXIS scores  150 hours instruction in classroom management, instructional strategies, and human development theories Mentorship 20 Hr Additional Training

12 Transition to Teaching (T2T) Federally Funded, State Administered Collaboration between Local University and School District High Need Area Schools/Subjects - >30% SES Education Paraprofessionals and Recent College Graduates Program Provides  Summer Training  Paid Tuition  University Classroom Support  Job Placement – 3yr Contract  $5,000 Stipend

13 Troops to Teachers (TTT) Program Requirements  Honorably discharges – Retirees, 10yr Service  4-yr degree from accredited university in content area  Teach in high poverty rate >20%SES = $5,000 Bonus, >50%SES =$10,000 Bonus SPED, Math Science Priorities US Dep't funded through DOD DOD administered - Offices in 50 States - ODU

14 Pathways to Teaching Based on NJ and Texas programs Program goals: increase quantity of minority and male teachers and quality of instruction Program Requirements  60 Semester Hours  2.3<GPA  3yr Commitment to teaching in urban schools Norfolk and Portsmouth Public Schools/NSU Program Benefits  80% tuition assistance  PRAXIS prep assistance  Annual Book Stipend

15 Caveats ACTP – less prepared – Student Achievement Impact Pedagogy Attrition of ACTP Mathematica Study – No statistical difference between traditionally and alternatively certified teachers TFA teachers student EOC better than traditionally certified teacher in Reading and Math TFA Classroom Management – Negative Correlation

16 Caveats Continued Research finds student lower student achievement for Middle School Mathematics Overreliance on textbooks and “canned” materials Lower teacher retention for some ATCP – options Some ATCP’s require as much college preparation as traditional certification programs.

17 ATCP Legislative Review: VA HB 506 – introduced by Rep. Phil Hamilton, this bill would expand the Virginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program leading to an endorsement in career and technical education VA SJ 55 – 2008 establishes joint subcommittee to study teacher shortage in the Commonwealth; examines programs such as Teach for America, identifies barriers to teaching as a career choice and seeks to find possible solutions. VA SJ 384 – 1999 Resolution calling alternative teacher certification programs NC S803 – offers teacher certification programs on military bases, probably as an incentive to lure former soldiers into teaching. NC S868 – act directing the State Board of Ed to remove barriers to the lateral entry of skilled individuals from the private sector into the teaching profession.

18 Political Considerations NCLB –Highly Qualified Requirement / Accountability  Bachelor's Degree  Active teaching Certificate  Pass PRAXIS II HOUSSE – High Objective and Uniform State Standard of Evaluation – Mandated Federal Standards Measuring Teacher Competency NEA – Will ATC teachers dilute their power base Higher Education – Competition with existing teacher prep programs CNU Teaching Program Elimination Hampton's First Steps Program

19 Conclusions Policy Cycle – ATCP No Policy Evaluation Impact of NCLB on teacher licensure Policy Decisions ignores the Market Impact of Current Economic Cycle on ATCP ATCP – Result of Govn’t Distributive Approach to fixing the problem of teacher shortage NCLP Regulatory Approach v. Federal and State Distributive Approach

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