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Taiga Biomes By: Tucker McGlaughn.

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Presentation on theme: "Taiga Biomes By: Tucker McGlaughn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taiga Biomes By: Tucker McGlaughn

2 Taiga Climate The taiga climate is for the most part of the cold arctic air. Winter's LOWEST temperature in taiga is -65°F. Winter's HIGHEST temperature is 30° F. Summer's LOWEST temperature is 30° F. Summer's HIGHEST temperature is 70° F.

3 Taiga Plants Balsam Fir Black Spruce Douglas-fir Eastern Red Cedar
Jack Pine Paper Birch Siberian Spruce White Fir White poplar White Spruce

4 Taiga Animals Gray fox Bald eagle Bobcat grizzly bear red fox
snowshoe rabbit river otter wolverine long- eared owl American black bear Canadian lynx

5 Interesting Facts The taiga is prone to wildfires.
Because of this, many trees have adapted to this by growing thick bark, which can protect the tree from a mild fire.

6 Bibliography

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