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By Yanni and Siebe. bowlingball bowlingshoes bowling alley 10 pins bowling gloves.

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Presentation on theme: "By Yanni and Siebe. bowlingball bowlingshoes bowling alley 10 pins bowling gloves."— Presentation transcript:

1 by Yanni and Siebe

2 bowlingball bowlingshoes bowling alley 10 pins bowling gloves

3  The Belgian Bowlingsport Federation organises the bowlingsport in Belgium.  ± 5000 members play in ±85 bowlingcenters.  It’s played with teams of 5 bowlers on a wekely and national base in all centra of the country during 26 weeks : the "INTERTEAMS".  Levels:  preminiemen: 6-11 years  miniemen 12 -14 years  juniors: 15-17 years  seniors and veterans


5 table tennis racket pingpong ball table tennis table

6 Jean-Michel Saive

7 Did you enjoy it? Regards from Yanni Did you learn something? Siebe

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