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1 of 9 James Hopkins James Hopkins Krystal Salerno Krystal Salerno Danny Noyes Danny Noyes Tenita Nealy Tenita Nealy Table Tennis Outreach.

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Presentation on theme: "1 of 9 James Hopkins James Hopkins Krystal Salerno Krystal Salerno Danny Noyes Danny Noyes Tenita Nealy Tenita Nealy Table Tennis Outreach."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 of 9 James Hopkins James Hopkins Krystal Salerno Krystal Salerno Danny Noyes Danny Noyes Tenita Nealy Tenita Nealy Table Tennis Outreach

2 2 of 9 History History Table Tennis vs. Ping Pong Table Tennis vs. Ping Pong Objectives Objectives Success Success What Will Be Covered

3 3 of 9 What is table tennis What is ping pong Table vs. Ping Pong

4 4 of 9 Origin How Table Tennis recieved the alias Ping Pong History of Table Tennis

5 5 of 9 Objectives 1.Develop interest 2.One middle school and one high school 3.Ping Pong vs. Table Tennis 4.FSU TT club exhibition 5.Club day group-help 6.Techniques 7.Establish clubs at local schools 8. Have TT club to throw a summer camp

6 6 of 9 Schedule

7 7 of 9 What does success mean to our group What does success mean to our group What measures are we taking to be successful What measures are we taking to be successful Success

8 8 of 9 Recap 1.The history of Table Tennis 2.Objectives 3.The group’s schedule 4.Success

9 9 of 9 Thanks for listening The End

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