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A New Effort to Study Intensively Managed Pine Plantations CAPPS - Consortium for Accelerated Pine Production Studies.

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2 A New Effort to Study Intensively Managed Pine Plantations CAPPS - Consortium for Accelerated Pine Production Studies

3 Daniel B. Warnell School of Forest Resources - The University of Georgia Bruce E. Borders

4 Supply vs Demand for Wood Fiber b Worldwide and domestically the demand for wood fiber is continuing to increase b The landbase available for production of wood fiber is declining due to urbanization, suburbanization and environmental concerns b To help meet the demand for this material we must increase production of plantation grown wood

5 Intensive Management of Southern Pine Plantations b Competition Control Using Herbicides b Soil Amelioration With Mechanical Treatments (e.g. bedding, ripping) b Fertilization (time of planting, time of crown closure, etc.) b Genetically Improved Planting Stock (disease resistance and growth gains)

6 CAPPS Field Plots b Four separate installations located at 2 locations in Georgia b Two Piedmont installations (near Eatonton, GA in Putnam county) b Two Lower Coastal Plain installations (near Waycross, GA in Ware county)

7 Treatments b H - complete vegetation control throughout the life of the stand using herbicides b F - annual fertilization treatment b HF - both H and F b C - check plot (a very intensive mechanical treatment that include bedding in Waycross and a 3-pass operation in Eatonton)

8 Replication b Two complete blocks of 3/8 acre treatment plots at each location b 3 time replicates at each location b Eatonton - 1988, 1990, 1995 (one block only) b Waycross - 1987, 1989, 1993

9 Height Development at Eatonton

10 Volume Production at Eatonton

11 Height Development at Waycross

12 Volume Production at Waycross

13 Picture 1 Waycross, Wet site Herbicide Plot at Age 11

14 Picture 2 Waycross, Dry site Herbicide and Fertilization Plot at Age 11

15 Waycross, Wet site Herbicide and Fertilization Plot at Age 11

16 Intensively Managed Loblolly Pine at Age 2

17 Conclusions from Empirical Study b It is possible to produce greater than 450 cubic feet per acre per year in a loblolly pine plantation grown in Georgia b This productive potential is approaching growth rates reported in areas such as Brazil and South Africa

18 Objective of CAPPS b Improve our understanding of tree responses to intensive cultural treatments b Use this improved understanding to develop more efficient management guidelines b Develop simulation models that provide realistic yields on a localized level

19 Objectives (cont.) b Provide information for the improvement of process level simulators b Evaluate and characterize wood quality of fast grown loblolly pine trees

20 CAPPS - A Cross Disciplinary Study b To accomplish the objectives described above it is necessary for a great deal of collaboration among scientists in various fields b The scientists involved are forest biometricians, silviculturists, soil scientists, tree physiologists, forest ecologists and wood scientists

21 Study 1 b The effects of fertilization and competition control on carbon and nutrient allocation, leaf area efficiency, and light interception and the physiology of loblolly pine plantations.

22 Study 2 b Solid wood production in intensively managed loblolly pine plantations with development of individual tree taper, weight and volume relationships

23 Study 3 b Localizing growth and yield models for intensively managed loblolly pine plantations



26 Study 4 b Basic wood properties of intensively managed loblolly pine plantations

27 Funding b CAPPS received funding for a 5 year period starting in July 1998 extending through June of 2003 b The total extramural funding for this project comes from DOE (approximately $300,000), and forest industry (approximately $500,000

28 Funding (cont.) b Daniel B. Warnell School of Forest Resources at the University of Georgia is also providing approximately $500,000 of actual and in-kind support for this project

29 Project Status b All projects are in the early stages b Data at the various levels of resolution (tree compartment (branch, foliage, root, stem, whole tree, etc.) as well as all site descriptors (soils, water tables, etc.) are being compiled in a Relational Database System.

30 Interesting Mensurational Work b Simulating the development of these fast grown plantations b Simulating leaf area development both within and among years b Developing more site specific models that include site information, leaf area information as well as more traditional mensurational information


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