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Entering a New Landsat Era: Already Operational! Randolph H. Wynne Presented to Pecora 17.

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Presentation on theme: "Entering a New Landsat Era: Already Operational! Randolph H. Wynne Presented to Pecora 17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Entering a New Landsat Era: Already Operational! Randolph H. Wynne Presented to Pecora 17

2  Operations, not just science  Managing, not just monitoring  Dynamic, not just static, information  Management-scale, not just coarser-scale, analyses Landsat data enable

3 Key Trend I: Land Use Change

4 Key Trend II: Climate Change

5 Key Trend III: Economic Change

6 Landsat Importance  The Landsat program provides the only inventory of the global land surface over time  at a scale where human vs. natural causes of change can be differentiated  on a seasonal basis  with superb radiometric qualities  No other satellite system is capable/committed to even annual global coverage at this scale

7  While many of us have been working hard to ensure (finally!) operational status of the Landsat program, a large base of users has been relying on the data stream for many years  Examples will be given from the forestry sector Already Operational

8  Operations, not just science  Managing, not just monitoring  Dynamic, not just static, information  Management-scale, not just coarser-scale, analyses Landsat data enable

9 Forest Pest Hazard Mapping

10 Forest Fires: Risk, Response, Remediation

11 Leaves Grow Trees Potential Current Where do we stand? Volume growth (ft 3 /ac/yr)

12 Remote Sensing Estimation of LAI

13 Stand Boundaries

14 Productivity Assessment– all unthinned stands > age 5 1,009 acres with peak LAI > 3.0 1,130 acres < 1.0 5,420 acres<1.5 We need to look at these and diagnose the problem With LAI values, the Data Warehouse provides ability to query and report

15 Leaves Grow Trees Potential Current 36N+40P & 150 N 2 years later 200N+20P Volume growth (ft 3 /ac/yr)

16 SEASONAL DYNAMICS OF LEAF AREA Loblolly Pine 2004 Cohort 2003 Cohort Total Stand LAI Hardwoods Total Pine LAI Hardwoods

17 Stand LAI Leaf-off vs Leaf-on Need Vegetation Control!

18 Areas with Increase in LAI > 0.7

19 Competition Control - Woody 3 year-old plantations Polygon > 20 acres

20 LAI (Leaf Area Index): stand stratification for inventory identification of poor-performing stands for early harvest identification of stands with high levels of competition LAI plus GE (Growth Efficiency) Provides ability to estimate stand-level response to silviculture: (fertilization, release, tillage) Growth = 7.2 tons Growth = 3.9 tons Growth = 5.1 tons

21 March 10, 2001 TM image March 5, 2002 ETM+ image Landsat Images of ABSF

22 LAI Comparison between Two Years Mean LAI of ABSF pine stands.

23 Landsat Images 2001-2002 March 10, 2001 TM image March 5, 2002 ETM+ image

24 Aerial Photos Pre- and Post-Change Color-infrared True color

25 Decision Support for Forest Carbon Management: From Research to Operations MODELS ESE   NASA-CASA GYC   PTAEDA 3.1   FASTLOB USDA Forest Service   FORCARB ESE MISSIONS   Aqua   Terra   Landsat 7   ASTER Analysis Projects   IGBP-GCTE   IGBP-LUCC   USDA-FS FIA   USDA-FS FHM Ancillary Data   SPOT   AVHRR NDVI   Forest inventory data   VEMAP climate data   SRTM topographic data DECISION SUPPORT: Current DSTs COLE (county-scale) LobDST (stand-scale) Growth and yield Product output Financial evaluations CQUEST (1 km pixels) Ecosystem carbon pools (g C/m 2 ) Partitioned NPP (g C/m 2 /yr) NEP (g C/m2/yr) Linked DSTs and Common Prediction Framework (multiscale) Growth Yield Product output Ecosystem carbon pools Partitioned NPP NEP Total C sequestration Forecasts and scenarios Information Products, Predictions, and Data from NASA ESE Missions: - - MODAGAGG - - MOD 12Q1 - - MOD 13 - - MOD 15A2 - - ETM+ Level 1 WRS - - AST L1B and 07 VALUE & BENEFITS Improve the rate of C sequestration in managed forests Decrease the cost of forest carbon monitoring and management Potentially slow the rate of atmospheric CO 2 increase Enhance forest soil quality InputsOutputsOutcomesImpacts


27 NASA-CASA model standing wood carbon in loblolly pine stands after 30 years of regrowth across the Virginia region. Units are in g C m-2 yr-1

28 Ecosystem Services  Resources and processes supplied by natural ecosystems  Include, but not limited to, water quality, biodiversity, carbon sequestration

29 Modeling Ecosystem Services at the Tract Level Using Remote Sensing  EcoMetrix is a joint project of the Virginia Department of Forestry, USDA Forest Service, Virginia Tech, and other Commonwealth of Virginia and Federal agencies.  EcoMetrix will provide spatially-explicit, web-based quantification of ecosystem services using extant best of breed models at the tract level.  Two initial foci are carbon and water quality/quantity; short-term plans for biodiversity


31  Operations, not just science  Managing, not just monitoring  Dynamic, not just static, information  Management-scale, not just coarser-scale, analyses Landsat data enable

32  While many of us have been working hard to ensure (finally!) operational status of the Landsat program, a large base of users has been relying on the data stream for many years Already Operational

33  The mandate we have is bigger than we thought, as Landsat, like the weather satellites, is now a key element of the infrastructure on which our economy and environmental monitoring and management increasingly depend What Next?

34 Thanks! Randolph H. Wynne

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