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ASCCC 101 TAKE 2 AND CALL ME IN THE MORNING Leadership Institute Hayes Mansion, San Jose, CA June 15, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "ASCCC 101 TAKE 2 AND CALL ME IN THE MORNING Leadership Institute Hayes Mansion, San Jose, CA June 15, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASCCC 101 TAKE 2 AND CALL ME IN THE MORNING Leadership Institute Hayes Mansion, San Jose, CA June 15, 2007

2 An Overview for Medical Students  Your Triage Team:  Lesley Kawaguchi  Phillip Maynard

3 Merck Manual: The Session Binder  Anatomy of the Binder:  The Skeleton: Leadership Institute  The Muscle: Matters of Governance  The Soul: Effective Local Senates  The Heart: The ASCCC  The Head: The System Office

4 Leadership Institute

5 Matters of Governance -- Section 2

6 Effective Local Senates -- Section 3

7 Your Local Senate Role  “rely primarily” and “mutually agree”  Board policies and administrative regulations

8 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges -- Section 1

9 The ASCCC  The ASCCC has two major roles:  Represent Faculty  Inform Faculty and any others  The ASCCC represents Faculty at all of the SO councils and committees, the BOG meetings, and many other legislative efforts.  Legislative advocacy is a critical role YOU can help with.

10 The ASCCC  Is the Governance body representing ALL California Community College (CCC -- remember this) Faculty  Over 120 Member Senates  14 elected Executive Committee members  Task Forces and Advisory Groups  Standing and Ad Hoc Committees  And would love to get you to step up and volunteer....

11 The ASCCC: We need volunteers  The ASCCC’s Standing and Ad Hoc Committees:  Each Committee has roughly 6 members, including a Chair.  The Chair is usually an ASCCC Exec Member.  Committees usually meet monthly, with some in-person meetings and the rest via CCCConfer.  The ASCCC Executive Committee meets in person monthly (but has lots of cross babble, e-mails, and phone conversations between meetings).

12 The ASCCC  We need some things from you (blood donations always welcome):  Update your Senate Directory, Page 47.  Disseminate and/or fill out various surveys that the ASCCC sends out.  Fill out the nomination to serve form on Page 1.

13 The ASCCC  The ASCCC informs Faculty and others via:  Senate Rostrum (articles accepted from anyone with no guarantees that they will be published)  President Updates  Legislative Alerts  The ASCCC Website (  Plenary Sessions  Senate Papers  Technical Assistance

14 The ASCCC  The Disease: Acronym Abuse -- Page 131.  Think CCC (California Community Colleges)  Memorize this: You’ll be tested on early morning rounds tomorrow.  Feel free to stop any medical personnel anytime for acronym clarification  Remember, we’re here to save lives!

15 The ASCCC: Plenary Sessions  The semi-annual Plenary Sessions are the means by which the body interacts with the ASCCC.  There are information sessions: Breakouts  Session breakouts are generally crafted by the ASCCC committees, but any good ideas will be considered.  Formal interaction: Resolutions  Informal interaction: Networking and Socializing  Keynote engagements: General Sessions

16 The ASCCC: Resolutions Page 39  Resolutions  Can come from any faculty member.  Are voted upon by delegates at Plenary Sessions.  Are acted upon by the ASCCC Executive Committee and Standing Committees.

17 The ASCCC: Your Role as a Delegate  Learn what you can about every resolution  Get input from your local Senate  Vote that input at Plenary Session  Carry the results and other info back to your local Senate  Share Rostrums and Updates locally  Attend breakouts, become informed, share information locally

18 The ASCCC: Your role as a Delegate  Attend the new delegate breakout at Plenary Session  If you are not a delegate, volunteer to be an election teller at least once.  Attend the Area Meetings -- generally 2- 3 weeks prior to Plenary  Colleges by Area are on Page 37  Socialize with others and network, network, network

19 The ASCCC: Why is this important?  Generally, all actions, research, positions, and activities are directed by the body through resolutions.  The resolutions are then carried out by the ASCCC Committees, the Officers, and the Executive Director.

20 ASCCC Institutes  The ASCCC holds various Institutes based on resolutions:  Faculty Leadership Institute  Curriculum Institute  Vocational Faculty Leadership Institute  Teaching Institute  Accreditation Institute  SLO and Assessment Institute  Fall and Spring Plenary Sessions

21 The System Office (CCCCO) -- Section 4

22 The System Office (SO)  Similar model to local Board of Trustees:  Board of Governors (BOG) oversees Chancellor, Vice-Chancellors, and SO staff activities.  Consultation Council is an executive, all constituent body that advises the Chancellor.

23 The System Office  Consultation exists due to Ed Code.  Consultation is in policy in Standing Orders of the BOG.  Implementation is laid out in the Executive Orders of the Chancellor  Consultation Council membership includes: Students, Faculty, CEOs, CIOs, CBOs, CSSOs, CHROs, org reps from 8 CCC organizations and the Chancellor.

24 The System Office  Generally, nothing decided at Consultation Council is binding.  But full consensus items (eg., Math/ English requirement) tend to be well received by the BOG.  Academic and professional matters will rely primarily on the ASCCC input.

25 The System Office  The System Office has several divisions:  Executive  Finance and Facilities Planning  Educational Services  Governmental Relations and External Affairs  Legal Affairs  Student Services  Technology, Research & Information Services

26 The System Office  The Chancellor has 13 plus advisory committees:  The ASCCC has faculty reps on most of these.

27 If you hit bumps in the road...

28 Technical Assistance  Generally, the first level is to talk with the Area Rep, then the President if the Area Rep can’t solve your issue.  The next level is Technical Assistance, which requires all parties to agree and solicit it.

29 Technical Assistance  The ASCCC and CCLC Presidents/ Designees will provide the assistance.  Assistance comes in 4 forms:  1. Informational presentation  2. Advisory assistance  3. Issue resolution  4. Special workshops and presentations

30 Questions?

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