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Brittany Horr. Introduction  As you learn about the 1920s, you will discover the remarkable changes that were taking place in the post-WWI United States.

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Presentation on theme: "Brittany Horr. Introduction  As you learn about the 1920s, you will discover the remarkable changes that were taking place in the post-WWI United States."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brittany Horr

2 Introduction  As you learn about the 1920s, you will discover the remarkable changes that were taking place in the post-WWI United States. For many people, life was good—the 1920s symbolized carefree attitudes, new styles and looks and a seemingly strong economy, fueled by consumer spending with new advancement in technology. Women fought for their right to vote and succeeded. Life, however, was not as glorious for those of the lower socio-economic class, particularly African Americans and immigrants. For many of them, the 1920s represented continued hardships and discrimination that would continue in the years to come.

3 The Task  Imagine that you are a journalist from the 1920s. What were the big topics to talk about? Your job is to research and experience any social aspect of the Roaring Twenties. You and your co-worker will create two different articles to be published in the class newspaper. Also come up with interesting titles to grab the readers attention. Remember to be creative and to use details to really explain your story.

4 Process  Must be written as if they could be in your newspaper during the 1920's.  Each group member is responsible for both articles.  The articles can be about any significant cultural event, trend or development during the 1920's such as fashion, entertainment, cars, sports, lifestyles, literature, or social issues.


6 Resources  Consequences of the Automobile Consequences of the Automobile  1920s Fashion 1920s Fashion  Men's and Women's Fashions Men's and Women's Fashions  Audio Clips of Music Audio Clips of Music  Greatest Films of the 1920s Greatest Films of the 1920s  Fads Fads  Social Issues Social Issues  KKK KKK  African Americans in Sports African Americans in Sports  Babe Ruth Babe Ruth  Fashion/Women Fashion/Women  1920s cars 1920s cars  1920s Women 1920s Women  1920s Literature 1920s Literature  Timeline of American Literature and Events Timeline of American Literature and Events  PoliticsPolitics

7 Evaluation The main criteria I will be looking for in each group’s newspaper is:  To make sure the report is accurate.  Accounts that are rich in detail, factual evidence, and that are interesting to read.  Each group member will fulfill his/her responsibilities  Well-written articles including proper grammar and spelling. Use rich details in a logical order.

8 Conclusion  The 1920s was a time of prosperity and change. However, the Roaring twenties also had some downfalls. This was an era of change and when people decided to go against the standard norms that were set in years prior. Many things came out of the Roaring twenties. Henry Ford created the automobile and the U.S. had its first ever live TV broadcast. Women fought for their equality and it was obtained with the amendment that gave them the right to vote. Also women changed the fashion world and made it okay for women to dress more scandalous. Alcohol was made illegal which led to bootleggers and the famous mob man Al Capone. Babe Ruth and the Yankees were unstoppable and Americans feared a Communist takeover. The Italian immigrants made one of the most famous Supreme Court cases. The Harlem Renaissance created more rights for African Americans. Garvey spoke of his ideas for Black Nationalism while DuBois and Hughes became leading writers of the black movement. However, with this came the Ku Klux Klan and their prejudice beliefs. The Roaring Twenties followed the First World War and made the U.S. one of the most prosperity nations in the world. It is clear to anyone that the memories of the Roaring Twenties are still vivid as we live in the 21st Century.

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