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Postwar Social Changes Chapter 16 - Section 1

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1 Postwar Social Changes Chapter 16 - Section 1
Between the Wars Postwar Social Changes Chapter 16 - Section 1

2 Do Now: Monday 4/1/13 What is the message of this political cartoon? Look closely at the ENTIRE picture.


4 Changes in Society Young people rejected their parents values
WWI shattered the idea of optimism brought on by the Enlightenment Reaction  society & culture changed rapidly in Europe & U.S.

5 The Roaring Twenties New technologies = new culture
Affordable cars, improved telephone communication, media  motion pictures & radio JAZZ  African American musicians combined Western harmonies with African rhythms. Louis Armstrong Hot Five Duke Ellington Cotton Club The 1920s became known as the Jazz Age

6 Europe Recovers U.S. experienced a “boom” after WWI
Europe embraced American culture Nightclubs and jazz were symbols of freedom Young people rejected moral values and rules of the Victorian Age Flapper  symbol of rebellious Jazz Age First were American European’s soon adopted the fashion flapper, Coco Chanel

7 U.S. Reacts to Jazz Age Prohibition  1919-1933 18th Amendment
Keep people from the “negative effects of drinking” Speakeasies and organized crime exploded 1925  Scopes Trial in Tennessee John T. Scopes taught evolution in his class

8 New Scientific Discoveries
Atomic bomb  Italian Enrico Fermi, American physicists J. Robert Oppenheimer, and Edward Teller 1939 proposed to US government by Einstein Government reacted slowly to atomic bomb 1944  Manhattan Project in New Mexico Split nuclei of atoms in two produces huge burst of energy Penicillin  Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming Freud  Psychoanalysis

9 Explain THREE ways society changed after WWI.
Exit Ticket Explain THREE ways society changed after WWI.

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