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Germany in the 60s. Politic situation Germany was divided into two parts →direct collision of capitalism and communism endindg of the „Adenauer-era“

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1 Germany in the 60s


3 Politic situation Germany was divided into two parts →direct collision of capitalism and communism endindg of the „Adenauer-era“ →new politizication →protest movements especially by the Youth

4 Elysée-Treaty 22 january 1963 the German chancellor Konrad Adenauer and the French president Charels de Gaulles signed the Elysée-Treaty Amelioration of the French-German relation and collaboration

5 Kennedy visits Berlin 26 June 1963 first visit of an American president since the wall was built his speech was an expression of his solditarity to Berlin and the FRG

6 Ludwig Erhard is regarded as the father of the market economy → leitmotif „prosperty for everone“ 1963-1966: chancellor of the FRG

7 Students‘ movements/ Peace movements Main aims: rethinking of old principles renew of social structures Critisism of: the old univerity and colllege system the grand coalition the missing analysis of the NS-past the Vietnam War

8 APO/SDS SDS (The Socialist German Student Organisation) follower of the SPD developed into a left-wing orientated and anti- authoritarian organisation with anarchistic ideals demonstrated against the Vietnam War, the emergency laws, the Springer press and the formation of the grand coalition 1965: Rudi Dutschke was elected to its political council in Berlin → proclaimed the formation of the APO (The Outer-Parlamentary Opposition) forms of protests: demonstration, “Sit-ins”

9 Commune 1 foundation in Berlin in 1967 idea of a new living together →equality of man, woman, child organization of actions: „Pudding-attempt“ later: change of their attitudes robbery→dissolving

10 Death of Benno Ohnesorg 2nd June 1967 was shot during a demonstration against the dictator of Persia his unjustified death led to enormous reactions as people became aware of the abuse of power by the state

11 Women‘s movement aims: equality participation and responsibility in politics, economy and administration equality of wages equal educational opportunities ending of the gender-specific division of labour liberty of sex methods: demonstrations organizations fashion

12 Peace movements Hippies :  disapproved hierarchical and autothoritan structures → friendship, solidarity, tolerance, freedom from violence → protests against the Vietnam War

13 Consequences no real success due to the incompetence of students to stimulate the whole population BUT:  trigger of many political developments and peace movements  proof for social engagement formation of the RAF

14 Thank you for your attention

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