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PROGETTO Leonardo BLENDED LEARNING TRANSFER Rationalising, Learning and Transferring the use of technological platforms to enterprise-based learning strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "PROGETTO Leonardo BLENDED LEARNING TRANSFER Rationalising, Learning and Transferring the use of technological platforms to enterprise-based learning strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROGETTO Leonardo BLENDED LEARNING TRANSFER Rationalising, Learning and Transferring the use of technological platforms to enterprise-based learning strategies The management of the project: Financial questions, contracts, administration Confindustria Veneto SIAV Spa Mestre Venezia 26.02.2008

2 CONTRACT - BUDGET & ELIGIBILITY RULES CONTRACT: Please signs 2 copies (English version) and send them to us ELIGIBILITY OF COSTS: From 15 november 2007 to 14 th November 2009. Reminder on the budgeting principles of European Projects: 1.Implement an accounting system that enables to isolate and identify easily the expenses attributable to the project; 2.Implement a filling system to keep the different supporting documents

3 DIRECT and INDIRECT COSTS DIRECT ELIGIBLE COSTS (supporting documents required): - Staff - Travel and Subsistence (only of the staff) - Sub-contracting (also Travel and Subsistence expenses of sub-contractors) - Other costs INDIRECT ELIGIBLE COSTS (No supporting documents required): - Communication, Infrastructure costs, Office supplies, Photocopies (for examples) For all the rules for eligibility of expenses, refer to the financial guidelines (see LLL Programme – Guide for applicants: Administrative and financial rules)

4 PAY ATTENTION TO: TRAVEL costs includes all costs for travel FROM THE POINT OF ORIGIN TO THE POINT OF DESTINATION (and vice versa) – remembrer to maintain boarding pass for avion travel SUBSISTENCE costs cover ALL LOCAL TRAVEL costs SUBCONTRACT COSTS (specific Community rules regard to procurement apply)

5 OTHER COSTS: a few examples Non-recurring costs for press releases and advertising Purchase of copyrights and other Intellectual Property Rights Purchase of information material, e.g. books, studies, electronic data etc. Subscription fees for taking part in conferences / registration fees for meetings Financial guarantees Hiring exhibition areas Spreading of information Specific evaluation of the action Audits Translations Organisation of seminars (considered as a product / result) Minutes of a seminar Production of a video Purchase of consumption materials which are related to a resulting product (e.g. paper reams for printing publications)

6 NON-ELIGIBLE COSTS Under no circumstance can the following types of costs be considered as eligible: return on capital; debt and debt service charges; provisions for losses or potential future liabilities (provisions for contractual and moral obligations, fines, financial penalties and legal costs); interest owed; doubtful debts; exchange losses; VAT, unless the applicant can show that he is unable to recover it; costs declared by the applicant and covered by another action or work programme receiving a Community grant; excessive or reckless expenditure; purchase of capital assets; in the case of rental or leasing of equipment, the cost of any buy-out option at the end of the lease or rental period;

7 EXCHANGE RATE The conversion in Euros of costs borne in other currencies has to be effected by using the monthly exchange rate set by the Commission and published on the following web site:

8 Financial Reporting Use the financial tables (MS Excel Sheets) to do it Expiry date to present documentsReport n.Attached documents 30/06/08I°Financial Tables 15/11/08 II° - Intermed iateFinancial Tables 30/06/09III°Financial Tables 15/11/09 IV° - Final Financial Tables + Copy of all documents and payments

9 Payment conditions 1st pre-financing: 40% within 45 days from the signature date of the Convention 2nd pre-financing: Up to 40% within 45 days from the approval of a report on the progress status of activities and expenses Final balance:Within 45 days from the approval of the Final Report Notice: The second pre-financing payment can be divided in a variable number of instalments. Full payment of the second part shall be effected only if evidence is given on spending more than 70% of the pre-financing sum received. If less than 70% is used, the second pre-financing amount will decrease by the sum not used from the first payment (art. I.4.2)

10 PAYMENTS totalfinancingcofinancingI° paym 40%II° paym 40% Final paym 20% After acceptation final Report P1 - SIAV189.932,00139.125,1950.806,8155.650,00 27.825,00 P2 - ICUS55.965,0040.994,3614.970,6416.397,60 8.198,80 P3 - KOPERNIKUSZ30.921,0022.649,638.271,379.060,00 4.530,00 P4 - RSO64.455,0047.213,2917.241,7118.885,20 9.442,60 P5 - EUROFORTIS24.837,0018.193,106.643,907.277,20 3.638,60 P6 - W-M ZDZ32.991,0024.165,918.825,099.666,40 4.833,20 Total399.101,00292.341,48106.759,51116.936,40 58.468,20 73,25%26,75%

11 Publicity Each communication and publication concerning the project shall: Mention financial support from the European Community (Art. II 5 of the Financing Agreement) Clearly specify that responsibility is borne solely by the author Show the updated logo of the LLP Programme Have the following sentence printed on each final product (including conferences and seminars): “This project is financed with the support of the European Union. The author is solely responsible for the contents of this publication (communication). The European Union does not accept any responsibility for the use of the information contained herein”. Information available on the following web site:

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