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Marsh in Motion V e LOCITY Rules! 2000 Managing Directors Meeting of the Americas The Greenbrier 22 May 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Marsh in Motion V e LOCITY Rules! 2000 Managing Directors Meeting of the Americas The Greenbrier 22 May 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marsh in Motion V e LOCITY Rules! 2000 Managing Directors Meeting of the Americas The Greenbrier 22 May 2000

2 Defeated Before The Starter’s Gun! “Track 4: Managing Organization Change (Helping Tired and Overworked Professionals with Today’s Workplace Realities)”

3 NAPM: You are the Rock Stars of the B2B Age!

4 Message2000 “The point is the passion!” Charles Handy

5 An Age of Passion: 1 Year = 1.5 Wal*Marts 03.27.99: $167B 03.27.00: $555B P.S.: Wal*Mart = #8 in 2000

6 No Wiggle Room! “Incrementalism is innovation’s worst enemy.” Nicholas Negroponte

7 Just Say No … “I don’t intend to be known as the ‘King of the Tinkerers.’ ” CEO, large financial services company (New York, 5-99)

8 64/24

9 Goal?

10 Welcome to the Land of the True Believers! “We have the ability to turn the economy upside down, to enhance lives, and to drive civilization forward.” Michael Saylor, MicroStrategy

11 “It means nothing less than the total reinvention of this company.”

12 Jacques’ New New Ford Ford + MSN CarPoint Ford + Yahoo! Ford + Oracle Ford + HP/MCIWorldcom Etc. Etc.

13 “We are in a brawl with no rules.” Paul Allaire

14 S.A.V.

15 Net World! Act now. Analyze later. Avram Miller

16 “R & D” Intel’s venture fund: 275 investments, $8B Source: Fast Company, eCompany

17 “Our ideal acquisition is a small startup that has a great technology product on the drawing board that is going to come out in six to twelve months. We buy the engineers and the next generation product. …” John Chambers, Cisco

18 Brand Inside Brand Org!

19 108 X 5 vs. 8 X 1* * 540 vs. 8

20 And Now the Equivalent … White Collar Revolution!

21 The Pincer 5 “Destructive” entrepreneurs/ Global Competition “White Collar Robots” THE INTERNET! [E.g.: GM + Ford + DaimlerChrysler] Global Outsourcing [E.g.: India, Mexico] Speed!!

22 RR on “Assetless” [J.B.] Sara Lee “The most profitable businesses in the future will act as knowledge brokers, linking insights into what’s available with insights into the customer’s individual needs and preferences.”

23 The “&-!!+#$% in the middle”* Jim Clark on Healtheon/WebMD * ’twixt docs, patients, insurers and providers; $275B of $400B in waste; source: Michael Lewis, The New New Thing

24 [ Incidentally … CEO Jeff Arnold Age: 30 First Start-up: Age 24]

25 “We want to be the air traffic controllers of electrons.” Bob Nardelli, GE Power Systems

26 These are … L.A.D.T.I.R.S.* *Life-and-death-total-industry-reinvention- struggles

27 Brand Inside Brand Work!

28 Why are there no books on how to create a “Cool, Rocking, WOW-producing Finance Department”?

29 [NAPM Redux: Welcome to the Y2K New Orleans Jazz and Real Cool Purchasing Dudes Festival!]

30 “Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes.” Phil Daniels, Sydney exec

31 But Does It Matter ???? “On time, on budget … who cares?” anon. seminar participant (4/99)

32 “You really got to me. So many of our information technology projects take on a life of their own, and I know they’ll never end up as more than ‘mediocre successes.’ ” CEO, F100 financial services company (10-98)

33 Measures –WOW! –Beauty! –Raving Fans! –Impact!

34 Brand Inside Brand You!

35 DISTINCT … OR EXTINCT! “If there is nothing very special about your work, no matter how hard you apply yourself, you won’t get noticed and that increasingly means you won’t get paid much, either.” Michael Goldhaber, Wired

36 “If one quarter can’t make the journey, that’s the way it has to be.” Carly Fiorina (1-00/Forbes)

37 Personal “Brand Equity” Evaluation –I am known for [2 to 3 things]; next year at this time I’ll also be known for [1 more thing]. –My current Project is challenging me … –New things I’ve learned in the last 90 days include … –My public “recognition program” consists of … –Additions to my Rolodex in the last 90 days include … –My resume is discernibly different from last year’s at this time …

38 Icon Woman … –Totally turned on by her work! –“It” matters / a WOW Project! –“It” is … COOL! –“It” is … BEAUTIFUL! –She is … in your face! –She is an … adventurer! –She is … CEO of her own life!

39 Icon Woman … - She is … at least … a little funky! –Her curiosity is … insatiable! –She thinks screwups are … as normal as breathing! –She hangs out with some … seriously rad Dudes! –She is not God. She is not Bionic Woman. She is … determined to make a damned difference!

40 “Well-behaved women rarely make history.” Anita Borg, Institute for Women and Technology

41 Icon Woman Meets the Web … –submits resume on the Web –recruited on the Web –hired on the Web –trained on the Web –creates and conducts projects with virtual teams on the Web –manages project and client follow-up on the Web –manages career/reputation-building on the Web

42 R.D.A. Rate: 15%?, 25%? Therefore: Formal “Investment Strategy”/ R.I.P.

43 “Firms will not ‘manage the careers’ of their employees. They will provide opportunities to enable the employee to develop identity and adaptability and thus be in charge of his or her own career.” Tim Hall et al., “The New Protean Career Contract”

44 Seminar Y2K/Brand Inside Message: Distinct … or Extinct!

45 Women and new-economy management …

46 The New Economy … Shout goodbye to “command and control”! Shout goodbye to hierarchy! Shout goodbye to “knowing one’s place”!

47 Women’s Stuff = New Economy Match Improv skills Relationship-centric Less “rank consciousness” Self determined Trust sensitive Intuitive Natural “empowerment freaks” [less threatened by strong people] Intrinsic [motivation] > Extrinsic

48 It’s Girls, Stupid! 1996: 8.4M women, 6.7M men in college (est: 9.2 to 6.9 in 2007); more women than men in high-level math and science courses More girls in student govt., honor societies; girls read more books, outperform boys in artistic and musical ability, study abroad in higher numbers Boys do rule: crime, alcohol, drugs, failure to do homework (4:1) Source: The Atlantic Monthly (5/2000)

49 Brand Inside Brand Talent!

50 Issue Y2K The Great War for Talent!

51 Tomorrow’s Headlines “Molecular biologists are up 3 points, economists down 1/4, in moderate trading” futureWEALTH, Stan Davis and Christopher Meyer

52 There is no “talent shortage” … if … you are a GPTW* *Great Place To Work

53 Talent war, Web-speed! Every resume or employment question that comes to Lucent via the Web gets answered in 30 minutes or less. [24/7.] Red Herring [06.00], on Lucent Director of Recruitment Jim Baughman

54 “Our business needs a massive transfusion of talent. And talent, I believe, is most likely to be found among non-conformists, dissenters and rebels.” David Ogilvy

55 “He grew his hair long, played guitar in a rock band, chased girls, got into trouble. At age 17 he was flogged by his house master, who described him as ‘the most difficult boy I’ve ever had to deal with.’ ”

56 Solution? Ritalin [“a chemical virtually identical to cocaine”/Reason magazine] Or …

57 Elect Him Prime Minister Tony Blair* *talk/May 2000

58 “Whoever is the most impertinent has the best chance.” W.A. Mozart

59 Talent = Brand

60 Brand Outside = Brand Inside

61 Brand Outside Context: No “Commodities”!

62 In the Beginning … “The audit has become a commodity.” Big 5 audit partner to TP

63 What’s Special? “Customers will try ‘low cost providers’ because the Majors have not given them any clear reason not to.” Leading Insurance Industry Analyst (10-98)

64 “We make over three new product announcements a day. Can you remember them? Our customers can’t!” Carly Fiorina

65 “The ‘surplus society’ has a surplus of similar companies, employing similar people, with similar educational backgrounds, working in similar jobs, coming up with similar ideas, producing similar things, with similar prices and similar quality.” Kjell Nordstrom and Jonas Ridderstrale, Funky Business

66 The “10X/10X Phenomenon” 10 Times Better/ 10 Times Less Different

67 “When we did it ‘right’ it was still pretty ordinary.” Barry Gibbons on “Nightmare No. 1”

68 TP’s “Mega-marketing-trends” Rapidly aging population! Health fanaticism! Environmental concerns! Freaky independence! Women rule!

69 Brand Outside Strategy 1 : Lead the Customer!

70 “Wealth in this new regime flows directly from innovation, not optimization. That is, wealth is not gained by perfecting the known, but by imperfectly seizing the unknown.” Kevin Kelly, New Rules for the New Economy

71 Amen! “The Age of the Never Satisfied Customer” Regis McKenna

72 Brand Outside Strategy 2 : Use E-Commerce to Re-invent the Business!

73 Tomorrow Today: Cisco! 90% of $14.4B Save $500M++ (service and tech support) C.Sat e >> C.Sat H Customer Engineer Chat Rooms ($1B?)

74 Cherry Picking Vertical Markets $370B; sellers pay $5K to $8K for “storefront”; 5% to 10% cut Hook: community services (database, catalogs, forums, industry job bank, etc.)


76 B2B 1999 – 2004: 50X 2004: $7.4 Source: GartnerGroup (per Reuters 1-26-00) T

77 GM/Ford/DaimlerChrysler (02-27) Covisint $240B (+$500B) I.P.O.

78 Goal? Drive profits to zero!* *Remember AMR and “dynamic pricing.”

79 Paradox? Community Services/V.A. Waste Extraction

80 Welcome to D.I.Y. Nation! “Changes in business processes will emphasize self service. Your costs as a business go down and perceived service goes up because customers are conducting it themselves.” Ray Lane, Oracle

81 Anne Busquet/ American Express Not: “Age of the Internet” Is: “Age of Customer Control”

82 The Supply Side … The Age of the Choiceboard The War of the Choiceboards Source: Adrian Slywotzky, HBR 1-2/2000 [<1%]

83 “In the network economy, the Website becomes the company’s primary interface to the customer. The user interface becomes the marketing materials, store front, store interior, sales staff and post- sales support all rolled into one.” Jakob Nielsen, Designing Web Usability

84 “Most companies would do more business on the Internet if they fired their entire marketing department and replaced it with people who could produce interactive content that actually made it easier for users to buy.” Jakob Nielsen, Nielsen Norman Group

85 “Where does the Internet rank in priority? It’s No. 1, 2, 3, and 4.” Jack Welch

86 [G e Miscellany … Polymerland: 75% to Web Appliances: $5 to 20 cents [Web vs. call Service Rep; 20 million calls per year Source: Fast Company]

87 “Even if executives of established businesses grasp the impact of new technologies … they still face a massive competitive disadvantage precisely because they are incumbents. … They do complex financial calculations and get bogged down in internal political debates. Insurgents have no such inhibitions.” Philip Evans & Thomas Wurster, Blown to Bits

88 There are 2 Kinds of … Defense* vs. Offense** *Fend off upstarts. ** Reinvent our marketspace!

89 Web Strategy: GE Power Systems “Launch and Learn” (4 sites in 30 days)

90 “It’s better to be first with less than last with more. Success on the Web isn’t just about time to market, it’s also about ‘time to learning.’ ” Jeff Levy, eHatchery

91 [ He who has the quickest O.O.D.A. Loops* wins! *Observe. Orient. Decide. Act. / Col. John Boyd ]

92 Jargon Bath! Bureaucracy free … Systemically integrated … Internet intense … Knowledge based … Time and location free … “Instantly” responsive … Customer centric … Mass customization enabled.

93 Translation … Bureaucracy free = Flat org, no B.S. Systemically integrated = Whole supply chain tightly wired/ friction free Internet intense = Do it all via the Web Knowledge based = Open access Time and location free = Whenever, wherever “Instantly” responsive = Speed demons Customer centric = Customer calls the shots Mass customization enabled = Every product and service rapidly tailored to client requirements

94 “E-business is the final nail in the coffin for bureaucracy at GE.” Jack Welch/ GE Annual Report 2000

95 [ Words to Live By … “Hierarchy is an organization with its face toward the CEO and its ass toward the customer.” Kjell Nordstrom and Jonas Ridderstrale, Funky Business]

96 Brand Outside Strategy 3 : Women Rule!

97 ????????? Home Furnishings … 94% Vacations … 92% Houses … 91% Bank Account … 89% Health Care … 75% Etc.

98 $3.3T + $1.5T = $4.8T* * Larger than Japan!

99 48% working wives > 50% 80% checks 61% bills 53% stock (mutual fund boom) 43% > $500K 95% financial decisions/ 29% single handed

100 Women … 49% of Web users; 6 of 10 new users; 83% of wired women are primary decision makers for family healthcare, finances, education. Source: Business Week (11-99)

101 Yeow! 1970 … 1% 2000 … 50%

102 OPPORTUNITY NO. 1!* [* No shit!]

103 Carol Gilligan/ In a Different Voice Men: Get away from authority, family Women: Connect Men: Self-oriented Women: Other-oriented Men: Rights Women: Responsibilities

104 FemaleThink/ Popcorn “Men and women don’t think the same way, don’t communicate the same way, don’t buy for the same reasons. “He simply wants the transaction to take place. She’s interested in creating a relationship. Every place women go, they make connections.”

105 Women and Healthcare Women are … more dissatisfied, frustrated by the way they are treated and spoken down to by physicians, seek more information, are more pressed for time … and make 75% of health care decisions and control 2/3 of health care $$$$ [and constitute 2/3 of health care employees]. Source: Patricia Braus, Marketing Healthcare to Women

106 Women and Financial Advisors Women want … a plan, to be listened to, to be taken seriously, to read about it, to think about it. Women do not want … an in-your-face sales pitch Source: Kathleen Boyle, Wheat Boyle Butcher Singer

107 How Many Gigs You Got, Man? “Hard to believe … Different criteria” “Every research study we’ve done indicates that women really care about the relationship with their vendor.” Robin Sternbergh/ IBM

108 Not!! “Year of the Woman”

109 Enterprise Reinvention! Recruiting Hiring/Rewarding/ Promoting Structure Processes Measurement Strategy Culture Vision Leadership THE BRAND ITSELF!

110 Not a Morality Play! “It is critical that we all understand that IBM is not marketing to women entrepreneurs because it is the thing to do, or even the right thing to do. We are marketing to women entrepreneurs because it is a huge opportunity.” Cherie Piebes

111 27 March 2000: email to TP from Shelley Rae Norbeck “I make 1/3 rd more money than my husband does. I have as much financial ‘pull’ in the relationship as he does. I’d say this is also true of most of my women friends. Someone should wake up, smell the coffee and kiss our asses long enough to sell us something! We have money to spend and nobody wants it!”

112 Wanna see my “porn” collection?

113 TP: A Modest AttaMarsh! Karen Horn Sally Bott 23% MDs in last year

114 Brand Outside Strategy 4 : It’s the Experience!

115 “Experiences are as distinct from services as services are from goods.” Joseph Pine & James Gilmore, The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every Business a Stage

116 “The [Starbucks] Fix” Is on … “We have identified a ‘third place.’ And I really believe that sets us apart. The third place is that place that’s not work or home. It’s the place our customers come for refuge.” Nancy Orsolini, District Manager

117 Experience: “Rebel Lifestyle!” “What we sell is the ability for a 43-year-old accountant to dress in black leather, ride through small towns and have people be afraid of him.” Harley exec, quoted in Results-based Leadership

118 Mantra: “Any good can be ing -ed” the driv ing experience the pump ing experience the sitt ing experience the read ing experience the wash ing experience the cook ing experience Joseph Pine & James Gilmore, The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every Business a Stage

119 And Now For A Nod To 1/7 th of Our Economy!

120 Health Care Tsunami Prevention/Wellness/Fitness Proactive Engineering/Gene “stuff”[Blockbuster-Bazooka to Specific-Sniper’s Rifle] Holistic/Homeopathic/Non-traditional Patient-centric/Web-led No waste [Healtheon/WebMD et al.] Etc.

121 TP 03.26.00: AMA Riff

122 1965: “ ‘Doctor’ will see you now. ‘Doctor’ will take care of you.” YES, NURSE. ME GOOD PUPPY DOG. 1995: “HMO will take care of you.” BULLSHIT. 2005: “I will take care of me. I’d like your expert help.”* [ *P.S.: THE VIAGRA, ETC.] I ORDERED ONLINE IS GREAT.]

123 Patient-centric* Health Care Wellness (Fix to prevent.) Partnership (“Tour guide” model.) RESPECT! (Mutual.) WOMEN RULE! *Not: HMO-centric, Employer-centric, Insurer-centric, Doc-centric

124 Brand Leadership Passion Rules!

125 Brand Leadership: ENTHUSIASM RULES! “I am a dispenser of enthusiasm.”/ Ben Zander

126 Brand Leadership! “A key – perhaps the key – to leadership is the effective communication of a story.” Howard Gardner Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership

127 “The challenge for IBM, AT&T and other mainstream companies is to re-instill a sense of adventure in recruits.” Burke Stinson, AT&T

128 Talent “War,” Marketplace “War” “The successful company has to create an environment that imbues its employees with a sense of passion.” Joe Nocera, eCompany, on David Pottruck

129 Ann Richards’ Dogma Show up! Know your message! PUT YOURSELF AT RISK EVERY DAY!

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