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A partnership between the Prevention of Elder Abuse Committee of York Region and the Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness Funded by the Ontario Trillium.

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Presentation on theme: "A partnership between the Prevention of Elder Abuse Committee of York Region and the Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness Funded by the Ontario Trillium."— Presentation transcript:

1 A partnership between the Prevention of Elder Abuse Committee of York Region and the Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness Funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation Elder Abuse Education Program-York Region

2 Objectives of the Program Identify who can help and make resources available Introduce Response Guidelines to Service Providers and offer In-Service Education Offer Peer-Led Workshops to Seniors, to Start the Conversation Increase awareness and provide education and resources on recognizing and responding to elder abuse

3 Elder Abuse Education Program-York Region Where are we now? “Starting the Conversation” Peer-Led Workshops: 30 Workshops Over 370 Seniors “Response Guidelines” In-Service Presentations: 23 In-Services Over 400 Staff Volunteers Engaged : 23 (Languages include Hindi, Tamil, Tagalog, Hebrew, Romanian, Spanish) Website Hits: Average 4,000 monthly (Last year’s Monthly average: 1,000)

4 RESPONSE GUIDELINES Portable, small enough to keep handy Clear, concise, easy to read Lots of helpful information, but not overwhelming Decision Tree, Red Flag Chart, Duty to Report very helpful Resource Contact Information helpful (sometimes unsure who to contact and how to reach them) Feedback confirms findings of Focus Groups Elder Abuse Education Program-York Region

5 Limited/slow engagement from PSW-staffed agencies Many want In-service Education to Managers, Supervisors, etc. before offering to front-line workers In-Service Presentations have included staff not necessarily front-line service providers (Managers, Coordinators, Social Workers, Supervisors, Office Staff, kitchen staff, etc.) Interesting Discoveries:

6 Elder Abuse Education Program-York Region Often want In-service Education to be agency-specific Some agencies have some education in place, but not consistently offered Frequently staff are not aware if there is a policy and/or what the procedure is Both Seniors and Service Providers are confused about who to call and what the response will be (they want to be able to predict the outcome) Interesting Discoveries:

7 Elder Abuse Education Program-York Region Barriers to Engagement… “Starting the Conversation” Peer-Led Workshops with Seniors: - The topic -Taking time for education (social versus educational clubs) -Unsure of appropriateness of material – hesitant to have us in “Response Guidelines” In-Service Workshops with Service Providers: - Unwilling to pay staff time for education - Gathering staff together at same time an issue - Belief that staff are already aware and confident in responding to elder abuse Un

8 Elder Abuse Education Program-York Region Engagement Strategies? Look for ways to collaborate with other Community Agencies Share information, articles, videos Be or recruit a “Champion” within your organization Look for ways to bring education to staff, even if not time to meet face-to-face Communities of Practice

9 Elder Abuse Education Program-York Region Engagement Strategies? Not naming the Seniors workshops “Elder Abuse” Be or recruit a Champion within Seniors groups Try to schedule workshop at a time when group is already meeting

10 Elder Abuse Education Program-York Region Find a “Champion” Collaborate Be Creative Final Thoughts…

11 To book In-Service Education or a Seniors Workshop: or Call 905-967-0687, Ext. 240 Elder Abuse Education Program-York Region

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