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Welcome Students and Parents Spring 2015 Educational Enrichment Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Students and Parents Spring 2015 Educational Enrichment Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Students and Parents Spring 2015 Educational Enrichment Program

2 Administration and Faculty Deborah IkedaCampus President Kelly FowlerVice President of Instruction & Students Doris GriffinDean of Students Thomas MesterDean of Instruction Gurdeep SihotaDirector of Student Success, Student Equity, & Outreach Rachel Moring GarciaEnrichment Counselors Erica Johnson Courtney Sparrow David NavarroCollege Relations Specialist

3  Enrichment Program Overview  Steps to Enroll  Academic Calendar  Program Expectations  Items to Remember  Questions and Answers

4  Available to future Sophomores with 3.0  Available to Junior & Seniors with 2.5  Can complete up to 2 courses per semester  Enrollment fees are waived; student is responsible for books and supplies  Receive college credit (HS credit is a decision made by HS Admin)  Schedule of courses is available at and on WebAdvisor

5  STEP 1: Complete Online Admissions Application  STEP 2: Complete Educational Enrichment Application Packet (include signatures and HS Transcript)  STEP 3: Complete Placement Test if needed  STEP 4: Submit Paperwork to CCCC Counseling  STEP 5: Register if approved on December 1, 2014

6  January 12th – Spring Semester Begins  January 19 th – Martin Luther King Holiday  January 30th – Last Day to Drop a full-term class without a mark (W) on your transcript  February 13 th – Lincoln’s Day Holiday  February 16 th – Washington’s Day Holiday  March 13th – Last Day to Drop a full-term class (letter grades assigned after this date)  March 30 th – April 3 rd – Spring Recess  May 18 th -22 nd – Final Exams Week  May 22 nd – End of Spring Semester

7  Important to attend class the first day  Communicate with your instructor  Ask questions  Purchase books and supplies  Treated like a college student

8  Activate your college e-mail  Username:  Password: P@ssword123  Check grades on WebAdvisor  Username: lastname_student ID#  Password: 6 digit birthdate (021495)

9 “If I hadn’t signed into the program, I would have lost an opportunity of having a head start in college”

10  Counseling(559) 325-5230  Doris Griffin(559) 325-5230  David Navarro(559) 325-5200

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