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Accommodation & Hospitality Services Equality & Diversity (Including the University’s Dignity and Respect Policy & Procedure)

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Presentation on theme: "Accommodation & Hospitality Services Equality & Diversity (Including the University’s Dignity and Respect Policy & Procedure)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Equality & Diversity (Including the University’s Dignity and Respect Policy & Procedure)

2 Aims and Objectives AIM: Increase awareness and understanding of equality and diversity and its importance in the workplace OBJECTIVES: To understand the meaning of equality and diversity To understand the areas covered by the Equality Act 2010 To gain an overview of the relevant University policy related to E&D i.e. the University’s Dignity & Respect Policy and Procedure Accommodation & Hospitality Services

3 Why are we here? The University is an employer that spends government money on education. This means we have to apply important laws to the way we work, including the Equality Act (2010). The Equality Act (2010) details a number of characteristics that are protected under legislation This means that the University could be fined if it does not train its employees how to treat one another with respect, dignity and fairness If you do not treat colleagues, students and customers with respect and fairness you could face disciplinary action Accommodation & Hospitality Services

4 Equality and Diversity – key definitions EQUALITY:DIVERSITY: Equality is about creating Diversity literally means a fairer society, where everyonedifference. It is about can participate and has the recognising individual and opportunity to fulfill their potentialgroup differences, treating people as individuals, and placing positive value on diversity in the community and at work Can you think of any groups covered and protected by the Equality Act 2010? Accommodation & Hospitality Services

5 Equality – The Equality Act 2010 -The Equality Act (2010) is legislation and specifies that the following characteristics are protected by law: -Age -Race -Gender (Sex) -Sexual Orientation -Religion -Disability -Trans-gender -Marriage or Civil Partnership -Pregnancy and Maternity -We, as employees and as an employer, must not treat others differently on the basis of the above characteristics or else this could be seen as unfair discrimination, bullying or harassment -People must therefore be treated the same regardless of the above protected characteristics, for example: -Men and women must be paid equally to do the same job (Gender) -Young and old employees should have the same opportunity/access to training (Age)

6 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Diversity – further information -Diversity refers to recognising and valuing differences -This means that both individual and group diversity should be considered in our employment practices and service design and delivery to ensure that everybody’s needs and requirements are understood and responded to -This may require making different decisions or responses to both individuals and to groups in order to provide accessible services and promote inclusive working environments

7 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Dignity and Respect Policy and Procedure -The University is committed to providing an environment where all employees, students and customers are treated with dignity and respect, free of unlawful discrimination, victimisation, bullying or any form of harassment -This policy and procedure gives guidelines on how to make a complaint and actions that may be taken, including disciplinary action DEFINITIONS (for full details refer to the Dignity & Respect Policy & Procedure): -Harassment: intentions of respondent are irrelevant. The key is that the actions or comments are perceived as demeaning, unwarranted and unacceptable t the complainant and would be by any reasonable person. The actions are related to a protected characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual e.g. racist/homophobic behaviour. -Bullying: is a form of harassment but does not need to be related to a protected characteristic. Threatening, abusive, intimidating or insulting behaviour and could be an abuse of power e.g. unfair work allocation, public ridicule.

8 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Staff and Student Responsibilities -To treat all co-workers/students with dignity and respect, and not to behave in a manner that could be offensive to others -Be proactive in developing and maintaining effective working/study relationships with co-workers/students, taking appropriate action where there are difficulties in these working/study relationships -Be responsible for your own behaviour and encourage respect between colleagues -Report unfair treatment to managers, both if you feel it is happening to you or to a colleague Manager Responsibilities -Manage staff fairly in line with all University HR policies and procedures -Take action to ensure that a working/study environment free from harassment and bullying is maintained -Help resolve issues informally wherever possible or in line with the formal processes where required -Provide support for staff where appropriate directly or signpost them to support from the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) -Communicate this policy to their staff/students

9 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Quiz – key terms A. Equality B. Diversity C. Unfair discrimination D. Bullying E. Harassment 1. Recognise that people are different. 2. Ensuring everyone has equal opportunity to fulfill their potential. 3. Behaviour that is repeated, intended to hurt someone ether physically or emotionally e.g. constant criticism of someone's work or personal behaviour. 4. Unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimindating, hostile degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual 5. When someone is treated less favourably than another person because of a protected characteristic they have or are thought to have

10 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Further Information: University Dignity & Respect Policy & Procedure: Equality & Diversity web pages: University Disciplinary Policy & Procedure:

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