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Gweithdy Gwrth-fwlio Antibullying Workshop Cynhadledd Athrawon Cymru Gyfan All Wales Teachers Conference 2013 SJ Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Gweithdy Gwrth-fwlio Antibullying Workshop Cynhadledd Athrawon Cymru Gyfan All Wales Teachers Conference 2013 SJ Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gweithdy Gwrth-fwlio Antibullying Workshop Cynhadledd Athrawon Cymru Gyfan All Wales Teachers Conference 2013 SJ Education

2 Ystadegau Statistics Cafodd bron i draean plant ysgol rhwng 10 a 12 oed yng Nghymru eu bwlio mewn cyfnod o ddau fis, yn ôl arolwg ymhlith disgyblion Blwyddyn 6 - adroddodd 32% o’r disgyblion eu bod wedi eu bwlio yn ystod y ddau fis diwethaf. Blwyddyn 7 - adroddodd 30% o’r disgyblion eu bod wedi eu bwlio yn ystod y ddau fis diwethaf. Blwyddyn 10 - adroddodd 15% o’r disgyblion eu bod wedi eu bwlio yn ystod y ddau fis diwethaf. yn yr ymchwil hefyd cyfaddefodd 15% o ddisgyblion Blwyddyn 10 (14 a 15 oed) eu bod wedi cael eu bwlio yn yr un cyfnod dau fis. ALMOST a third of schoolchildren aged between 10 and 12 in Wales were bullied in a two-month period, according to a student survey Year 6-32% of pupils reported being bullied in the last two months. Year 7-30% of pupils reported being bullied in the last two months. Year 10-15% of pupils reported being bullied in the last two months research also saw 15% of Year 10 pupils, aged 14 and 15, admit they had been bullied in the same two-month spell.

3 Deddfwriaeth Legislation Parchu Eraill: Canllawiau Gwrth-fwlio 2012/Respecting Others Antibullying Guidance 2012 Diogelu Plant mewn Addysg: Rôl Awdurdodau Lleol a Chyrff Llywodraethu /Safeguarding in Education: The role of local authorities and governing bodies Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 / Equality Act 2010 _final.pdf

4 Beth ddylai ysgol eu cael…. What Schools should have…. Polisi gwrth-fwlio Arweinydd neu gydlynydd gwrth-fwlio Arolwg rheolaidd ar ffurf holiadur ar gyfer disgyblion a rhieni neu ofalwyr Adolygiad a gwerthusiad rheolaidd Cofnodi ac adrodd wrth yr Uwch Dîm Rheoli a’r Llywodraethwyr Antibullying Policy Antibullying lead or coordinator Regular questionnaire survey of pupils and parents or carers Regular review and evaluation Recording and reporting to S.M.T. and Governors

5 Arolwg Inspection Mae Estyn yn cynnwys bwlio wrth farnu ar ddiogelwch, gyda chyfeiriad clir at fwlio yn: Cwestiwn allweddol 1.2 Lles; Cwestiwn allweddol 2.3 Gofal, cymorth ac arweiniad Cwestiwn allweddol 3 Arweinyddiaeth Estyn includes bullying in the judgment on safeguarding, with explicit reference to bullying in: Key question 1.2 Wellbeing; Key question 2.3. Care, support and guidance Key question 3 Leadership

6 Diffiniadau? Definitions?

7 Mathau Types

8 Effaith Effect

9 Adnoddau Cyfryngau Media Resources Stori Joe / Joe’s Story

10 Sources of help SJED CAB,3047,3049,3073,5443&parent_directory_id=2865,3047,3049,3073,5443&parent_directory_id=2865 Full Circle Barnardos related-bullying-research-report/publication-view.jsp?pid=PUB-1430 related-bullying-research-report/publication-view.jsp?pid=PUB-1430 NSPCC Childline Stonewall LGBT Excellence Centre

11 SJ Education SJ Education Consultancy provides advice, information and support to schools, colleges, P.R.U.’s and local authorities to help them improve wellbeing Contact Shân Jones Mob: 07712931540 Mae Ymgynghoriaeth SJ Education yn darparu cyngor, gwybodaeth a chefnogaeth i ysgolion, colegau, PRU ac awdurdodau lleol i’w cynorthwyo i wella lles Cysylltwch â Shân Jones

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