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+ The Dance & Disability Landscape Sue Williams 17/05/14.

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Presentation on theme: "+ The Dance & Disability Landscape Sue Williams 17/05/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 + The Dance & Disability Landscape Sue Williams 17/05/14

2 + Overview Setting the Scene Where are we now? How do we begin to navigate the barriers within this Landscape?

3 + Setting the Scene A selective chronology -policy 2004 – Demos report Disablism 2004 – Improving the Life Chances of Disabled people Report 2005 – The Disability Equality Duty Dance Mapping Report – Arts Council England Achieving Great Art for Everyone - recently updated to achieving Great Art and Culture for Everyone. The Equality Act (2010)

4 + Where are we now? My perspective

5 + Where are we now? Arts Council England Creative Case for Diversity Unlimited National Portfolio Organisations Investment Strategy

6 + Where are we now Use and lack of clarity Evidence Base Lack of coherent evidence base Leadership Divergent Agendas

7 + Navigation

8 + Which Lens to Use?

9 + Disability is a Strategic Issue Importance of Strategic vision Ability to understand how disability fits into your organisation Act and respond like a zoom lens – see the big picture but also able to zoom in on the detail to ensure access and inclusion

10 + Dance Organisations Creative change A beacon of good practice – long history and committment

11 + Thank You

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