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By Maria, Jo and Sheena.  Health and Safety at work Act (1974)  Children Act ( 2004)  Equality Act (2010)  Education and skills act (2008)

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Presentation on theme: "By Maria, Jo and Sheena.  Health and Safety at work Act (1974)  Children Act ( 2004)  Equality Act (2010)  Education and skills act (2008)"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Maria, Jo and Sheena

2  Health and Safety at work Act (1974)  Children Act ( 2004)  Equality Act (2010)  Education and skills act (2008)

3  Act established in 1974  This is an Act of the Parliament of the UK  Secures the Health and safety and welfare of person’s at work.  Employers have a legal requirement to complete risk assessments and provide PPE  Employers can be prosecuted under this Act

4  Underpins “Every Child matters”  To ensure the safety and well being of Children and Young people, to reach their full potential.  Aims to improve and integrate childrens services  Gives Local Authorities a lead role

5  Brings together many other Acts such as :-  Equal Pay act (1970)  Sex discrimination (1975)  Race Relations Act (1976)  Disability and Discriminations Act (1995)  Updated to include direct and Inderect discrimiation and harrasment.

6  In Place from 2013  Raised the minimum age that a person can leave education or training from 16 to 17 in 2013  By 2015, the age will be raised to 18  Places a duty on local authorities to promote participation of your people in their areas.

7  Legislation and Acts are in place to ensure the safety, and wellbeing if individuals in the UK.

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