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Steps in the Dance of Divine – Human Cooperation

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Presentation on theme: "Steps in the Dance of Divine – Human Cooperation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steps in the Dance of Divine – Human Cooperation

2 “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” John 14:12 Co-operating with the Spirit changes us from passive bystanders into active participants with God in the great drama of redemption

3 Raising Lazarus – a case study
John 11:1-44

4 Love provides the context
Recognizing God’s kairos time Faith opening the door to God’s activity Jesus giving the command and the miracle Jesus – fully God and fully human

5 Identifying the dance steps

6 Dance steps of dynamic cooperation
Divine love drawing us into participation Intercessory prayer; inviting God’s engagement Faith clothed in obedience Receiving Divine guidance Spiritual discernment Welcoming the gifts and manifestations of the Spirit Seeing and responding to kairos moments

7 Kairos moments in chronos time

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