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Help Stop Child Abuse What You Need to Know... The Problem Georgia 2003 92,612 total reports92,612 total reports 27,911 real incidences27,911 real incidences.

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2 Help Stop Child Abuse What You Need to Know...

3 The Problem Georgia 2003 92,612 total reports92,612 total reports 27,911 real incidences27,911 real incidences Every 30 minutes a childEvery 30 minutes a child is a confirmed victim 70 fatalities70 fatalities 66% of child deaths related to abuse or neglect were determined to be preventable66% of child deaths related to abuse or neglect were determined to be preventable 83% of abusers are the parents of the child83% of abusers are the parents of the child Nation 2002 2.6 million total reports 896,000 real incidences Over ½ of all victims are under the age of seven Over 75% of child fatalities as a result of child abuse and neglect are children under the age of four The leading cause of maltreatment death is neglect In 73% of children who were sexually abused, the abuse lasted more than 5 years

4 Types of Abuse Neglect Physical Sexual Emotional

5 Possible Signs of Neglect Physical Neglect Not Providing:  Adequate food & clothing  Appropriate medical care care  Supervision  Proper weather protection protection (heat & coats) (heat & coats) Can include:  Abandonment Behavior  Stealing food  Constant fatigue  Inappropriate seeking of attention

6 ... more Possible Signs of Neglect Educational  Failure to provide appropriate appropriate schooling schooling  Failure to provide special education special education needs needs  Allowing excessive truancies truancies Psychological  Lack of any emotional support and love  Never attending to the child  Spousal abuse  Drug & alcohol abuse including allowing child to participate in drug and alcohol use.

7 Home Alone DFCS policy states: K Children 8 or younger should NEVER be left alone. K Children 9 -12 may be left alone for up to two hours at a time. (Based on maturity level) K Children 13 & older who are sufficiently mature may be left alone and may act as a baby-sitter as authorized by parents or caretakers for up to twelve hours. DFCS policy states: K Children 8 or younger should NEVER be left alone. K Children 9 -12 may be left alone for up to two hours at a time. (Based on maturity level) K Children 13 & older who are sufficiently mature may be left alone and may act as a baby-sitter as authorized by parents or caretakers for up to twelve hours.

8 Possible Indicators of Physical Abuse Physical Signs Unexplained bruises & welts Unexplained burns Unexplained fractures/dislocati ons Bald patches on scalp Behavioral Signs Wary of adult contact Aggressiveness or withdrawal Afraid to go home Manipulative behavior Poor self-concept

9 Possible Indicators of Sexual Abuse Physical Indicators  Difficulty in walking or sitting  Pain when urinating  Excessive masturbation Behavioral Indicators  Sophisticated sexual knowledge  Aggressive acting out  Poor peer relationship  Reports sexual abuse  Sexually acting out on younger children

10 Possible Signs of Emotional Abuse Possible Signs of Emotional Abuse Physical  Speech disorders  Behind in physical development  Failure to thrive  Hyperactive/disruptive behavior Behavioral  Bad Habits  Conduct/learning disorders  Behavior extremes  Suicide attempts  Behavior development lags

11 Georgia Law School employees are mandated reporters (follow protocol of reporting) Immunity from liability Confidential Failure to report – GUILTY of misdemeanor

12 Responses to Avoid ;Are you sure this is happening? ;Are you telling me the truth? ;Why are you telling me? ;Let me know if this happens again. ;Why didn’t you stop it? ;What did you do to make this happen?

13 Good Responses to a Child )I believe you. )I’m glad you told me. )It is not your fault this happened. )(Sexual) abuse is wrong. )I will do whatever I can to help you.

14 Reporting Abuse K Immediately tell the Counselor K If a Counselor is not available, talk with an Administrator. K No Counselor, No Administrator, (Have secretary or ASP Dir. contact Admin. by cell phone) K Call Susan Goethe or Brian Otott (BOE) (if Administrator cannot be contacted) K Information needed: Child’s name, Parents name, address, phone number.

15 Just think... You might just save a child’s life! Just think... You might just save a child’s life!

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