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EKT120: Computer Programming
Week 1 – Session 1 KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
General Information Syllabus – refer handout Contributes 4 units: 2 hours - lectures 4 hours – lab and tutorial Main Objective: Students can independently write a computer program to solve calculation problems, especially those related to engineering KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Overall Evaluation 4 main components: Assignments (30%) 1st & 2nd Test (15% +25%) Group Mini-project (30%) Assignments are individual lab The two tests are written tests Project : Max number of group member is 2 KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
References Text Book “ C Programming for Engineering & Computer Science ” H.H.Tan and T.B.Orazio, Mc Graw Hill, 1999. References “C Programming”, Dietal & Dietal “Problem Solving and Programming Concept”, Maureen Sprankle, 6th Ed. Any other C books WWW KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Notes This course is NOT about the language per se, it’s about problem solving / analytical skills & to apply C to solve problems. Write C program in Linux environment Please do early reading Do not hesitate to ask during lecture sessions KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Outline General Problem Solving Concept The six Steps in Problem Solving Problem Solving Concepts for the Computer Computer Fundamental Data - Constant and Variable Data Type Problem Solving Tool Problem Analysis Chart Structured Chart IPO Chart Algorithm Pseudocode and Flowchart Software System Software Application Software KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
General Problem Solving Concept
People make decisions every day that affect their lives. Problems that we encounter every day may be important or not so important (not so affected to our lives) Generally there are six (6) steps in problem solving. Identify the Problem: What is the problem – in the classroom usually problem is identified for you Understand the problem Identify alternative ways to solve the problem Select the best way to solve the problem List the instruction that enable you yo solve the problem Evaluate the solution KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
Understand the Problem
Understand what is involved in the problem. knowledge base of the person or machine resources. For e.g. if for a person, we must know what the person knows. Different set of instruction need to be given for a different person, depending on the knowledge base. E.g Direction of a place. KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
Identify Alternative way
Identify several way, how to solve the problem, but all this alternative way might suitable to some people but not to some other people. E.g. Direction to KWSP from Jejawi KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
Select the best way of the alternative solution
Here need to identify and evaluate the pros and cons of each possible solution. Thus, we need to identify the criteria for the evaluation as these criteria will serve as a guidelines for the evaluation. E.g. Which is the fastest and shortest way to KWSP from Jejawi. KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
List the Instructions List down the step-by-step numbered instruction enable to solve the problem using the selected solution. All the instruction should be understand by the targeted person or the machine. E.g 1. go straight 2. Will pass through round about 3. Take 12 o’clock 4. Up further, Until you reach junction with traffic light (where a police station on your right) 5. Take left. 6. You will reach another junction, and take right. 7. Go straight, you will see the KWSP building on your right. 8. Go up further untill you reach a round abou and make U turn 9. Go further until you reach KWSP building End KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Evaluate the Solution Check the result: Correct or not. Satisfy the need of the person or not Note: the result may be correct but not satisfy the person E.g The steps you have directed the person might be right, but the person does not drive. KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
Example – A problem What to do this evening
Identify the problem: How do individual wish to spend the evening. Understand The problem: Knowledge base of people involve must be considered So solution selected should be that everyone involved would know haw to do. E.g we select play chess might not possible if the participants does not know how to play chess. KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Continue … Identify alternative Watch television, Invite friends over, Play games, go outing. Complete the list until you can’t find any more alternatives. Select the best way to solve the problem Vote out alternatives that are not suitable, such as costly, do not interest one of individual involve etc. Prepare the list of instruction. Evaluate the solution. Everybody satisfy with the solution. Are we having fun? Etc. KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Types of Problems Algorithmic Solution – problem can be solved with a series of actions. So once we eliminate the alternatives and have chosen one best methods, these steps are called algorithm. Heuristic Solution – Problem with solutions require reasoning built on knowledge and experience, and a process of trial and error. Ussually use in the Artificial Intelligent software or Expert system softwware. KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
Problem Solving with Computer
Solution means the instructions that must follow to produce the best results. Results mean the outcome or completed computer – assisted answer. Program means the set of instructions that make up the solution after they have been coded into a particular computer language. KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
Problem Solving Concept with Computer
Computer Fundamental CPU – where all the processing take place Memory – store all data currently processed, before program can be execute, program must be loaded into memory Input Device – Device use to input data to be processed into computer Output Device – Device use to display processed data (output) Secondary Memory – Store permanent data (can be as output device. CPU Output Device Input Device Main Memory Secondary Memory KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
Problem Solving Concept For Computer
Problem that can be solve with computers generally consist of three: Computational – problem with mathematical processing Logical – problem involving with relational or logical processing. This is kind of processing involve in decision making. Repetitive – problem involving repeating a set of mathematical or logical instructions. KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
Constant and Variable (Data)
The most fundamental concept of problem solving for computer Computer use constant and variable to solve problem. They are actually the data used in the processing. Constant: Value that never changes during the processing of all the instructions. Can be any type of data – numerical, alphabetical, or special symbols. constant is given a location in memory or a name. During the execution of the instructions (a program) this constant is given a value and then is referred to by its name. Once the constant is given a value it cannot be changed during the execution of the program. Example Pi = 3.14 KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Continue … Variable: Value of a variable may changed during processing Variable must have a name Programmer uses the variable name as a reference name for a specific value of a variable. the computer uses the name as a reference to access that value in the computer memory KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
Example Constant And Variable
Rule: Cannot be change. Example: Value: Named Constant: Cannot be changed after initially given a value. Storage Loacation has a name Example: Pi Value Rule: Storage lacation given name Values of the content can be change. Refered by name in the instruction. Example Variable Name – Age Variable Name - Name 25 “selamat datang” 20 “Marina” KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
Data Types Data is unorganized facts, they go into computer as an input and are processed by the program. The outcome is the output or information in form of report or other meaning full format to the user. data uses are of many different types. We need to tell the computer the type of data for each of the variable used in the program. The most common data types are numerical, character (alphabetical), and logical. Computer Data process into Infomation output Output (report/information) Data (Unorganized fact) input KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Data Types Continue … Numerical Data: include all type of numbers. The only data used for calculation. They are integers and real numbers Character Data – Alphanumeric Data Consist of all single digit, letters, and special characters available to the computer, e.g. a to z, A to Z, 3, #, & etc, placed within quotation marks. Uppercase letter is different from the lowercase letter. can be compared and arranged in alphabetical order. Logical consist of two pieces of data in the data set, TRUE and FALSE. There are use in making yes-no decision KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Example of Data Types Data Data Type Explaination The price of item: 7.55, 12.99 Numerical: Real Would be use in the calculation An Account Number: “A444440” Character: String Consist of alphanumeric or simply numbers, cannot use in calculation Quantity integer Use in calculation, Integer because normally as a whole number A date: 10/07/06 Date or Character string If date data type is available use date, unless use character string An answer to a question: True / False Logical An answer to question: Do you like coffee, is either yes or no, therefore use logical KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
Organizing The Problem
There are several organizational tool can be used in problem solving Problem Analysis Chart – the beginning analysis of the problem Structured Chart – shows the overall layout or structure of the solution IPO Chart – shows the input, the procrssing and the output Algorithm is the sequence of instructions comprising the solution Flowcharts is the graphic representations of the algorithm. KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
Problem Analysis Chart (PAC)
Consist of 4 separate parts Section 1 - The given data – Data given or provided by user, can be known value or general name. Section 2 - The required result – Requirement for the output report, information needed and th format required. Section 3 - The processing – List of processing required, include equation or other type of processing, sort, searching and so forth. Section 4 - A list of solution – List of ideas for solution of the problem. Let consider Payroll problem calculating Gross Pay of a worker end of the day. Given Data Required Result Hours Pay Rate Gross Pay Processing Required Solution Alternative Gross Pay = Hours * Pay Rate Define the hours worked and pay rate as constant Define the hours worked and pay rate as input values KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Structured Chart Divide the problem into subtasks called modules or smaller subtasks. This breakdown enable you to view complex problems. It only shows you what will happen and not how its happen. Use Top-Down Solution method KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
IPO (Input-Processing-Output) Chart
IPO Extends and organizes the information in the problem analysis chart. Shows more detail what data items are inputs what processing takes place on the data, and what Input Processing Module Reference Number Output All input data (section 1 of PAC) All processing in steps (section 3 & 4 of PAC) Module Reference from structure chart All output requirements (section 1 & 2 from PAC) Input Processing Module Reference Number Output Hours Work Pay rate 1. Enter hours work 2. Enter Pay rate 3. Calculate Pay 4. Print Pay 5. End 1000 2000 3000 0000 Gross Pay KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Algorithms Organizing the solution where programmer develop a set of instruction for the computer and this is call algorithm. Pseudocode may be use, it is close to the actual programming language that the programmer will used later. To complete it, the programmer will write another separate set of instruction (coding/program) that will be understand by the computer. Instead of Pseudocode, we can also represent the set of instruction in term of Flowchart ( a graphic presentation of the algorithm. KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
Algorithm-Basic symbols of flowchart
Flowchart Symbol Explanation Flowlines Flow of the direction Start / Stop (terminator) A start and an end of a module. For some end for a main module and exit for other module Processing Processing block, for the calculation, and other step of instructions. Input / Output (I/O) Input and output data to from the computer memory. Decision Usually has one entrance and two exit. Process Module Task that process in different place, module Automatic Counter loop The number of loop execute will start with A, counter incremented by S, and until the end value B Connector on page off page Flowchart can be sectioned, the connector will show where the section continue counter A B S KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
Flowchart-(E.g from previous)
Algorithm Flowchart Main Module 1. Repeat Process Read Process Calc Process Print Until no more employee 2. End Read Module 1000 1. Read Hours, Payrate 2. Exit Calc Modul 2000 1. GrossPay = Hour * payrate Print Module 3000 1. Print Pay start start Read Read Hours, Payrate Calc Print exit false No more employee True end start start GrossPay = Hours * Payrate Print GrossPay exit exit KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Software Software is a program of the solution for a specific task that programmer develop. In computer science software are classified into : System software Application software KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Software System software : software manages the computer and its peripheral devices (hardware) E.g. Operating systems(OS) Text editor Preprocessor Language translator Linker Loader KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Software Application software : performs specific tasks There are two types: Program to solve specific problems Program written by user to solve specified problem E.g word processor, desktop publishing software, spreadsheets, database, graphics, communication, program perform a specific task such as accounting, scientific, engineering, education etc KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
Programming Languages
Programming language is divided into three categories: Machine Language High-Level Language KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Machine Language Language understood by the computer Bunch of 0’s and 1’s Program written in machine language can be executed without being translated Nevertheless, hard to learn because it is written in 0’s and 1’s Program is too long to solve simple problem Machine-dependant and not portable E.g KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Assembly Language It is a low level programming language. To make it easier for the programmer, the strings of 0’s and 1’s are replaced into instructions which resembles English language to represent computer operation element So easier to understand and written E.g LOAD rate MULT hour STOR wages KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
Assembly Language Nevertheless, need language translator called Assembler to change Assembly Language to Machine Code for execution purpose Assembler is a type of system software, that we use to translate our assembly code into binary code (understand by computer. KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
High-Level Language Example of high level programming language are, PASCAL, C - Language, Java, Visual Basic etc One instruction of it, consist several instructions in machine level or assembly language. E.g. Grosspay := Hourswork * Payrate; Before it can be executed by computer, the program must be changed to machine code before executed. For high level language compiler will translate the coding into assembly code and binary code. Compiler is a type of system software that we use to compile our C code. KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
EKT120: Computer Programming
End Week 1 – Session 1 Q & A! KUKUM Sem1-06/07 EKT120: Computer Programming
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