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A rhetorical approach to environmental information sharing Dr. Andrew Woolf, Bureau of Meteorology.

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Presentation on theme: "A rhetorical approach to environmental information sharing Dr. Andrew Woolf, Bureau of Meteorology."— Presentation transcript:

1 A rhetorical approach to environmental information sharing Dr. Andrew Woolf, Bureau of Meteorology

2 I Keep six honest serving-men: (They taught me all I knew) Their names are What and Where and When And How and Why and Who. Rudyard Kipling, The Elephant’s Child (Just So Stories, 1902)

3 Faceted search

4 Faceted (environmental) search

5 Systems for facet analysis Spiteri’s Principles for Choice of Facets Principle of Differentiation Principle of Relevance Principle of Ascertainability Principle of Permanence Principle of Homogeneity Principle of Mutual Exclusivity Principle of Fundamental Categories Spiteri (1998): A Simplified Model for Facet Analysis, Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, 23, p1-30. “clearly defined, mutually exclusive, and collectively exhaustive aspects, properties, or characteristics of a class or specific subject” Taylor (1992): Introduction to Cataloging and Classification, Englewood (CO), Libraries Unlimited.

6 Systems for facet analysis zGeneraliaHGeologyOLiterature 1Universe of KnowledgeHZMiningPLinguistics 2Library ScienceIBotanyQReligion 3Book ScienceJAgricultureRPhilosophy 4JournalismKZoologySPsychology ANatural SciencesKZAnimal HusbandryΣSocial Sciences ßMathematical SciencesLMedicineTEducation BMathematicsLZPharmacognosyUGeography ГPhysical SciencesMUseful ArtsVHistory CPhysicsΔSpiritual Experience and MysticismWPolitical Science DEngineeringΜHumanities and Social SciencesXEconomics EChemistryvHumanitiesYSociology FTechnologyNFine ArtsYZSocial Work GBiologyNZLiterature and languageZLaw,Personality ;Matter-or-Property :Energy.Space ‘Time “Circulation of periodicals in University Libraries in India up to the 1970s” University Libraries Periodicals Circulation India Up to the 1970s 2,34 ;46 :6.44 ‘N7 Ranganathan (1963): Colon Classification, 6th Ed, Madras Library Association (422p). (PMEST)

7 Systems for facet analysis PersonalityWho Matter-or-PropertyWhat EnergyHow SpaceWhere TimeWhen quisquidquandoubicurquem ad modumquibus adminiculis who?what?when?where?why?in what way?by what means? Ranganathan’s PMEST (according to commentators) Hermagoras of Temnos (1 st century BC). ‘Seven circumstances’ as loci of any hypothetical question:

8 ‘Five Ws’ as facets for environmental information?

9 Faceted (environmental) search

10 Australian Bureau of Meteorology

11 National Plan for Environmental Information Empowering Australians to discover, access and use environmental information for informed decision-making… National Environmental Information Infrastructure (NEII)

12 Foundation: spatial data infrastructure

13 Supplement with: ‘Five Ws’ for environmental information “indicators for national SoE reporting” “PM10 particulate concentration” “within the Sydney Basin” “nephelometer” “January 2007 – October 2012” “Department of Environment” ‘Observations and Measurements’: An Observation event measures a property of/on a feature-of-interest using a procedure and generating a result WHAT HOW WHERE WHEN

14 Information viewpoint (1/2) 1. Monitoring sites / networks 3. Observations 2. Observing methods 5. Gridded data 4. Geographies

15 Information viewpoint (2/2) 8. Dataset/service metadata 7. Information models 9. Parameters / observables 6. Species taxonomies

16 Engineering viewpoint (1/3) metadata 1. Catalogue environmental parameters 2. Vocabulary Service WHAT WHO WHEN WHY

17 Engineering viewpoint (2/3) monitoring sites / networks 3. Monitoring Sites Register instruments, protocols, etc. 4. Observing Methods Register WHERE HOW

18 Engineering viewpoint (3/3) geography observations 5. Environmental Information Services

19 Computational viewpoint Interface nameReferenceDescription Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW) OGC 07-006r1 (CSW v2.0.2) For searching over collections of descriptive standardised discovery metadata Web Feature Service (WFS) OGC 04-094 (WFS 1.1.0) For filtering and retrieving data from information providers Sensor Observation Service (SOS) OGC 06-009r6 (SOS 1.0.0) For retrieving observation data, especially time series Web Map Service (WMS) OGC 06-042 (WMS 1.3.0) For requesting rendered maps of datasets SISSVocSISSVoc 3.0For accessing standard vocabularies and terms

20 Technology viewpoint ComponentDescription THREDDSGridded data delivery service FullMoonUML-to-GML schema conversion tool, for information model development GeoNetworkMetadata catalogue SISSVocVocabulary publishing service GeoserverData access service 52NorthSensor Observation Service

21 ‘O&M broker’ view NEII services sites parameters obs methods ‘provider tier’ ‘client tier’ ‘O&M broker tier’’

22 Andrew Woolf Thank you… NEII Reference Architecture:

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