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Matthew Irwin James Kamensky Patrick Roosta Lance Nossen.

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1 Matthew Irwin James Kamensky Patrick Roosta Lance Nossen


3 “Who so must be a man must be a non- conformist.” To be a man, one must be an individual. Life is not worth living if one cannot think for themselves.

4 “Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.” In the end, the only thing you can really believe in is yourself. When all else fails, one can always look inside their-self.

5 “It is easy in solitude to look after our own.” When in solitude, one finds it easier to look after themselves without the troubles of everyday life. To be in solitude means to be alone, or remote from others.

6 “Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this” There is no difference between good and bad. What we believe to be a positive or negative thing comes from our thoughts and emotions.

7 “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will lead a success unexpected in common hours” People that act on their dreams and desires are more likely to achieve what they want out of life. Whereas, those people that fail to act are not as likely to achieve greatness.


9 “This whole Earth which we inhabit is but a point in space.” The universe is much bigger than we are. Our position on Earth is a mere spec when compared to the rest of outer space. We are but a single organism.

10 “An honest man has hardly need to count more than his ten fingers, or in extreme cases he may add his ten toes.” One’s mental thought is his/her greatest resource. Although we may be able use other methods to solve our problems, the first thing rely on is our mental thought.

11 “However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names.” Even when life brings trials and tribulations, you need to cherish it and accept what you have.

12 “No man loses ever on a lower level by magnanimity on a higher.” It doesn’t matter how generous you are as long as you give what you have. Sharing whatever wealth you have is helping the greater good.

13 “Let us spend on day as deliberately as nature, and not be thrown off the track by every nutshell and mosquito’s wing that falls on the rails.” Nature is always at peace with itself unlike man’s way of life which is often filled with tension. For a man to satisfy his inner being he must be in a tranquil environment away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

14 Live Like You Were Dying By: Tim McGraw He said I was finally the husband that most the time I wasn’t and I became a friend a friend would like to have and all the sudden going fishin’ Wasn’t such an imposition and I went three times that year I lost my dad well I finally read the good book and I took a good long hard look at what I’d do if I could do it all again. This is an example of free thought. He is expressing his sorrow for not living life to it’s fullest and not appreciating what he had. This reflects in nature because he realizes that he needs to enjoy what nature can offer him so he can appreciate the beauty of what it holds. Lance Nossen

15 The Worlds Greatest By: R. Kelly I am a mountain, I am a tall tree, ohhhhh I am a swift wind sweepin' the country I am a river, down in the valley, ohhhhhh I am a vision, and I can see clearlyyy If anybody asks you who I am Just stand up tall Look 'em in the face and saaaaay I'm that star up in the sky I'm that mountain peak up hiiigh Hey, I made it(Um) I'm the world's greatest And I'm that little bit of hope When my back's against the rooopes I can feel it(Um) I'm the world's greatest This is an example of self-confidence. He is telling how he has achieved so much to become so great. This reflects to nature, in the sense that his greatness is like something solid in the world. He compares it to a mountain, which is immovable. He also says he is like a tall tree that sticks out above all others around it. This means that he thinks of himself as someone that will last forever. Patrick Roosta

16 Three Little Birds By: Bob Marley Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right" - I won't worry! Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right." Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, oh no! 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right! Don’t worry about what happens in your life because overall everything is going to turn out ok. Things may seem bad but it’s all a part of life that will eventually even itself out and be what you want it to. Everybody goes through tough times and the people that make it out will be stronger than the one’s that give up so you need to keep fighting. Life is a part of nature and nature can always adapt when given ample time. Matthew Irwin

17 Transcendentalism Patrick Roosta T he world around us is ever changing, and so are we. R emember, nature helps us, so in return we should help nature. A nyone can make a difference in the world, just do it for the better. N o-one can tell you that you’re useless, prove them wrong. S top dreaming about how you can help the world, just get out there and do it. C herish the moments that are given to you, don’t let them slip away. E veryone’s different, that’s what makes us unique individuals. N ature isn’t perfect, but neither are people. D on’t give up when life gets rough, it will only make you stronger. E very tree grows differently, just as a person does. N ature is very resourceful, and if everyone works together, so are we. T he bark on a tree is like our skin, it has its own colour and provides us with protection. A s a tree grows it becomes stronger and more mature, in a sense, so does a person. L eaves on trees are like clothes on people, they change every season. I f it weren’t for nature, we wouldn’t have a place to live. But if it weren’t for us, nature wouldn’t be protected. S ociety resembles nature in that, everyone and everything works together to keep the “society” intact. M ake the most of what you have in life, not what you could have.

18 Transcendentalism Patrick Roosta The meaning of the ABC poem is to show the relationship that we, people, have with nature. The poem expresses the similarities between nature and people, such as “ The bark on a tree is like our skin, it has its own colour and provides us with protection.” This quote is telling us how even trees in nature have their own individuality, such as people do. In fact, we don’t realize how similar our lives are to nature.

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