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Astrophysics Cosmology - the study of the nature of the universe.

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2 Astrophysics Cosmology - the study of the nature of the universe

3 1. The cosmological principle has a profound role in the development of cosmology. Describe the principles of homogeneity and isotropy.  Homogeneity - the universe looks uniform - uniform  Isotropy - no one direction is special in comparison with any other direction

4 2. How would the principles of homogeneity and isotropy be violated in the universe had an edge or a center?  Edge - part near the edge would look different  Center - looking from the center would show a different picture than from any other point

5 3. In your own words, describe Olber’s Paradox.  The stars are on a series of shells. Each shell contributes the same amount of energy (closer shells have fewer stars but appear brighter).  The are an infinite number of shells, so total energy is infinite. The night sky should be infinitely bright, but it is not.

6 4. What are three reasons why the radiation received by an observer is small and finite?  1. There are a finite number of stars with a finite life - the total radiation is small and finite compared to an infinite number of stars with an infinite life.  2. Some stars are so far away that the light hasn’t had enough time to reach us.  3. Received radiation is red-shifted and contains less energy (remember E=hf?)

7 5. Describe how Red Shift supports the Big Bang Theory of an expanding universe.  The dark lines in absorption spectra are red-shifted (shifted toward the red end of the spectrum)  Red light has a longer and a lower f, indicating that the universe is expanding outward (remember the Doppler Effect?)  Emission spectra are also red-shifted, but they are usually too faint to see

8 6. Explain the statement: The universe is not expanding into empty space.  The galaxies moving away from us aren’t moving into empty space- space is being created between the galaxies  The increasing distance between the galaxies creates an illusion of galaxies moving relative to each other

9 7. According to Penzias and Wilson, there is background radiation in the universe, filling all space. Where do they believe that it comes from?  It is uniform in all directions  It is the remnant of the hot explosion at the beginning of time  It is the afterglow of an enormous temperature from an early universe - temperature of space has fallen to 2.7K

10 8. How old is the universe? Describe the Big Bang Theory.  The universe is 14 billion years old.  It started as infinitesimally small (single point) with enormous heat and pressure  At t=0 a gigantic explosion set matter moving outward - distant galaxies are receding

11 9. What is the main experimental evidence in support of the Big Bang Theory?  1. Expanding universe  2. Cosmic background radiation  3. Helium abundance - 25% of the universe by mass

12 10. Distinguish between a closed, open,and flat universe. How are they related to critical density? GeometryDensityTypeVolumeExpansion hyperbolicp<p c openinfiniteforever Euclideanp=p c flat (open)infiniteforever, but slows down sphericalp>p c closedfinite stops, followed by collapse


14 11. How is critical density estimated?  Estimated using Hubble’s Law, energy, and approximated as a sphere  Critical density of the universe 10 -26 kg-m -3

15 12. How do WIMPS and MACHOS make it difficult to estimate the mass density of the universe?  WIMPS - weakly interactive massive particles - include neutrinos and other particles  Neutrino masses are not yet determined  MACHOS - mass compact halo objects, include objects like black and brown dwarfs  Dwarfs are dark matter - too cold to radiate - can’t see them

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