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Presentation on theme: "  Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works.  Drugs are substances that are used to treat or prevent."— Presentation transcript:


2  Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works.  Drugs are substances that are used to treat or prevent diseases. They are also used to relieve pains, to help control mental or physical ailments, and even to help diagnose illnesses.  Drugs are substances of natural or synthetic origin which can alter the emotional state, perception, body functioning or behavior of an organism.

3  Many people use drugs for some unexplained reasons but the most common reasons are:  To feel relaxed.  To forget problems.  Some teens use drugs to cope with stress.  Problems at home  Problems in relationships  Problems in school or working place

4  Opium  Heroin  Hashish (marijuana)  Cocaine  Ecstasy  Barbiturates  Mandrax (highly addictive)  Cigarette is one of the pharmaceutical form of the tobacco that is world largest selling drug.

5  Heroin affects nerve cells and damage the brain, heart, and other important organs.  Mandrax, Heroin, Marijuana (dagga) and Lsd produce unwanted thoughts and they can lead to crime or suicide.  Barbiturate which cause depression of the central nervous system.  Cocaine, for instance, can cause a heart attack.

6  Drug addict looks pale and intoxicated.  He lives in a world of fantasy, forgetting everything.  Drugs make him sleepy and depressed.  About 1.5 million people are drug addicts and ruined their lives.

7  We caught in the net of drugs by  Bad companions  Drug pusher who offer free in the beginning.  Or it may be in the form of “sweet chalia” “sonf sapari” etc.  By represent horror stories.  By placing public service advertisement abou drugs.  By arranging seminars, speeches and walks in cities and towns.

8  In 1987 our government destroyed poppy crops over vast areas by aerial spray in the NWFP.  Government has setup rehabilitation center in the bib hospital in all big cities for the treatment and rehabilitation of addicts.  Cultivation of pappy has been baned.  Heroin laboratories in tribal areas has been closed down.

9  We have to be strong enough to refuse the offer of a stranger and stop smoking.  We should stop smoking which causes bronchitis and lungs cancer.  Like other countries the advertisement of cigarettes on the electronic media and in the newspapers should be banned to save children from this temptation.  We are those who save the future of Pakistan by stopping these.


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