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VENETO. Treviso’s typical products and dishes The Trevisan’s zone is a pleasure for the eyes and the palate; it is a region to be thoroughly enjoyed,

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Presentation on theme: "VENETO. Treviso’s typical products and dishes The Trevisan’s zone is a pleasure for the eyes and the palate; it is a region to be thoroughly enjoyed,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Treviso’s typical products and dishes The Trevisan’s zone is a pleasure for the eyes and the palate; it is a region to be thoroughly enjoyed, visited and discovered from a gastronomic viewpoint. It offers both locals and tourists a network of quality shops that are distinguished by the wholesomeness and freshness of their local traditional products as well as by their welcoming attitude, cordiality and in-depth knowledge of Treviso specialities.

3 RADICCHIO TREVIGIANO Radicchio is a leaf chicory, sometimes known as Italian chicory. It is grown as a leaf vegetable which usually has white-veined red leaves. Radicchio is a leaf chicory, sometimes known as Italian chicory. It is grown as a leaf vegetable which usually has white-veined red leaves.chicoryleaf vegetablechicoryleaf vegetable

4 PORCHETTA Porchetta is a savory, fatty, and moist boneless pork roast of Italian culinary tradition. Porchetta is a savory, fatty, and moist boneless pork roast of Italian culinary tradition. porkItalian porkItalian

5 Sopressa Sopressa is an Italian aged salami, produced with pork, lard, salt, pepper, spices and sometimes garlic. It is a typical product of the Veneto, in northern Italy. Sopressa is an Italian aged salami, produced with pork, lard, salt, pepper, spices and sometimes garlic. It is a typical product of the Veneto, in northern Italy.Italiansalamiporklardsaltpepperspicesgarlic VenetoItaliansalamiporklardsaltpepperspicesgarlic Veneto

6 Asiago Asiago cheese is an Italian cheese that according to the different aging can assume different textures, from smooth for the fresh Asiago cheese to a crumbly texture for the aged cheese of which the flavor is reminiscent of sharp Cheddar and Parmesan. Asiago cheese is an Italian cheese that according to the different aging can assume different textures, from smooth for the fresh Asiago cheese to a crumbly texture for the aged cheese of which the flavor is reminiscent of sharp Cheddar and Parmesan.ItaliancheeseagingtextureflavorCheddarParmesanItaliancheeseagingtextureflavorCheddarParmesan

7 Drunk Cheese Called "Formaio Imbriago" is obtained dipping the form of the cheese in fresh vinacce. This procedure confers to the cheese an hard and opaque crust. Called "Formaio Imbriago" is obtained dipping the form of the cheese in fresh vinacce. This procedure confers to the cheese an hard and opaque crust.

8 Grappa Grappa is a fragrant grape-based pomace brandy of between 37.5% and 60% alcohol by volume (75 to 120 US proof), of Italian origin. Grappa is a fragrant grape-based pomace brandy of between 37.5% and 60% alcohol by volume (75 to 120 US proof), of Italian origin.grapepomace brandy alcohol by volumeUS proof Italiangrapepomace brandy alcohol by volumeUS proof Italian In Italy, grappa is primarily served as a "digestivo" or after-dinner drink In Italy, grappa is primarily served as a "digestivo" or after-dinner drinkItaly

9 Prosecco Prosecco is an Italian wine made from a variety of white grape of the same name. The grape is grown mainly in the Veneto region of Italy, traditionally in an area near Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, in the hills north of Treviso. Prosecco is an Italian wine made from a variety of white grape of the same name. The grape is grown mainly in the Veneto region of Italy, traditionally in an area near Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, in the hills north of Treviso.winegrapeVenetoConegliano ValdobbiadeneTrevisowinegrapeVenetoConegliano ValdobbiadeneTreviso

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