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EARTH MATERIALS EQ:What are igneous rocks? An igneous rock is a naturally occurring solid that forms from a hot liquid mineral assemblage that cools and.

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Presentation on theme: "EARTH MATERIALS EQ:What are igneous rocks? An igneous rock is a naturally occurring solid that forms from a hot liquid mineral assemblage that cools and."— Presentation transcript:

1 EARTH MATERIALS EQ:What are igneous rocks? An igneous rock is a naturally occurring solid that forms from a hot liquid mineral assemblage that cools and freezes. Igneous Rock Primer CLASSROOM UNSQUARED

2 Igneous Rock Classification (Identification Key)Identification Key COMPOSITION TEXTURETEXTURE Felsic (light color) IntermediateMafic (dark color) Ultramafic Large Crystals (Intrusive or Plutonic) GraniteDioriteGabbroPeridotite Fine/no Crystals (Extrusive or Volcanic) RhyoliteAndesiteBasalt Large and Fine Crystals Porphyry Vesicular (Extrusive) PumiceScoria Glassy (Extrusive) Obsidian Fragmented (Extrusive) Tuff Quartz Orthoclase Na-plagioclase Muscovite Na-Ca plag. Amphibole Ca-plag. Pyroxene Olivine


4 Name and classify these rocks! 1

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14 Answers to ID Test 1. Felsic intrusive - granite 2. Felsic extrusive - rhyolite 3. Mafic extrusive - basalt 4. Mafic intrusive - gabbro 5. Mafic vesicular - scoria 6. Mafic glassy - obsidian 7. Intermediate intrusive - diorite 8. Intermediate extrusive – andesite 9. Intermediate fragmented - tuff 10. Intermediate int./ext. – porphyry


16 Separation of Minerals in a Partial Melt

17 Igneous Rock Bodies

18 Mafic Composition Felsic Composition

19 What are these volcanic features?

20 More…

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